Food and drinkRecipes

Dishes from pike: recipe and description

For example, in the Russian folk tale about Emelya, nobody was going to eat on the oven magic-fish - and it was the pike ear and other pike dishes, the recipe of which was passed from generation to generation, were considered the main culinary dishes. This fish is found in large rivers, therefore it is considered to be the wet nurse of the Slavic people.

Dishes from pike are a recipe, which, in general, can be attributed to delicacies in our days. At least because the fish is a distant relative of sturgeon and beluga. Even pike caviar is consumed - a delicious cold snack along with boiled quail eggs and horseradish. Pike meat contains a large amount of phosphorus and chromium, PP and E vitamins, it is recommended that such meat be consumed by diabetics and even in some types of fasting.

The basic feature of pike dishes (photos presented here) is the inexpensive cost of meat. Elastic, slightly smelling of mildew, but lean pike fillet should be baked in its own juice - this is perhaps the most useful and tasty way of cooking. On the other hand, you can boil an ear, make ravioli and pies, grind a pike forcemeat and cook them fish cakes. Young scumbags are suitable for this. Also pike does not like excessive spices - just a little bit of pepper to taste, salt - in a rare case.

Recipe: Roast pike

Recipes of dishes from pike mean the simplicity of cooking. So in this case: we take an adult pike fillet, one lemon, a few herbs for fish, pepper and salt, wheat flour flour and olive oil for frying. Pre-fish should be cleaned of hard scales, to cut, remove bones and entrails. Finished fillet once again wash and wipe dry, cut into pieces. Each salt, pepper and add herbs (suitable rosemary, fennel, thyme, coriander). Leave for half an hour to marinate.

Heat the frying pan in oil and fry the fish on both sides, pre-roll in flour. You can serve with a vegetable side dish, a slice of lemon and dill.

Shchyot cutlets: recipe

Cutlets are light and appetizing dishes from pike. The recipe is simple: we take pike fillets - gram 300, mushrooms - 40 g, onions - 40 g, carrots - 60 g, flour - 40 g, Iceberg and Frize salad - 20 grams, salt and pepper to taste.

Onions peeled and shredded. Carrots also wash and clean, cut into rings or small cubes. Wash the champignons and cut them too. We put it on the frying pan and fry until the golden hue of onion appears in the vegetable oil, then cool it.

We cut off the pike: we remove scales, head and tail, bones and insides. Together with chilled vegetables minced meat is passed through the meat grinder twice, then solo and pepper. Use better white pepper. Pike dishes are a recipe that is enough for 4 large or 6 small cutlets.

Roll in flour and fry in a heated frying pan on both sides until crisp (5 minutes). Then open the heated oven and put the cutlets there - "go", as they say. So they will turn out even more fragrant and juicy. You can immediately bake patties or cook for a couple in accordance with the modes offered by the multivariate. Serve on a plate lined with lettuce leaves.

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