Food and drinkRecipes

Cake with fish and rice - traditional Russian kulebyaka

A cake with fish and rice, or kulebyaka - is a well-known traditional dish of Russian cuisine. It consists of salmon, rice, eggs, green peas and mushrooms, wrapped in puff pastry. This dish will occupy a central place on every table, on a holiday and weekday. It can be prepared in any form - it all depends on your imagination.

Yes, there are a million ways to cook a pie with fish and rice! This recipe will help you get started, and I promise that your family will be delighted. Its preparation requires some effort, but you will be satisfied with the result. Prepare the filling easily. It is more difficult to stuff a pie with rice and fish and decorate it properly. For these purposes, it is easiest to use the ready-made puff pastry, which is sold in each supermarket, and a simple oval or rectangular shape.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a ready-made dough or have a desire to do everything yourself, then use the following recipe that will help you prepare a perfect puff pastry with fish:


  • 225 g of butter;
  • 2 cups of sifted flour;
  • 2/3 glasses of ice water.

Mix a quarter cup of flour with a cool oil (200 g) until smooth pasta. Form a square, about 1-1.5 cm thick. Cover and cool for 30 minutes.

Separately, mix the cold water with the remaining butter and the remaining flour (2-3 g of salt can be added).

Knead the dough for one minute. Cover and cool for 30 minutes. On a floured board, roll the dough on a water basis to a thickness of 1 cm.

Place the butter dough on the resulting square and fold it in an envelope. Roll it to a thickness of 1 cm and fold again. Leave to cool for 10 minutes. Repeat the operation 6-8 times. The dough is ready for use.

There are several options for the filling, which is put in a pie with fish and rice, but the base remains mandatory: red fish and rice. To it you can add boiled eggs, carrots, green peas, mushrooms, onions.
So, to prepare a pie with fish and rice we will need:

  • 675 g of fresh salmon without skin, sliced;
  • 450 g finely chopped mushrooms;
  • 2 cups of boiled rice;
  • 2 bulbs of medium size;
  • 5 g fresh dill, finely chopped;
  • Juice of one, medium size, lemon;
  • 1 beaten egg;
  • 15 g of olive oil;
  • 55 g of butter;
  • Freshly ground black pepper and salt.

Let's start cooking. Preheat the oven to 200 °. Place 1 sheet of puff pastry on a lightly sprinkled surface. Give it the shape of a fish, nib with a fork all over the area and bake for 10-12 minutes on a sheet with a non-stick surface. After this, let it cool down, and leave the oven on.
In a bowl, mix the rice, parsley, dill, salt and pepper, then lay it on the dough.

In a frying pan heat the oil, add the carrots and fry, stirring, over medium heat, for 2-3 minutes. Now you can add trout and peas. Fry until the fish starts to change color, but do not make it ready. Pay attention, you need to be very careful that the fish does not crumble, and the slices are small and stayed. Turn off the fire, add the lemon juice. Spoon gently lay out the mixture in Fig.

The second piece of puff pastry cover the filling and protect the edges. Decorate the resulting fish with "scales" from the dough and oil with a beaten egg.
Bake in a preheated oven for about ten minutes, then lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for about 30 minutes.
Allow to cool on the sheet before cutting into slices. Serve warm. In most cases, a pie with fish and rice is offered with soup, but can be served both as a main course or as a snack.

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