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Shungite water

Recently, a growing number of people have been using water treated in a special way. One of the varieties of this kind of liquid is schungite water. She insists on shungite - a mineral containing up to 98% carbon, 4% hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur compounds. Such minerals as nickel, selenium, vanadium, molybdenum, and tungsten are found in this mineral. This element, which has a deep black color, is mined on an industrial scale near the village of Shunga, located in Karelia, from where, in fact, it got its name.

The mineral schungite, which the healers have been treating for many centuries, was formed from bottom sediments of organic origin - sapropel, which is about six hundred million years old. Other sources prove that sapropel was formed even earlier. Organic sediments (biomass of plants and animals) were covered again and again with new layers, eventually thickened, lost moisture and plunged deeper. Under the sediments and under the influence of high temperature, a process of transformation took place. As a result, a fullerene-allotropic form of carbon was formed, which is characteristic of schungite. This molecular compound in this mineral is in a hydrated form, so it can easily dissolve in water.

Washing out of shungite, fullerenes form an aqueous solution, which for today is their only active form. This solution is a powerful antioxidant. He effectively copes with such substances formed in the body as free radicals, which destroy various functional systems.

Fullerenes when exposed to radicals are not consumed and work in the body until they are eliminated from the body by natural means. This action is based on the use of such a medicinal product as shungit water. It affects the human biofield, normalizes and strengthens it. It also affects virtually all biochemical processes occurring in the body, relieves pain with radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis. Shungitic water helps to restore joints, muscles and blood vessels. When this product is used for cosmetic purposes (rinsing), the skin is cleansed of acne, it becomes elastic, smoothed from fine wrinkles. Rinsing of hair with such a means promotes the growth of their growth, strengthening and healthy shine. Shungit baths help with skin diseases, wounds, diaper rash and irritations.

Currently, official medicine only tests the properties of schungite and its effect on the human body, so do not consider the use of such water as a panacea for all diseases.

There are two radically opposite opinions about the ways of preparation and use of this tool:

1. Shungit water, which is infused on a mineral, becomes not only a purified drinking water, but also a solution of hydrated fullerenes, related to medicinal and preventive agents with multifaceted effects on the body. This opinion was voiced by O. Mosin. (PhD in Chemistry).

2. Shungite cleans water only when it is part of special filters for cleaning liquids, and water, infused on a single piece of mineral, can bring a person and tangible harm. This opinion was voiced by the director of the Karelian Institute of Geology Shchiptsov V.

The intensity of dissolution in the water of fullerenes depends on the degree of shungite shredding. The more a piece of mineral, the longer it will have to infuse water. Such a liquid can be stored for a very long time.

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