
Arthritis, arthrosis. Causes and symptoms of diseases

Arthritis, arthrosis - is a disease of the joints. They are caused by various causes.

The consequence of infectious diseases, joint injuries, the presence of otitis media, tonsillitis, lesions of the teeth is most often arthritis. Arthrosis occurs in diseases of the endocrine system, when the metabolic processes in the body are violated, as a result of the resulting injury or the constant wearing of shoes smaller than the prescribed size. It can also appear in people whose profession is associated with a heavy load on the joints: dancers, athletes.

Both diseases (arthritis, arthrosis) have completely different symptoms, which makes it easy to differentiate them. In different ways, joint damage occurs. Pain in them, worse with any movement, stiffness, especially with prolonged flow - so arthritis appears. Arthrosis, on the contrary, is manifested by pains that appear in a state of complete rest and disappear after a small load, in which case they say that it is necessary to "disperse". With prolonged exertion, the pain intensifies again, becomes constant.

Have these diseases and a common feature - the swelling of the joint. When arthritis in its cavity accumulates effusion - an inflammatory fluid, which often leads to a change in its shape and shape. Also the skin reddens over the affected joint. The disease is accompanied by weakness, a general increase in body temperature or only at the site of inflammation.

With arthrosis joints also swell, become painful when palpating, crunch during extension and flexion. In large joints, too, fluid accumulates, leading to a change in shape. Spondylarthrosis is accompanied by pain in the heart or abdomen. They are caused by the fact that the bones proliferate and squeeze the nerve roots, injure them.

At an overload of the amazed joints arthritis, an arthrosis is usually exacerbated. Treatment of diseases depends on the localization of inflammation and, of course, on the stage in which it is located. Therapy should be timely and strictly consistent with the prescription of the doctor. In addition, the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, the elimination of a heavy load on the area of the patient's joint are important conditions that must be observed so that arthrosis and arthritis disappear.

Treatment of the latter can be complicated by a chronic course and requires a slightly different approach. It should include the reception of modern medicines, massage, special gymnastics. At the initial stage, such treatment is quite effective, and the patient completely recovers. However, in advanced cases there is a transition of arthritis to a chronic form, joints are disfigured, become stiff. Massage and physical education is conducted, without delaying, as soon as acute events pass. You should start with simple exercises aimed at alternating the muscle tension and relaxing them, and gradually complicate them. Training should be systematic and persistent, as a sparing regime will only aggravate the situation, make joints even less mobile. Seriously difficult to treat arthritis is the patient's overweight. On the prescription of the doctor, you can use fluids, gels, ointments to rub the inflamed joints, but it should be borne in mind that these drugs have not the main, therapeutic effect, but additional, distracting. Home remedies used for the same purposes may be dangerous because of the possible containment of strong chemical compounds that cause skin burns. Spa treatment can also be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor and only during the period of the abatement of the inflammatory process (remission).

But, as you know, the disease is easier to prevent than treat. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the foci of infection in the body in time, monitor the condition of the oral cavity, become hardened, avoid overcooling and sudden temperature changes.

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