HealthHealthy Eating

Raw food. Harm or benefit?

What is raw food, everyone understands. This is a kind of food ration, in which products can not be cooked. Simply put, food is not brewed, baked, and eaten raw.

There is a lot of similar between vegetarians and raw food. After all, they believe that the greatest benefit is found in vegetables and fruits, as well as in cereals. However, the raw-eaters often refuse to eat meat and fish.

There are several reasons why people come to raw food. One of them is a strong desire to lose weight. The new diet does not contain a lot of calories or preservatives. In addition, there is no excess of salt, which means that water in the human body does not stay for long. Hence the possibility of gradual weight loss.

Someone comes to raw food for the sake of getting rid of diseases. The thing is that with this menu, the body cleanses. After all some toxic substances with food already the organism does not receive. Normally, the metabolism comes, as well as immunity. The risk of oncological diseases is significantly reduced.

Many people prefer raw food as a means of living for many years. In such people, all internal processes begin to flow slowly, because to absorb a huge number of proteins is no longer required. On the contrary, raw carbohydrates receive more carbohydrates, which makes it possible for raw foodists to become hardy.

Despite their dignity, there are many facts that indicate the harm of raw food. It is worth noting that in some cases this regime is completely contraindicated.

Raw food. Disease in diseases

Doctors do not recommend sticking to raw food if there is urolithiasis. It is especially important to get full-fledged food if there is a disturbance in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium. Negative effect on chronic and acute pancreatitis is a raw diet. Harm is applied to health, if you eat only raw food with gout.

Cholecystitis, peptic ulcer and stomach ulcers also do not accept raw food. Finally, after some surgical interventions for a long time, too, it is not necessary to adhere to such a diet.

Raw food. Harm to the body

Each plant in itself accumulates a lot of harmful substances. All of them have an undue influence on human health. Of course, with raw food they all fall inside. Constantly accumulating, they can suddenly turn into an unpleasant disease. Of course, all these substances are destroyed if they are thermally treated.

Some raw foods can cause allergies. And indeed, even a person who simply eats fruits and berries, it can manifest. And among the raw food, this risk rises.

One of the reasons for not using heat treatment products is the loss of valuable vitamins. It is worth disenchanting raw food. The main thing is to make the culinary treatment correctly. However, there is such a provitamin A, which can be obtained only by performing heat treatment with the addition of fats for better assimilation.

It is very important that the raw food producers receive the whole complex of nutrients. Therefore, knowledge is needed to help balance nutrition. For an unknowing person, raw diet is harm.

Very great harm to the body is caused by bacteria and parasites, which fall along with raw foods. In raw meat and fish there are also worms that disappear after heat treatment. This means that raw food eaters are more prone to trichinellosis, anisakidosis, opisthorchiasis and other serious and dangerous diseases.

Raw Stars

No matter how much talk about the dangers of raw food, some still adhere to this form of nutrition. Of the famous raw people, Demi Moore can be distinguished. Despite her active work schedule, she looks great. In addition, she also has three children. The actress is sure that raw food is a way to remove all harmful substances from her body.

Uma Thurman is also a fan of raw food. She is convinced that beauty, health and energy is attached to her diet.

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