HealthDiseases and Conditions

If a person is bitten by a dog what to do first

Despite the generally accepted opinion that a dog is a man's friend, the fact that a hundred dogs bitten a man is by no means a rarity. This problem is especially urgent in the spring and autumn - periods of the off-season are equally affecting the psyche of all mammals, including humans, but large predators are especially dangerous, and in urban conditions these are dogs. Every day hundreds of people with injuries from canine bites of various degrees of complexity turn to the trauma centers. Such a situation for natural reasons leaves a person in perplexity and panic, and he can not always orient in case he was bitten by a dog what to do and what not to do in any case impossible.

The panic and even the shock of a man bitten by a dog is understandable: it is a natural reaction to a predator attack. Very often after this, a person feels a breakdown - this is also a natural reaction of the body to the stress experienced and, possibly, the mobilization of all physical abilities to repel an attack, and therefore, coming home, immediately goes to bed. This can not be done in any case - you need to act, and it's urgent. The opposite situation is that the bitten man exhibits erratic motor activity - this is also a reaction to stress, but in this case, at least you can give him a sedative and help to take the right actions.

So, if someone has bitten by a dog what to do next? First, you need to immediately seek medical help, since such bites are fraught with all sorts of consequences. First you need to assess his condition: if the wounds are shallow and do not interfere with the movement, this does not mean that everything is all right, and go to the emergency room after all - it is there that they provide first aid to bitten animals. If the condition is severe, or the wounds are deep, and the bleeding is intense, then you need to immediately call an ambulance, otherwise things can end very badly. It is common knowledge that the earlier the first aid is provided for various injuries, the faster and more fully will be able to minimize their consequences, and if there is intense bleeding, then the help should be provided in the next few minutes. In the case of arterial bleeding (bright red blood leaves the wound under pressure and the jet pulsates), one must try to pinch the damaged artery with fingers above the injury site, that is, closer to the heart, before the ambulance arrives. In this case, a justified measure would be even the compression of the directly damaged vessel with the fingers directly in the wound, especially if the bleeding is very abundant, since the count goes literally for seconds.

If the condition allows, as soon as possible to wash the wounds from the saliva of the animals - in case the dog is infected, it can reduce the risk of infection. As is known, in addition to rabies, dogs are carriers of other diseases, and in their mouth live foreign to the human body bacteria that can cause prolonged inflammatory processes. It is necessary to learn for cases when a dog is bitten that it is not necessary to do anything with the wound itself - just rinse, treat only the skin around it and apply a non-sticky bandage so that during self-transportation there is no dirt in it - let the expert do it better. Of course, in emergency cases it is necessary to act on the situation, but if the condition is not severe - it is better to rely on the experience of doctors.

After the examination, specialists will have to make a series of inoculations. In particular, this is a well-known anti-rabies vaccination, or vaccination against rabies. Prevention of rabies in Russia is free for all, and the propaganda of anti-rabies vaccinations is also quite effective: every child to the question "If the dog bitten what to do?" Without hesitation will respond: "Vaccination against rabies!" Here it must be said that the information about this vaccine, which most of us owns, is very outdated: for a long time already no one has been made terrible by forty jabs in the abdomen at once, and for five months they have administered 5-6 doses of a modern drug that causes far fewer cases of individual intolerance , Than it was with the vaccine of the previous generation. Vaccination against rabies should be done in any case, even if it's your dog, except it can only be a dog's certificate of rabies vaccination, from the moment of which no more than a year has passed, but this is a rarity. If we neglect rabies vaccination and do not do it within a week after bite, then if a disease occurs, the lethal outcome is guaranteed. Given that cases of rabies in wild and domestic animals and even people are becoming more frequent, it's still not worth the risk.

Also, most likely, you will have to get vaccinated against tetanus. These vaccinations are done in the emergency room free of charge for all victims.

If a person is bitten by a dog what to do with it? It is clear that this animal is likely to have problems with the psyche and is a danger to society, especially if it attacked the child - usually dogs are indulgent towards children, and if the dog is already bitten by an adult, then there is absolutely nothing to do among the people. Of course, there are different cases, and each situation must be carefully studied, but the following things remain unconditional: if the dog attacked the child, if the dog attacked first, if the dog caused very serious injuries, and even more so if they led to death - its Must be isolated from society. Of course, there are times when an animal was defending or guarding something and not calculating strength - but they are very different from those when it intended to kill. The killer dogs, as a rule, are subject to destruction.

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