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How to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress? Autotraining for calming the nervous system

What is stress? First of all, this is the protective reaction of our body to external stimuli and certain factors. A feeling of danger, fear, a strong experience, an unpleasant conversation and everyday problems can cause a stressful state. In some cases, a person may be agitated or depressed. Blame adrenaline. The amount of this hormone rises sharply in the event of danger.

It is adrenaline that makes a person concentrate on the problem and seek a solution. At certain times, this hormone can benefit the body. The danger is the prolonged stress. As a result of such a malaise, a person loses vital energy, physical and mental health very quickly. This condition is very dangerous, since it is not so easy to restore the nervous system after a long time of stress.

The main causes of stress

To understand how to restore the nervous system after a long period of stress, it is necessary to determine the reasons for its development. Any event can trigger such a state, for example:

  • Parting with a loved one;
  • Dismissal from work or negative attitude of employees of the enterprise;
  • Trouble in the family;
  • Severe illness;
  • public performance;
  • Waiting for guests and so on.

Often, stressful situations arise through the fault of the person. Most often, such a state develops because of a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself.

Stress and its effect on man

Prolonged stress does not pass for the human body without a trace. As a result of its development, serious consequences can arise. Symptoms of stress include:

  • Frequent attacks of headache;
  • Insomnia or very bad sleep;
  • Lack of interest in life events;
  • Depression and apathy;
  • Pessimism and depression;
  • Chronic fatigue and fits of weakness;
  • The inability to concentrate and to perceive new information normally;
  • Internal stress;
  • The emergence of such habits as biting nails or lips, tapping on the table with a pen, rocking the leg;
  • Aggression and irritability;
  • Indifference to others and even to close ones.

What consequences can arise?

Stress and its influence on man have been studied for decades. Over the years of research it was found that such a state can cause serious consequences. Most often, the brain and the cardiovascular system suffer. Prolonged stress can lead to the development of such ailments as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergy;
  • eczema;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Cardiovascular ailments;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Neurosis and depression;
  • diabetes;
  • Oncological processes;
  • Diarrhea or constipation;
  • Sexual health disorder;
  • A sharp decrease in immunity.

These are just some of the ailments that can occur as a result of prolonged stress. Alas, this list can be continued. Stress and nerves are those components that can greatly shake a person's health.

The main stages of the fight against long-term stress

So, how to restore the nervous system after a long time of stress? First of all, you need to visit a psychotherapist. The doctor will help not only to determine the cause of the development of this condition, but also appoint adequate therapy. It is not always necessary to take medicines to fight stress . Most often an individual plan is being developed to overcome a critical condition. It can include:

  1. Physical activity. It's not only sports, but also dancing, playing games or visiting the pool.
  2. Laughter therapy, which involves viewing funny movies and comedies.
  3. Zootherapy. Communication with pets positively affects human health.
  4. Special food.
  5. A change of scenery. Experts recommend to go on an interesting trip or for a walk with friends.
  6. Hobby, for example, knitting or drawing. Reading of good books is also welcome.
  7. Repetition of affirmations. These are affirmative positive phrases, for example, "I am calm!", "I am confident in myself", "I'm healthy!", "I'm happy!" And so on. This is a kind of auto-training for calming the nervous system.
  8. Breathing exercises, listening to special music.
  9. Healthy sleep.

In addition to the above methods, you can resort to the means of alternative medicine. The collection of herbs acts more gently than the synthetic sedative for adults.

Herbs for the restoration of the nervous system

What helps with stress? Pharmacies sell a lot of drugs that can calm the nervous system. However, if desired, you can use herbal preparations to recover from stress. There are many recipes of similar compositions.

In equal proportions, you need to take valerian, cumin, motherwort and fennel. Components should be ground, and then mixed. A tablespoon of the obtained herbal extract should be boiled. The specified amount of raw material requires 250 milliliters of liquid. The drug should be infused. Take the composition three times a day, dividing the received quantity into equal parts. The course of therapy is 30 days. Twice a year it is recommended to carry out preventive measures.


Stressful situations in a person's life occur quite often. To calm nerves, you can take tea based on St. John's wort. To prepare, you need a teaspoon of crushed dry raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. Ready infusion should be taken twice a day. For a more pleasant taste, you can add a little honey to the medicine. Drink infusion instead of regular tea.

A good soothing for the nervous system is a drink made from mint. To make tea, it is worth using a wild plant. From the leaves of mint, you should prepare a drink, and then add honey to it. It is better to use a purple or lime. Mint tea fits perfectly with lemon. Citrus should be eaten with skin, as it contains a large amount of essential oil. This substance positively affects the work of the nervous system.

If necessary, you can use teas based on herbs. It is best to prepare a drink from hops, oregano, calendula, lemon balm. Such herbal preparations have a mild sedative effect, can improve sleep and lower the heart rate. The course of this therapy is selected individually depending on the severity of the situation.

Various infusions and broths

As a result of prolonged stress, people become irritable. Nervous diseases in this condition develop rapidly and often unnoticeably. To avoid any worsening, you should visit a doctor. Often, to restore the nervous system, experts prescribe a variety of infusions and herbal decoctions. What could it be?

Decoction of coriander. For cooking, you need a teaspoon of plant seeds and 200 ml of boiling water. Raw materials should be placed in a container and filled with liquid. Infuse seeds in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take the broth four times a day for 30-40 ml. The course of therapy lasts until the mood and health improve. It is worth noting that coriander is an ideal remedy against irritability.

Motherwort tincture. This drug can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently. This requires a motherwort herb, as well as medical alcohol. Thus it is necessary to observe proportions. One part of the herb requires 5 parts of alcohol. Components should be placed in a container of glass and tightly closed. You need to insist for 30 days. Accept ready-made formulation three times a day for 20 drops. Course - 30 days. Motherwort can eliminate signs of anxiety and normalize the heart rhythm.


Since it is very difficult to restore the nervous system after a long period of stress, it is possible to resort not only to taking medicines, but also to aromatherapy. In this case, you can use essential oils and herbs.

From linen cloth it is necessary to make neat bags. They should place dry herbs. For this ideal fit rosemary, lemon balm, lavender, oregano, hops. Ready sachets should be placed near resting places. Sacks with herbs can be placed at the head of the bed. Flavors emitted by dry herbs can remove irritability and relax.

As for essential oils, the state of the nervous system is positively affected by the aroma of lavender, pine, cedar, ylang-ylang, and orange. For the therapy should use special lamps. Thus it is necessary to observe the dosage. One drop of essential oil is enough to fill with a unique aroma a room, the area of which is 5 m 2 .

Tablets for the recovery of the nervous system

In some cases, nerve diseases can not be cured by herbs alone. In such situations, patients are prescribed special medicines. Each drug in its own way affects the nervous system and has a certain degree of effectiveness. When choosing medicines, you should carefully study the instructions. The list of available and effective tablets includes:

  • Valerian extract;
  • "Adaptol";
  • "Valocardin";
  • "Glycine";
  • "Valemenin";
  • "The Deprim";
  • "Homeostress";
  • "Negrustin";
  • Lily-of-the-valley-drops;
  • Tincture of the peony;
  • "Relaxosan";
  • motherwort tincture;
  • "Persen";
  • "Novo-Passit";
  • "Neuroplant";
  • "Phytosed";
  • "Cipramil";
  • "Tenoten".

Take sedatives for adults should only after consulting with specialists. Self-medication in this case can do harm, because any therapy begins with the elimination of the cause of stress.

Proper nutrition

Daily it is recommended to carry out not only auto-training for calming the nervous system, but also to eat right. There is a list of products that can positively affect a person's psychological state. This list includes:

  • Seeds and nuts;
  • Fish of fatty varieties;
  • Dairy products with a low fat content;
  • vegetable oils;
  • Honey of any kind;
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • Chocolate, which contains 70% cocoa;
  • Meat, for example, duck, pork and game;
  • Sea cabbage;
  • Egg white.

The products mentioned above are able to cheer up. However, it is not recommended to abuse some (for example, nuts or sweets), as in the end it will lead to weight gain.

In conclusion

To restore the nervous system after prolonged stress, it is recommended to seek help from specialists. Only a narrow doctor can help a person determine the cause and cope with the problem. It is not necessary to try to calm down the crippled nervous system on your own and get rid of the consequences of stress. This can only exacerbate the condition. In addition, some medicines and herbs have contraindications and side effects.

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