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Doganter - who is this? Fighting Dogtowners

At all times there were pets, for some reason, left without the owners. Such animals can get into flocks and be aggressive. Especially it concerns dogs. With the development of the media, a large number of reports of attacks against people began to appear. They say that the dog is the man's best friend. However, if the owner for some reason could not take care of the animal or just threw it, it can get angry at all and in search of food, attack xtkjdtrf. In connection with this, more and more people have come to appear who call themselves dognhants. They are confronted by animal advocates. Doganter is a man who kills dogs. It is necessary to understand the situation and understand whether the society of dog owners has a right to exist. Also, for example, the situation with people killing wild dogs will be disassembled . But who is doghouse? How can these people kill and poison animals for nothing?

Dohhantery opposed to the fact that stray dogs of any breed ran through the streets of the city. But what are the blame for the animals that were thrown by their masters?


The one whose English is even at the initial level, it's easy to guess that the dogman is a hunter for dogs. Such people began to appear more recently. The community of dog-growers is expanding. Most often they poison dogs with poison, which will be described below. Numerous opponents of this movement in every possible way try to interfere with the activity of killing dogs, but in some people the opinion about the work of the dohanters remains completely opposite.


After we have figured out who the dognter is, you need to know the goals of his brutal behavior, or rather, the goal. It is extremely simple: killing wild dogs that can harm society. Of course, there are other methods, but this one is the most effective. In addition, it can not be argued that the Doganter kills absolutely any domestic or wild animal. Although, of course, there are those people who are particularly cruel, and therefore they poison and torment all our smaller brothers.


It all began with the fact that at the beginning of the 21st century a program on sterilizing stray dogs began to be implemented in several cities of the Russian Federation. It was supposed to replace the trapping of pets caught on the streets. Scientists, like many residents, were against this introduction. However, the program began to work only in 2008, and in most cities it stopped due to a number of problems that arose due to the fact that the number of stray dogs not only did not decrease, but also increased. True, in several regions the sterilization program is still in effect. Catching dogs in these cities is also prohibited by law, which many people do not like.

The emergence of the movement in Russia

People, dissatisfied with the sterilization program, began to join the doghouse groups in 2007. There was a real struggle with animal rights advocates who insisted that it was unacceptable to resort to murders. Several separate sites were closed. Nevertheless, the not very successful confrontation of dogmasters could not hamper the spread of the movement. And already in 2010 the site "Pests No" was created, on which even today there is a dialogue of people engaged in baiting the stray dogs. Thus there was a union of dog-men.

Opinions for persecution

For the continuation of the activities of the dohanters, many citizens act, since wild dogs can kill a person. Residents of some cities are afraid for their children. There are places in Russia where people are afraid to let kids walk alone. A large number of wild dogs are straying into packs and often attack people in search of food. Therefore, often people themselves call for the help of dog-men who solve the problem, although not quite right, in the opinion of many, in a way, but effective.

Opinions against community activities

The majority of inhabitants, as already said, consider this way of solving the problem with wild dogs unacceptable. Many share the view that it is necessary to find a way out of the situation with homeless animals, but not with such means. I can hardly call it a humane method. It is better to send a stray dog for treatment and then transfer to a shelter. But there are several facts that prevent the implementation of such an undertaking.

  1. It costs a lot of money. There are no sponsors who would pay for this procedure throughout Russia.
  2. Lack of specialists, for example, in people who would catch wild dogs. Again, this requires large amounts of money.


It is proved that people who became criminals most often killed and maimed animals as children. For example, every third pedophile hated dogs and mocked them. Killers in 60% of cases in the childhood beat dogs or cats. 85% of adolescents who violated the law in relation to the person, also cruelly treated domestic pets.

Do not be mistaken

As already mentioned, the Doganter is not the killer of all animals. The organization speaks exclusively against stray dogs. If a person tortures other animals, let alone domestic animals, then it can not be attributed to this community. On the other hand, violence raises even more violence. And the one who tortured dogs, in theory, is more likely to transfer to other living beings, even to humans, than any other. So it was with Dnepropetrovsk maniacs.

From dogs to people

In the summer of 2007, several murders occurred in Dnepropetrovsk. Caught in the course of the investigation of Viktor Saenko and Igor Suprunyuk, the media were called Dnipropetrovsk maniacs. It is known that they killed 21 people.

For a year and a half, they tortured and killed dogs and cats. Their bullying shot on video. But this was not enough for them, they became maniacs and hunted not for dogs, but for humans.

As you know, it all began with the fact that classmates decided to overcome their fear of blood. I must say, it happened. Their victims were killed most often by improvised devices. Much of this was filmed on camera.

One of the videos got to the Internet. One of the criminals on it expressed bewilderment how a man could survive after maniacs tortured him with a screwdriver. But these scary people are not doghanters.

The description of dognters

Many people, as already mentioned, are considered dogmasters of absolutely all killers of animals. But this is not so, because the representatives of the movement do not enjoy the tortures of wild dogs and do not torture them. Also this community does not kill cats. This can be explained by the fact that such creatures will not attack people, they are physically weaker, which means they do not pose a direct threat to society. Host animals are also not subject to destruction. Applicants do not practice dog poisoning. Doghanters have their own pets, taken care of. However, the probability of poisoning the poison and domestic dogs remains, but only if they consume waste.

Doganter is not an unbalanced person and not a teenager. Most often these are adults. Their society is concerned with security, not with the destruction of everyone and everything.

Flocks of dogs

Flocks of wild dogs are incredibly dangerous for urban residents. The animals that get into them can tear a person apart. Today there are regular notes on the next attack on people. Also, stray animals can bite pets and infect them with rabies. This disease is very dangerous for people. Only in the Voronezh region the number of victims from the attack of stray dogs for the year is estimated in thousands. Meanwhile, it's rather difficult to fight with the packs. They are extremely dangerous even for workers of services for catching stray dogs. In addition, if you catch a rabid animal, then his treatment will require a large amount of money, which should be allocated by the state. However, because of insufficient sponsorship, catching dogs can not be the only way out.

Fighting Dogtowners

But even if you take into account the danger that comes from stray dogs, there are those who oppose the movement. Some people are simply negative about harassment, while others are zealously advocating for dogs. Many believe that the problem must be solved, but do not use methods such as murder or harassment. For example, Olga Markelova, the founder of the only club in the Northern capital of the owners' club of mongrel dogs, put forward a proposal to fight dognters through education among pet owners who should:

  • Do not show dogs without muzzles (this applies to crowded places);
  • To follow the rules of walking of pets;
  • Train your dogs.

This is the right approach, because it is necessary to solve the problem radically. But what to do with the already abandoned dogs?

How to solve the problem

Olga Markelova also spoke about zoozaschitnikov. She said that it is necessary to find a compromise, and not to impose a love for homeless dogs on the population. It is necessary to search for sponsors who would allocate money for the creation of shelters and other similar institutions. The same opinion is shared by most Russians.


But how do representatives of the movement condemned by many see the way out of the situation? And what do dogs dog dogs do? Due to the fact that in Russia poisons are banned, these people use a variety of medications in a large dosage. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide is one of the most common methods. If for a person it is not dangerous (of course, in small doses), then for animals even a small volume can become fatal. What dog dog dogs poison besides this drug? Various means, especially toxic for these animals. The poisoning effect affects the assimilation of pyrodixins by brain cells, which leads to death. Metoclopramide is also often used, but only as an auxiliary. A dog poisoned by it will feel unwell after only an hour and a half. Lack of glucose and poisoning with components leads to death. However, the animal dies painlessly. The poison of the dohanters is still a terrible thing.

As you can see, different substances are used for poisoning. And do not always apply the dogma poisons. Photos of the tools used by the service can be found in free access on the Internet.

How does this happen?

A bundle of isoniazid is something that any doganter has with him. Products such as half-eaten bars, sausages, sandwiches will be deadly to dogs if stuffed with a filling of tablets. One of the dohanters described his method of poisoning dogs in a blog. You buy a few small pies, one you eat yourself in front of a homeless animal, in another you put a pill and give a four-legged vagabond. Effective way, considering that dogs are extremely trusting animals. Doghantery, acting like that, are terrible and cold-blooded killers.

Protecting Your Own Pet

The one who keeps dogs at home can not be 100% sure that the poison applied on the streets does not reach the pets. It is necessary to have a protection. Here are the drugs and items that must be in the home medicine cabinet:

  • 2 packs of a 5% solution of "Pyridoxine hydrochloride" (in each pack of 10 ampoules, volume 1 ml);
  • 2 large syringes (10 ml each);
  • 4 packs of activated carbon;
  • Enterosgel;
  • 2 enema (syringes): one for the rectal, the other for oral administration;
  • "Furosemide" or "Lasix".

Dognter Day

On January 13, 2010, Dogtown men from St. Petersburg, due to the growing threat of African swine fever , massed the stray dogs in one of the districts of the region. It is this date that is now considered to be the "professional holiday" of the dogman, albeit unofficial. And today such mass shootings continue. Many people take part in the celebrations, and this is not necessarily the dog-men themselves. Photo of such an event is presented above.


It is interesting that often doghanters are quite wealthy people. Dmitri Khudoyarov led his fashion-minded fashion to travel to the next "business" on black jeeps. It all happened because the thoroughbred dog dognter was badly injured by homeless dogs. Then Dmitry sat down on his SUV and shot directly from the window the offenders from the air rifle. Doganter is, in this way, a person who destroys stray dogs in this way.


Until a humane way of combating the increase in the number of stray dogs is found, the ranks of the adherents of the movement will be replenished. Zohopaschitniki oppose the dohanters, but so far not very successful. If animals continue to attack people, there will always be those who try to eradicate the problem in the most brutal way. Until the various shelters and establishments in which the dogs are treated are built, the movement of the dohanters will continue its activities. But for good purposes you need a lot of money, and for this someone must become a sponsor: either a private organization or the state.

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