
Thyrotropic hormone: what is it? Thyroid stimulating hormone: a norm in women

As you know, the full and uninterrupted operation of all systems and organs of our body depends on the correct synthesis of hormones. And even a failure to produce one of them can disrupt the work of the whole organism. Today we will talk about such an important substance as a thyroid-stimulating hormone. The norm of this indicator in the body, its functions, the causes of increase or decrease - these and other issues will be considered in the article.

general information

A thyroid-stimulating hormone - what is it? It is a hormone that is synthesized by the pituitary gland. Penetrating into the blood, it stimulates the production of thyroid hormones such as triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), and also promotes the "release" of fatty acids from fat cells. Therefore, if the thyroid-stimulating hormone is increased, the reasons can be associated with a decrease in thyroid function. Examining the hormones T3 and T4, determine the level of TSH

Carrying out an endocrine examination, a blood test for thyroid-stimulating hormone is mandatory. The norm in women and men does not have a constant value. This is due to the fact that this indicator can be different and depends on the time of day and the health of the patient.

Thyrotropic hormone: norm

The normal level of TSH for women is 0.4-4 μIU / ml. In a healthy person, the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone may be different during the day: the highest level is observed early in the morning. It is very important to control thyroid-stimulating hormone during pregnancy and in women after 40 years, even if no complaints.

How to prepare for the analysis?

The concentration of TSH affects the emotional state, diet, physical activity. These factors can change the concentration of thyrotropic hormone during the day. In order to assess the concentration of the substance was adequate, the blood must be taken about 8 o'clock in the morning. The day before, you should stop using alcohol, smoking, and exclude physical activity.

Indications for laboratory testing

The state of the thyroid gland is directly influenced by thyroid-stimulating hormone. The analysis is prescribed for:

  • Goiter;
  • Suspected hypothyroidism;
  • Diffuse toxic goiter ;
  • Amenorrhea;
  • Infertility;
  • Increased level of prolactin in the body;
  • Disorders in the work of muscles;
  • Lower body temperature of an unexplained cause.

Why does the hormone TSH increase?

A thyroid-stimulating hormone high may be the first symptom of a thyroid dysfunction. The concentration of hormones T3 and T4 in the serum is at the normal level.

If the study showed that thyrotropic hormone is elevated, the reasons for this phenomenon can be the following:

  • Severe mental and physical ailments;
  • Insufficient adrenal function;
  • Tumors of various kinds (pituitary tumor , etc.);
  • Tirotropinoma;
  • Syndrome of unregulated TSH synthesis;
  • Syndrome of resistance to thyroid hormones;
  • Severe gestosis;
  • Subacute thyroiditis and Hashimoto's thyroiditis;
  • Cholecystectomy;
  • hemodialysis.

High TSH content can be the result of intense physical activity or taking medications (for example, beta-blockers, neuroleptics, iodides, Prednisolone and others).

When pregnancy can also be thyroid stimulating hormone, the causes of such a condition are different and the deviation is not.

After the procedure of hemodialysis, surgery to remove the gallbladder may be an increased level of TSH.

Decompensated primary adrenal insufficiency and some forms of inflammation of the thyroid gland are often accompanied by a high concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Reduced concentration of TSH

If the thyroid-stimulating hormone is lowered, it can talk about:

  • Plummer's disease;
  • Decreased pituitary function ;
  • Benign formations in the thyroid gland;
  • Shihan syndrome;
  • An overabundance of thyroid hormones due to self-prescribed hormonal means;
  • Psychological stress.

Most often, a decrease in TSH is associated with an overdose of medications that contain thyroid hormones.

A thyroid-stimulating hormone may be lowered due to fasting. Also, the cause of this condition can be inflammation of the thyroid gland or trauma to the pituitary gland, as a result of which it is unable to synthesize hormones.

Thyrotropic hormone: the norm in women during pregnancy

Normal values of TSH for expectant mothers are slightly different. When determining this indicator, it is important to consider the gestational age:

  • Up to the 12th week the normal level of TSH is 0.35-2.5 μIU / ml;
  • From the 12th to the 42nd week, the values of the hormone are in the range 0.35-3 μIU / ml.

During the period of bearing the baby, it is necessary to control your hormonal background and the endocrine system. This is especially important at the 10th week of pregnancy. At the child on this term the thyroid gland independently does not function yet, and the organism of the kid is in full dependence on hormones of mother.

The maintenance of TTG is directly influenced by the woman's health status. Therefore, it's okay if the thyroid-stimulating hormone is slightly lowered or elevated during pregnancy. However, significant deviations from normal values complicate the course of pregnancy and carry a serious risk to the child.

The level of TTG during pregnancy is determined by doctors. In some cases, additional tests and tests are prescribed. For example, conduct:

  • Echographic research;
  • Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid gland.

When the hormone TSH concentration is elevated during pregnancy, L-thyroxine is used as treatment.

Symptoms of increased TSH

High thyroid-stimulating hormone (what it is, described above) is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Slightly thickened neck;
  • General weakness (rapid fatigue, decreased activity);
  • Mental retardation, inattention, apathy, slow thinking, irritability;
  • Disturbance of sleep: at night insomnia torments, in the afternoon the person can not cope with drowsiness;
  • Pallor of the skin, swelling;
  • Obesity, which is difficult to treat;
  • A decrease in body temperature;
  • Nausea, poor appetite, constipation.

How is reduced TSH?

With a high level of thyroid-stimulating hormone, the following phenomena are observed:

  • Increased body temperature;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • headache;
  • high blood pressure;
  • A small tremor in the eyelids, hands, emotional imbalance;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Upset stomach.


Above we talked about such an important substance as a thyroid-stimulating hormone: what is it, what is its norm, why its level can vary. Now let's consider the methods of treatment of elevated and lowered TSH content.

If the concentration of TSH is high and is in the range of 7.1-7.5 μIU / ml, then this indicates a hyperthyroidism. With increased thyroid-stimulating hormone therapy is carried out with the help of synthetic thyroxine.

Previously, for medicinal purposes, a natural dried and milled thyroid gland of animals was used. Currently, it is rarely used and patients are prescribed a synthetic drug that has a constant level of activity.

Since the activity of natural thyroxine in all patients is different, the specialist individually selects the drug necessary for treatment.

At the first stage of treatment, small doses of thyroxine are used, they are increased gradually until the concentration of TSH and T4 is normal and the patient feels well.

A low TSH level is considered to be up to 0.01 μIU / ml. Restoration of hormonal balance and increase in the concentration of this hormone should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

It is recommended to undergo an annual medical checkup to monitor the level of TSH, T3, T4.

Alternative medicine

With endocrine disorders, drug treatment is mandatory, the drugs are taken individually according to the doctor's schedule. Folk remedies have only additional impact, and as an independent therapy can not be used.

Folk recipes to reduce the level of TSH:

  1. Birch leaves, licorice and angelica root, yarrow, celandine, hips, mother-and-stepmother.
  2. The fruits of mountain ash, the root of elecampane, birch buds, St. John's wort.
  3. Chamomile flowers, yarrow and chicory grass, rose hips, root of the mint.

In each recipe, the ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of the resulting mixture are boiled, covered with a lid, put on a slow fire and boiled for 10 minutes. The received liquid is poured into a thermos and take phyto-tea on a half-glass for 30 minutes before a meal. The treatment course is one of the types of collection is 3-4 months, after the specified period the drug is changed to another.

A few more ways to treat lowered TSH with folk remedies:

  1. Mix the fruits of mountain ash with sugar and eat 2-3 tablespoons of the received mass before breakfast.
  2. 1 tsp. Powder from the leaves of kelp take over night and wash with water. Use the product for a month. After this period, take a break and consult a doctor about further treatment.


In this article, we tried to tell you as much as possible about the substance, such as thyroid-stimulating hormone (what is it, the main functions, the reasons for raising and lowering its concentration, etc.). Remember that in no case can you self-medicate yourself by prescribing hormones for yourself. The interpretation of the tests, the establishment of an accurate diagnosis, further examination and the appointment of appropriate therapy are all activities that a specialist should exclusively deal with. Take care of yourself and be well!

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