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The benefits of Scandinavian walking with sticks: for the elderly after a stroke. Contraindications and harm

The older we become, the more often we visit thoughts about the state of health. Sooner or later, almost any person comes to the idea of having to seriously take care of yourself. We begin to be interested in sports or other physical activities that are suitable for us and are available taking into account age, health and personal preferences.

This is natural, because who does not want to maintain to his old age a decent physical form, vital activity, muscle tone and good mood! In recent decades, the hobby of Nordic walking has become extremely popular all over the world.

What it is?

Scandinavian walking is a sport that is useful, uncomplicated and accessible to almost any person, regardless of the level of training, health, weight or social status. It is in active movement with the help of special poles, resembling ski. What is the use of Scandinavian walking with sticks? Let's figure it out.

Pros for this type of physical activity is an incredible amount. You are not tied to the schedule of the gym, moving in the open air, you can practice at any time of the year alone or with the company. You do not need to purchase special equipment, except for a couple of sticks.

In other words, Scandinavian walking is called Nordic, Nordic or Finnish. Some skeptics believe that it does not go in any comparison with fitness, cycling or ski jogging. But their arguments are denied by the growing popularity of this kind of sport among people of all ages, residents of countries. Nowadays, the benefits of Nordic walking with sticks are already undoubtedly positive, the responses of whose active adherents leave no room for doubt.

How it all began

The technique of this walk originated in the last century, approximately in the forties. The first she began to engage in professional skiers in Finland. In order not to lose sports training during the warm season, when there is no snow, they trained for 6 months a year without skis, with only sticks. The originality of the approach, as well as the benefits of Scandinavian walking with sticks in this case did their job. Since then, this type of movement is called Finnish.

Then this technique began to be used in physiotherapy exercises - Scandinavian walking with sticks, the use of which was confirmed by physicians, was used as one of the means of recovery from spinal injuries. Soon on sale there were the first sticks, issued specially for the Scandinavian walk - before that ski was used. Their difference from the latter is in a shorter length and the presence of a rubber tip for movement on the asphalt.

At special courses the technique of such walking began to be taught. Nowadays in any country and almost all major cities there are clubs where fans of this sport gather.

What will the lessons be?

At the psychological level, this walking, like any kind of physical activity, helps to relieve stress and improve mood. At the physiological level, the benefits of Scandinavian walking with sticks are that the vascular and heart activity is improving, the spinal and abdominal muscles are strengthened, posture is improved. The exercises support it in tone muscles of the thighs and buttocks, train the legs and reduce the load on the joints of the knees.

Any person can begin to engage in it - a woman or a man, young or old, healthy or not. Contraindications for this kind of sport is practically nonexistent. You can start walking in the forest, park or your own yard, both in summer and in winter. To achieve a healing effect, two or three sessions are enough for at least half an hour during the week.

What happens to our body during classes

Many are addicted to Nordic walking with sticks solely for the purpose of losing weight and strengthening the general tone of the body. When the technique is observed correctly, about 90% of all muscles are included in the work, which is comparable to their work when swimming.

If, when running or cycling, the joints of the knees are excessively loaded, the occupation of Nordic walking makes it possible to distribute forces evenly between the upper and lower muscle groups. Thus, the pressure on the spine decreases, not only the knees, but also the lower back are unloaded.

As a rule, pains in the cervical and shoulder region are reduced or completely disappear, posture is corrected, muscles of the shoulder and back are strengthened. Compared with normal walking, calories burn more by 46%, and this is also the undoubted benefit of Nordic walking with sticks.

For slimming and inactive

Each 30-minute training saves you from 300 kilocalories, and the effect persists over the next 24 hours. Thus, for an hour of walking you can spend up to 700 kcal. For comparison: in the running process, only 45% of our muscles are involved, the consumption of kilocalories is about 300 per hour. For cycling, these figures are respectively 50% of muscle mass and 500 kcal.

Another huge plus of Scandinavian walking is the increase in bone density. As you know, the leading weakly active lifestyle is rapidly losing calcium, vital to maintain bone strength and reduce the risk of fractures. Therefore, the benefits of Scandinavian walking with sticks for the elderly are beyond doubt, because osteoporosis is the scourge of our time, especially among older women. Therefore, in this case any form of physical activity is welcomed.

Scandinavian walking with sticks - good and contraindications

Among other things, walking helps improve lung function, heart and blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and get rid of "bad" cholesterol. The technique of this walk will help those who are dissatisfied with the level of their own endurance or need to restore the mobility of the previously injured joint.

To deal with it can have a very large weight, the elderly and all to whom active sports are categorically contraindicated. Passion for Scandinavian walking is indispensable for those who have recently had a heart attack and are in the stage of rehabilitation, experiencing movement disorders. Physicians have proven the benefits of Nordic walking with sticks after a stroke. Those patients who, after moving him, later practiced walking in this technique, the restoration of impaired functions was faster and more successful. They also come up with an ischemic heart disease or an elevated blood sugar level.

As you know, any kind of sport is fraught with one or another trouble. But in case this is Scandinavian walking with sticks, the benefits and harm are incomparable, because there are very few contraindications for practicing it. In fact, there are only three: you can not deal with it in the presence of a viral disease (acute respiratory disease or influenza), if you have recently had surgery on the abdominal organs, or you suffer from arrhythmia or hypertensive crisis.

We select sticks for the Scandinavian walk. The benefits and harm of long sticks

How should I equip myself for practicing Finnish walking? First of all, you will need special sticks. Ski will not work - they are too long. Determine the appropriate length of the sticks can be by multiplying your height in cm by 0.68 (plus or minus 5 cm). So, a person with a height of 170 cm will need to 170 multiply by 0.68 ± 5 cm, we get the length of the sticks 110 - 120 cm.

If the legs are sick or simply weakened, the main load should be thrown over the shoulders and hands. To do this, you need to take the sticks more authentic. In our example, this length is 120 cm. Also, a longer version should be preferred to the amateurs to move intensively or having high sports training.

If you have problems with elbow joints, cervical osteochondrosis or your situation - recovery after illness, you should choose a shorter support. In our example, it will be 110 cm long. A shorter version is also suitable for those who are overweight. If the length of the sticks is not selected correctly, there will be an overload in the back muscles, as well as the knees and ankles, which will negate the entire healing effect.

More about the "inventory"

Sticks for Scandinavian walking are provided with supplied tips, made of a material such as graphite. Thanks to him you can confidently move on rough terrain, snow, earth or grass. If it is supposed to move along the flat asphalt, it is worth selecting the inventory with rubber tips.

The poles themselves are made of aluminum, composite or carbon (also known as carbon plastic), products made of these materials are light enough and reduce the risk of accidental injury. On the handle of the sticks there are special fastenings (knobs), having the appearance of gloves-straps. Having fixed them on the hand, it is convenient to push off without having to tightly grip the handles. If sticks are bought for growth, or if they are used by different people, you can choose a variant with a variable length (telescopic). But such sticks are less durable.

Special shoes are not required for classes. Sufficiently comfortable sneakers, it is desirable that they are high and protect the ankles from accidental trauma with the tip of the stick.

On the subtleties of movement

What is the secret of the technique of this walk? The main feature - in the transfer of the weight of the body on his hands, leaning on the sticks. In this case, the spine is unloaded and stretched. That is, when walking, you should keep straight and watch your posture. The movement of each leg is carried out by rolling from the heel to the toe, so that practically all the right muscles are involved - from the feet to the hip joints.

Synchronizing the movements of the feet and hands, adhere to the principle of heteronymity. The hand that goes back opens and is like a continuation of the leg. Due to this, the wrist joint is unloaded . If you manage to fix in the mirror the correct posture taken at each step of the Scandinavian walk, you will find three lines running almost parallel. This is one of the legs and each of the two sticks. One of the last is in front, the second - in that hand, which is laid back.

How to work with your hands

Hand at every step should not deviate from the body at an angle of more than 45 degrees. Try to keep the angle between the right and left hands at their maximum dilution straight (90 °). That hand, which is behind, relaxes, fingers slightly unclenched. You do not have to worry about dropping a stick, because it is securely attached to the hand strap.

The hand that lies ahead is the supporting arm, the handle is clamped in it. Do not forget that the step should be done by a roll: first put the foot on the heel, then on the sole, and after that - on the tips of the fingers.

It is very important to walk with proper breathing. Inhale you do in the first and second steps, the three following are deep and fully exhale. The back, as already mentioned, keeps straight. This is achieved by the correct selection of the length of the sticks. Elbows during the movement do not bend. They must remain straight.

Thanks to the constant direct position of the body, a remarkable posture is formed and the muscular corset is effectively strengthened.

Have enough patience

How soon can you expect tangible results? Of course, after one or two sessions of tide, you will not feel immediate health and strength. Noticeable results can be expected after a month and a half lessons, provided they are regular. If you did not give up and after a year, there will be noticeable improvements in your health.

This kind of walking is sometimes called a sport for lazy people. Indeed, there is no special effort to engage in it. Organize themselves for a walk with sticks can even those who have never in their lives decided to attend the gym. The only obstacle can be a complex. People hesitate to show up with sticks in their hands. But this obstacle is easy to overcome if it is right to prioritize your own life.

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