
Online Store

Dynamics, the accelerated rhythm of life, modern communication methods of interaction between people, an irresistible desire to receive instantly necessary information are the factors that led to the development of Internet commerce and the expansion of such services as the online store. The audience of consumers and service providers is increasing daily. Gradually, the geographical dependence between the consumer and the producer is erased. Today is not considered an innovation if a person residing in Ukraine orders products, for example in China, concludes and signs contracts without leaving the office, uses other services via the World Wide Web.

Conducting a compressed marketing analysis of queries, covering the Ukrainian audience of Internet users, it can be seen that the online store service is in demand five times more than in 2004. Monthly, this request in Ukraine is gaining more than one million people and this figure covers only one search engine and one phrase, an online store. Such an explosion in the provision of this service is caused primarily by the increase in demand for it. Therefore, it is profitable for people.

The unambiguous advantages of this scheme (online store) are that today consumers have the opportunity not to go through noisy and crowded trading floors, bazaars, wholesale markets, make a comparative analysis of prices for various products in the shortest possible time, place their order and receive a product . The most valuable quality in this scheme is the saving of time. Time is money. Many enterprising people appreciate their time, because they just know that their hour is worth it. A special category of people still manages to appreciate, as is the time of their partners. Another plus, this is the lower prices in the online store.

This structure, like any other, is not without its minuses. For example, this is the lack of opportunity to carefully consider the product and touch it. Of course, a lot depends on the type of product. For example, consider the goods of a washing machine or air conditioner, the design can be seen from the photo, and a detailed technical description can form a clear idea of the product from the end user. You can also ask the seller to provide an additional description of the product, I'm sure that the online store is worried about its reputation, will certainly fulfill your request. Another sore point, the calculation with the seller. Many end-users are afraid to transfer money. This is correct, today there are many different ways of fraud on the Internet. Therefore, before you transfer money, you need to carefully check the reputation of the online store. On the other hand, the card is issued for a certain person, and by bank details, it can be found. Secondly, to create an online store, run advertising, promote an online store in the top 10 search engines, the case is quite time-consuming and financially expensive. Based on logic, there is no need to create a fraudulent scheme in which costs exceed profits. Scams on the Internet are visible and are most often designed for short life.

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