Spiritual developmentAstrology

1953 - the year of an animal on a horoscope?

The basis of the eastern horoscope is a cyclic chronology. Sixty years are allocated to a large cycle, dividing into 5 microcycles for 12 years. Each of the small cycles, colored blue, red, yellow or black, depends on the elements of the cosmos: Tree, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. These are the primary elements that specify the characteristics of people born in the year of the patronizing sign of the eastern (Chinese) horoscope.

Strict consistency

Twelve years are distributed among mythological animals in this order:

  • Purposeful Rat,
  • Industrious Bull,
  • Seeking leadership Tiger,
  • Cautious Rabbit,
  • Confident Dragon,
  • Wise Snake,
  • Persistent Horse,
  • Unpretentious goat,
  • Unpredictable monkey,
  • Businesslike Rooster,
  • Fair Dog,
  • Kind Boar.

In such a sequence animals came to say goodbye to the Buddha before he left for the universe. To each of them the deity gave the opportunity to control the planet during the year in each microcycle. Mythological creatures embody the cosmic phenomena of a certain year, form the characters of the born, affect the destinies of people.

Feature of the eastern calendar

To answer the question posed ("1953 - what kind of animal? " ), You know: the Eastern New Year meets annually on different days - from January 21 to February 13. New Year's night at that time fell on February 13. The first day of the new Eastern Year was February 14 - it was 1953. What kind of animal? Snakes Blue Water. Previous, 1952, was under the rule of the Dragon, also Blue and Water. This is calculated in advance.

Just a millennium ago, it was determined what will be in 1953. What animal-ruler should one expect in the next year, 1954? Strictly one by one stood the Green Wooden Horse, whose authority came on 03.02.1954. So it turned out that the beginning of 1953 according to the Gregorian calendar had seized the Blue Water Dragon - for as long as 44 days, from January 1 to February 13. But as the Buddha bequeathed, looking into the lunar calendar, the Blue Water Snake rules the planet and humanity without 11 days a year.

We give examples

From the available information we will present famous people, whose birthdays are 1953. What kind of animal in the eastern calendar? First - the Blue Water Dragon. The first to call our contemporaries - politicians Vladimir Putin, Sergei Stepashin, Eduard Shevardnadze, Josip Broz Tito. Let us recall the heroine Jeanne D'Arc, the revolutionary Che Guevara, the actress Gene Lollobrigid, the singer John Lennon. From the biographies of these people we draw a conclusion. They are leaders: active, hardy, demanding and sensitive.

The Water Dragon is an excellent speaker, friendly, witty, accessible and easy to communicate. He is indulgent with human weaknesses, willingly shares his plans with friends.

We continue our acquaintance further - 1953 year. What kind of animal in the Chinese calendar? The same as the eastern - Snake Water and Blue. At different times, but precisely under this sign, the wise Mao Zedong, the politician of the times of the USSR Nikolai Ryzhkov, the writer Edgar Poe, the painter Pablo Picasso, the composer Franz Schubert, the film actress Audrey Hepburn was born. Uncommon people, is not it? The Water Blue Snake has a desire to comprehend a new, to teach. Excellent memory and ability to systematize and analyze. Will character and enviable perseverance. Surprising devotion to family and friends.

Choose a pair

Agree, it is easier to learn the nature and choose a life partner, having a general idea of those born in 1953. What "animal" on a horoscope, compatibility with which would allow to live calmly and dignifiedly, choose? Youth is far behind, and it's a pity to spend time on addictive-re-education.

For Blue Dragon Water better than Rat, partner is not found. A wonderful couple will be the Dragon and the Boar. Excellent relationships will arise in the Dragon-Snake alliance, provided that the first is a man. A great addition to the Dragon can be Rooster, Rabbit, Monkey. Perhaps lucky and unselfish horse. Do not expect peace with the Tiger, the Bull. It will require patience with Goat. Conflicts are inevitable when paired with the Dragon. Dogs should be careful.

For the Blue Snake Water, marriage with the Bull will be a happy one. The union with the Rooster is well-founded. Favorable will be the bond of marriage with the Rat, provided the latter is in love. There is a chance to get along with the boar, if you do not shackle him with the will of the Serpent. A good partner of Rabbit, if from time to time to relax from each other in the company - all with their friends. Neutral, and therefore tolerant, can be a relationship with the Dog. Difficult with the Dragon, if you limit his freedom.

Yes, one tip of the Serpent born in 1953. What animal should be praised from time to time? The Dragon. Then the union will gain strength. Near the rich Snake there can be a Goat - it will even stop whims (while there will be money). It will be destructive marriage with the Tiger, and it is unlikely they will like each other enough to connect lives. The danger in the union of the Monkey with the Serpent. Do not get along and two Snakes. Do not expect good from the alliance with the Horse.

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