Food and drinkDessert

Ice cream chocolate: recipe and photo

Today we want to talk about how to make chocolate ice cream at home. The recipe for this dessert is very simple, although in some cases you will need special equipment.

Homemade ice cream

This simple snack you can easily prepare yourself from the simplest products. How to make chocolate ice cream? The recipe for dessert read here:

  • Take four chicken eggs and separate the yolks. Put the proteins in the refrigerator.
  • Melt 100 grams of milk chocolate on a water bath or in a microwave oven.
  • Mix the yolks with a mixer, and then gradually add the cooled chocolate mass to them.
  • Separately, whisk the proteins with 140 grams of sugar.
  • Put 400 grams of sour cream in a cold container and also mix it with a mixer.
  • Combine the proteins in it with a chocolate mixture - this time the products should be mixed with a spoon.
  • Pieces enter sour cream.

The prepared base is poured into molds, cover with lids and place in a freezer. The next day the delicacy will be ready. Note that the future of ice cream should be thoroughly mixed every hour.

Recipe for chocolate ice cream with avocado

Ideally, dessert should be prepared with a special device called "ice cream maker". If you do not have it, you can do with improvised means. How to cook homemade chocolate ice cream? The recipe is read below:

  • Wash one orange carefully, then peel off the zest and squeeze the juice.
  • Peel the avocado from the peel (the fruit must be fully ripened), remove the stone and cut it into large pieces.
  • Place the prepared foods in a bowl of blender, add to them three tablespoons of cocoa and three tablespoons of honey. Grind the ingredients until smooth.
  • 50 grams of bitter chocolate break into small pieces and mix with the future ice cream.

Transfer the mixture to the mold and place it in the refrigerator. Do not forget to stir it with a spoon once an hour.

Italian chocolate ice cream. Recipe with a photo

Elegant dessert is easy to prepare at home from the simplest products. Make sure of this yourself using the following recipe:

  • Put 12 egg yolks in a saucepan, and then lightly beat them with a mixer.
  • Add to them three glasses of milk and one glass of sugar.
  • Stir foods and put them on the weakest fire. Continue to stir them until the mass thickens.
  • Remove the pan from the fire, pour into it another three cups of milk and put 170 grams of chopped chocolate. Mix the food again.
  • Put the dishes on ice or put it in the refrigerator.
  • In the cooled mass, add 150 grams of chocolate, chopped into a crumb.

Place the ice cream in a mold and put it in the freezer. Stir the dessert with a spoon every 30 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the cocoa dessert.

Ice cream chocolate-coffee

A homemade dessert will please your relatives and friends on a hot day. It is prepared very quickly, but the taste is memorized for a long time. How to make ice cream chocolate at home ? The recipe for dessert is very simple:

  • Melt 125 grams of bitter chocolate on a water bath.
  • Whisk four egg yolks and combine them with the cooled chocolate mass.
  • Mix the mixer with 250 ml of creamy cream until firm peaks, gradually adding to them sugar (100 grams).
  • Combine the prepared foods with proteins and 60 ml of espresso. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and spread the resulting mass into molds.

In a few hours your dessert will be ready.

Ice cream "A lot of chocolate"

The unusual taste of delicious treats will surprise your guests. So be sure to use this recipe on a hot summer day:

  • Pour half a glass of cocoa powder into a bowl, and then pour two-thirds of a glass of coconut milk to it. Stir foods to a thick paste.
  • Add one spoonful of vanilla extract to the bowl.
  • Separately, mix three quarters of a glass of sugar, two tablespoons of cornstarch and a pinch of salt in the saucepan. Gradually add to the products two and a half glasses of coconut milk.
  • Put the sauté pan on the middle fire and, without forgetting stirring, bring the liquid almost to a boil. After that, the heating should be reduced and cook a few more minutes.
  • Mix the hot mass with the cocoa, and then let it cool.

Freeze the dessert in a container or ice cream.

Chocolate ice cream with cherry

The peculiarity of this dessert is that it does not pass heat treatment. Therefore, choose only fresh products for him, and pay special attention to the quality of chicken eggs. So, we prepare chocolate ice cream on our own. You can find out the recipe if you read the following instructions:

  • Prepare 100 grams of fresh cherries - carefully wash the berries, go through them and remove the bones. The last operation can be performed using a special machine or paper clips.
  • 100 grams of black bitter chocolate, grate on a large grater and refrigerate.
  • Two eggs beat the mixer a couple of minutes before the light foam. Continue to stir, gradually adding 180 grams of sugar.
  • Add two glasses of fat cream and one glass of milk to the eggs.
  • Pour the resulting mass into a freezer or spread it over plastic molds.
  • After a couple of hours, when our product almost freezes, mix it with chocolate and cherry.

Finally freeze the dessert in the freezer. If you use canned berries for him, then do not forget to get rid of the syrup beforehand.

Ice cream

This dessert can not be called a low-calorie, but it perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes on a hot day. Read carefully how to make chocolate ice cream. Recipe:

  • Dissolve three tablespoons of cocoa in a small amount of cream (18%).
  • 250 ml of cream warm on fire and pour half a glass of sugar to them. When the liquid boils, add cocoa.
  • Cool the base for our ice cream, and then mix it with three quarts of vanilla sugar.
  • One glass of fat cream (at least 40%) whisk with a small pinch of salt. Then connect the prepared products.

Transfer the resulting mass to suitable containers and freeze.

Helpful Tips

  • The most important rule for making home-made ice cream is constant mixing. During the entire freeze cycle, you must stop it every half hour or hour.
  • Use only the best quality products - thanks to them the taste of your dessert will be above all praise.
  • If you want to lose weight, then you have to temporarily give up cooking delicious treats. Remember that the more fat the main products, the more tender the ice cream is.
  • Flavors - if desired, you can use alcohol, vanilla and any other products. Just remember that you need to add them last. It is better when the bulk is already frozen.
  • If you want to add nuts or pieces of fruit to the dessert, they are also better placed at the very end. In addition, all supplements should be crushed and cooled beforehand.
  • Avoid the appearance of ice slices in your dessert is impossible if you use large containers for freezing. Therefore, select for this purpose small plastic molds with lids.

We will be happy if you like to prepare chocolate ice cream at home . Recipe you can choose any of the above, and also supplement it at will.

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