Food and drinkRecipes

How to salt watermelons in cans and barrels

Delicious homemade preparations for the winter can be considered a visiting card of a diligent and skilful mistress. Crispy cabbage and cucumbers, marinated tomatoes and mushrooms, pickles, jams, compotes - all this variety of fruits and vegetables makes our table extremely attractive and mouth-watering. Naturally, every craftsman has his own firm secrets of cooking. But no one will refuse to experiment, try new recipes. Especially since they are all checked.

Green, striped, amazing to the taste

Watermelon - the berry is not only amazingly tasty, but also very useful. It contains a large number of biologically active substances, fructose and glucose, pectin and fiber, magnesium, iron and other important elements for our body. There is nothing surprising in the fact that in the season we try not only to eat watermelons full of fill, but also to stock them for future use. Save the product in fresh form for about 2-3 months. And if you want to feast on them and all the autumn, winter, spring? Then you need to figure out how to salt watermelons in jars. And not only to salt, but also to pickle! This appetizer is extremely popular in those areas where melons grow widely . But in the regions far from the southern sun, the canned berry also enjoys nationwide love. Because every modern mistress should know well how to salt watermelons in cans and barrels, pickle them and generally procure for future use.

Note to the hostesses

Salted watermelon has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The smell of canned food is fresh, "watermelon", with a characteristic admixture of the aroma of products that have undergone the fermentation process. If the berries are greased, spices are usually not added to the fill. And another remark about how to salt watermelons in cans and barrels: you can add cabbage, apples to them. If the billet goes in large volumes, then usually a 10-liter bottle of chopped cabbage suffices 1 watermelon, cut into slices. And for a 100-liter drums, 4 berries are required. Now about the quality and size of the canned product. If you want to know how to salt watermelons in cans by all the rules, then you should take the berries small, thin-skinned, without cracks and other damages, medium ripeness, with firm firm flesh and not very sweet. Prepare 3 liter cans, sterilize them. Watermelon cut into small triangles so that the slices freely pass through the neck. In each jar, pour a few peas of black pepper, 2-3 cloves of garlic cloves and 3 tablespoons of salt. Fill with water, cover and leave to stand for a few days. Then drain the brine, boil it, pour it back into the jars and sterilize it for 20 minutes, then roll it. At such snack you can eat not only the flesh, but also the skin. If you want to sharpen, put in a jar half the pod of a burning pepper.

Watermelon, marinated in a "quick way"

And now we pickle watermelons in jars. It is quite easy to do this. For canning 1 watermelon, you need 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 - salt (also table) and citric acid, 1 teaspoonful. Watermelon wash, cut into slices, densely put them in sterilized jars and pour them with boiling water. Cover with covers and leave for 15 minutes. After that, from the jars, pour the water into a saucepan, put sugar and salt, boil. Pour in the acid, stir, pour, marinating, without removing from the heat. Sterilize for 15 minutes and roll.

Apples with watermelon

According to an old recipe, we pickle watermelons in cans with apple slices. The appetizer turns out to be spicy, tasty, perfectly suited to boiled potatoes, hot. For one portion of the spins, a small watermelon, a half kilogram of apples, a liter of water, 30 g of salt, 20 g of vinegar and sugar is required. Watermelon is cut into slices. In apples, remove the core and cut them into slices. Lay the fruits on the banks. Pour water, cover with sterilized lids, boil the cans for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, pour just boiling water and let stand for another 10 minutes. Drain again, add a boiling fill and cover with lids. In order to preserve such apples and watermelons in cans all winter long, the recipe recommends preparing marinade in the following way: pour salt into the water, let boil, pour vinegar, put sugar, boil again. If desired, add a pinch of sweet pepper.

Watermelon with spices

Another wonderful way how to salt watermelons for the winter is sure to please fans of a spicy fragrant snack. Cut it into slices. Place in cans. Place cloves of garlic between slices. For one medium-sized watermelon, 6 garlic heads are required. Pour the cans with boiled warm water and leave for half an hour. Then merge and fill in the fill, which should cover the contents of the cans completely. Ingredients: 300 g sugar, 3 tablespoons salt. In water, dissolve sugar and salt, boil. After the brine is poured over the jars, pour vinegar into each. Covering with lids, boil the preserving for 40 minutes and close. Banks turn the lids down, wrap, and a day later move to a cool place. If you want something special, you can add vinegar to the brine: 120 grams spread over the filled jars.

Watermelon casks

And, finally, how to salt watermelons in barrels. We offer you several options for snacks. The first one is quite unusual. This salting watermelons in a watermelon the same pulp. You will need: whole fruit - 10 kg, pulp - 3 kg, salt - 300 grams. Thoroughly washed watermelons prick a thick gypsy needle. Put in a barrel. In the crushed watermelon mass, pour in the salt, stir and pour into watermelons. Cover with a clean rag, cover the top with a lid and put oppression. Keep the salted salmon in a cool place. Watermelons are ready in a month and a half.

Watermelon with sauerkraut

The second option will also have to taste lovers of sour. After all, this recipe will teach you salting watermelons with sauerkraut. So, 10 kg of small watermelons wash, dry, puncture the skin in several places. Cabbage (also about 10 kg) chop, grind with salt (500 g). In a barrel on the bottom lay a layer of cabbage, then lay one watermelon. Just leave between them gaps, which fill with cabbage. When the keg is full, cover it with gauze, lid, and opacity. Keep in a cool place.

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