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How to pump up a girl's press

Every woman wants to be beautiful. However, even having excellent data from nature, you can lose everything if you do not care for yourself, do not perform a set of measures to preserve your beauty. An important aspect is the press of the girls, slenderness largely depends on the tightened abdomen. To achieve this, it is necessary to perform a set of exercises. The number of approaches depends on the expected effect, the degree of "neglect", etc. On average, the result of the training is noticeable after one and a half to two months. It should be noted that the exercises must be carried out regularly, everything should be taken seriously.

The abdomen has the following muscles: straight and oblique. It is not necessary to obtain the "dice" by drying, bringing the muscles into tonus brings very great benefit in itself.

The press of girls should be tightened. Particular attention should be paid to the transverse muscles that support the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. For training, do the following exercise. It is necessary to stand upright, put your feet together with your heels together and your toes apart, hands on your hips. After that, you should sit down slightly and, after exhaling, draw in the belly as much as possible, and then push it forward hard. Without breathing, you should perform such exercises as much as possible. This greatly strengthens the press of the girls. It is necessary to make 5-6 such approaches. In addition to strengthening the transverse muscles, the internal organs are massaged, which also has a positive effect on the entire body.

There is also such an exercise as the corners and slopes of the hull in different directions. This strengthens the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles.

Pressing the girls can be done with the help of the following steps. You need to lie on your back, then pull your legs to yourself, bending at your knees. It is necessary to try to bend your legs so that an angle of ninety degrees is formed. The hands must be put under the head during the exercise. Inhale - the legs return to their original position, exhale - form a right angle. This exercise strengthens the rectus abdominis muscle.

Help to tighten the press at home to the girl and the following banal, well-known classes. You need to lie on your back, legs bend at the knees. For beginners, you can snag on the sofa, wardrobe, etc. Put your hands behind your head. After this, lift the body in a vertical position at an angle of ninety degrees. Then return to the starting position.

You can use the services of a fitness center, where the trainers pick up the exercises, following their proper implementation, and in the halls there are all kinds of simulators. All this will quickly and effectively strengthen the muscles, pump up the girl's press (photo results of visits to such centers can be seen in many sources).

In general, we can say that the appearance of a woman has a significant influence on appearance. Straight back, tight belly - all this gives harmony and beauty to the weak half of humanity. In this case, the press of the girls is also significantly strengthened, comes in a tone.

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