Food and drinkRecipes

Home-made noodles, cooking

More recently, women who follow their figure, strictly ousted from the list of foods used dishes of noodles, pasta and other flour products. To date, it is known that pasta, which is made from flour of solid wheat varieties, does not harm the figure.

The store shelves are simply filled with pasta of various types and qualities. However, everyone wants to pamper themselves and their families with home-made noodles. Homemade noodles, cooking at home takes a long time, very much like your household, so you can ask them for help.

Recipe for cooking homemade noodles

In order to get a good home made noodles, the preparation should begin with the preparation of ingredients: - 0.4 kg flour - 8 egg yolks - 50 grams of ras. Oil - salt to taste, 1 tablespoon of water.

Home-made noodles, cooking

In a large bowl or on the surface of a table, fill in four hundred grams of flour with a slide and make a hole in it or a small depression. Then in a separate plate mix the eight yolks with salt, add a spoon of cold water and vegetable oil. Beat until smooth. In the pit or cavity pour in the resulting yolk mass, gently mix with flour. When the dough starts to get thick, you can knead it with your hands. After the kneading the dough should be tight and plastic, because on this depends in the future the quality of your home-made noodles. That's why ask your loved one for help. Men's hands will cope with the test better than you. The more dense it will be, the better quality you will get noodles, of course, under your skilful and sensitive guidance.

In order to simplify the procedure of kneading the test, you can use the following recommendations: before you start to roll the dough, leave it for ten minutes, covered with a towel or a plate. It should stand a little. Then again we start to work. First, pour flour on the table surface, it will be useful for the dough to roll freely on the table and not stick. Proceed to rolling. Gradually, as necessary, pour the flour on the table and under the rolling pin, again, so that the rolling pin does not stick. It is better that during rolling, you turn the dough, so it will less stick to the hands and table. The thinner you roll it, the better. To do this, again have to ask for help from a man. The best option is when the dough has a thickness of about one millimeter.

After you have well rolled the dough, you must leave it again for ten minutes, to dry it. At this time you can consult your relatives about what noodles to cook: short or long. Short is good for soups, and the long one is perfect as a side dish. In order to get a short homemade noodles, the preparation should begin with rolling the dough stripes in one to two centimeters. The resulting stripes need to be folded, of course, without forgetting to sprinkle with flour. And now with a thin knife, start cutting the noodles of the desired length. Try to cut so that it turns out as thin as possible. In the process of cutting, do not forget about shaking and turning over the noodles, otherwise you risk getting one stuck together lump. This type of cutting is convenient for a short product length.

If you chose a long noodle, sprinkle the dough with flour and roll it into a roll, then cut into thin strips and shake to make the noodles turn around. So you have finished almost all the cooking. It's a small thing. Dry the product of your own preparation. Then sprinkle a thin layer on the baking tray, after sprinkling it with flour. Leave to dry completely for about thirty to forty minutes. For a full dinner or dinner, you can try a recipe for homemade noodles with chicken. Good luck in cooking and a pleasant appetite!

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