Food and drinkRecipes

A delicious recipe. Stewed roast, baked, boiled

Delicate fish terpug today mistresses are used in a variety of dishes. And many of them are very tasty and useful.

Indian recipe. Bread soup with spices

This unusual fish dish can be prepared for everyone. It is incredibly easy to prepare and at the same time is distinguished by its excellent taste. It takes a kilogram of fish terpug, onion head, 2 cloves of garlic, chili, several tomatoes, ground ginger root, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, turmeric, cumin, coconut pulp (about 100 g), wine vinegar (4 tablespoons), salt and pepper black.

To begin with, the terpug is cut into small pieces. They are salted and peppered. The onion is ground, the garlic is squeezed into the same bowl. Only then they are fried in a frying pan. Tomatoes, peeled off, cut into cubes. All this goes to the onions. Chili is added here. Once the mixture thickens, you can turn off the fire.

A coconut would be nice to grate. All this is poured with boiling water and cooked for about 5 minutes. The filtered broth is mixed with vegetables, ginger and other seasonings. Once this sauce boils, put the fish in it and stew for half an hour. Serve such a fragrant dish best with rice to garnish.

The ear. Recipe for Stalker

Traditionally, for the soup you should take the heads and tails of the trout, 500g of the fish, some potatoes, 50g of rice, several onions, carrots, laurel, salt and pepper. The fish, of course, are cleaned and cut into pieces. The pot gets into the pot. As soon as the future ear boils, it is worth removing all the foam that has formed. In the boiling soup put crushed potatoes, rice, carrots and onions. After about 10 minutes. Added laurel and spices, and another 7 minutes it all boils. Already in a dish, sprinkle your ear with pepper and greens.

Useful recipe: baked potato

Fans of useful and low-calorie food will be delighted with such a dish. After all, the recipe does not imply any roasting and oil addition. And only 1 fish, a lemon, a pair of bulbs, dill, salt, as well as ground pepper, will be needed.

As prescribed by the recipe, the terpig is scraped and completely removed from the inside. Then the fish should be thoroughly rinsed. The onion is cut with rings, and the lemon is cut into small slices.

Lay a foil on a specially prepared baking sheet. The fish salted and peppered, and her belly is well stuffed with greens, onions and lemon. Terpug goes to foil. On the back of the fish make deep incisions, which are placed lemon. If there is still a bow, then you can put it on top of the dish. The fish is wrapped in foil and sent to the oven for 25 minutes.

This dish looks great without garnish. In an extreme case, ideally here comes rice or mashed potatoes.

Fish cake

Many housewives are wondering how to prepare a terpug. But the most simple and traditional Russian dish is a fish pie. To create it you need:

  • Kilogram of dough (yeast),
  • 3 fish (terpug),
  • Half a glass of rice,
  • butter,
  • Several bulbs,
  • Laurel.

The dough is rolled into a very thin layer, which is carefully transferred to a baking tray. Inside put pre-cooked filling in layers. Firstly, boiled rice gets there, then the crushed laurel leaves, then chopped onions and on top of the fish fillets. Pieces of butter are put on the fish, and with the edges of the dough the whole filling is covered.

It would be nice to leave the patty for a while alone, as long as it stays in it. Only then it is put in the oven, where it is also baked. For tea, this will be an excellent gift for all household members.

Recipe: "terpug in lecho"

Fish, stewed with vegetables - this dish is very tasty and full of vitamins. It will require a terpug (1 fish), several tomatoes, a large bell pepper, an onion and a clove of garlic. The fish should be washed, cleaned, separated from the bones and cut into small and thin slices. With tomatoes peeled, and they are crushed in the form of cubes. Of course, if there is lecho already, then tomatoes can be replaced by them.

Onions with garlic are cut and passeuyutsya in oil. Add pepper and tomatoes. Almost in the end, everything is off, and in this lecho we add terpug. Approximately half an hour it is necessary that the dish was ready.

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