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Cod Liver: Benefit and Harm for the Human Body

The benefits of fish oil are legendary. Many know that the cod liver (the benefit and harm to which will be considered in this article) was used by doctors in ancient times for the healing of many diseases. In the old days, when vitamins were not yet discovered by science, it was recommended to improve visual acuity. Let's study the properties of the cod liver from the perspective of modern medicine.

Product Features

The cod liver, the benefit and harm of which is determined by its properties and composition, contains a significant amount of vitamin A. This makes it a necessary product in cases of visual impairment. The same vitamin helps to maintain strength of teeth, good skin condition and hair density. Initially, this product was prized mainly because of the taste and fat content of the cod liver. The benefits and harms of her were discovered when they noticed that her use significantly improves the condition of patients with arthrosis and rheumatism, And also provokes skin diseases in allergy sufferers. In the liver, the concentration of substances is high, which help to strengthen the joints and prevent their deformation. Also, people who regularly use this product, better and faster fused bones. Today the composition of many dishes is studied scientifically. Not an exception, and a product such as cod liver - the benefits and harm it received scientific justification. Accelerated healing of bone tissue, it turns out, is due to the high content of calcium and vitamin D in the liver. It is useful because of this for patients with osteoporosis (pathological brittle bones), intensively trained athletes and adolescents. The latter helps to avoid calcium deficiency during the period of active growth and transformation of the body during puberty. In addition to the microelement mentioned, the cod liver contains zinc, iodine, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium and iron. The product is not only rich in them, but also contains these substances in an easily digestible state, which is beneficial for the organism of children and people suffering from various diseases. Copper allows the immune system to cope with inflammation, and iron is indispensable for monitoring the level of hemoglobin.

Liver of cod in the human diet. Prevention of atherosclerosis

In the daily diet of a healthy adult it is enough to have thirty grams of cod liver. This amount compensates for the lack of vitamins, improves blood clotting (due to the content of heparin). In Soviet times, the reception of the "fish oil" was popular - it has not lost its relevance right now. But few know that it is now released in capsules - this makes its reception more enjoyable for children. Fatty unsaturated acids, which are in the cod liver, strengthen the blood vessels and lower the level of cholesterol - it is very important for the prevention of atherosclerosis. All useful properties of the product are preserved when canning.

Cod liver. Harm

This product can cause significant damage to health, if they are abused, as, indeed, any fat product of animal origin. Do not eat liver to people with an allergy to sea foods and those who have the possibility of the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.

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