Self improvementMotivation

9 signs that you have become a "toxic" person

We are fighting the "toxic" influence of friends and acquaintances on our lives. However, people engaged in this struggle, it is so difficult to discern their own shortcomings. It is awful to admit that we create difficulties for ourselves. And only after looking at the truth, we can change the situation. There are 9 signs of toxicity before you. Take these factors under control, and you can change yourself for the better.

You tend to blame others for your problems

You have long grown out of short panties, but still strive to blame a particular person for each of their problems. But if there is a conflict, then all the warring parties are guilty of it, someone in the greater, some to a lesser degree. It is not necessary to adopt children's psychology, trying to find the main culprit of all ills and shift responsibility for what was done from their shoulders to strangers. "Toxic" people like to try on the role of the victim. Be prudent and learn to be responsible for your own actions.

Conversations behind your back

This habit also takes its roots in a deep childhood, when we sought to unite in small groups and plot intrigues to unwanted comrades. Gossip is part of our evolution, so we will never eradicate this phenomenon. However, before each person there is a choice: to be an active participant in gossip, or, if possible, to remain aloof. Such talk can fundamentally harm someone else. It's unlikely you want to be connected with the negative and have a reputation as a gossip.

You take more than you give

Life can not consist of only one holiday and love. Sometimes times come that can not be overcome without the help of relatives and friends. But if the endless requests have become routine for you, the moment has come when you need to change something. According to the laws of materialism, it is impossible to take more than give in return. Why do not you give yourself a helping hand to those in need?

Friends have disappeared from your life

When communication with someone begins to weigh down, people tend to make a silent escape from the "toxic" relationship. As a rule, the "sinking ship" leaves quietly, without unnecessary scandals, trying not to attract attention to themselves. Know that no one refuses friendship for no reason. There are reasons for everything. Well, if your friends, on any pretext, leave the party organized by you ahead of time, there is an occasion to do introspection. Be honest with yourself and find the reasons why close people avoid contact with you.

Life is full of drama

We have already said that no one is immune from tense moments in life. What does an adequate person do when difficult times come? He seeks to quickly overcome this black strip, without delaying it for a long time. Toxic people get used to the drama and even begin to cultivate it.

You do not know how to let go of the negative

It is difficult to move on when one of your friends or loved ones inflicted a deep mental wound on you. Are you getting ready to join the club of masochists, continuing communication with those who slowly kill you? In order not to be a "toxic" person, one must learn to let go of people who cause pain.

Aspiration to be right

Ask yourself one simple question: Do I want to always be right or always be happy? It would be great if these two possibilities could be combined. However, this does not happen, and in dealing with other people you will have to learn how to yield. Otherwise you will become a deeply unhappy person.

You are focused on the negative

Positive and negative sides exist in every life moment. Are you one of those who tend to focus on the negative? Certainly, optimism is not your strong point. However, this quality can and should be sought. We advise you to surround yourself with positive personalities and keep a diary of gratitude.

You dominate the conversation

When did you last talk with your friend for the last time? Probably, your communication is reduced to moralizing and the desire to dominate. Insensibly to others, you have elevated yourself to a special rank, and all conversations are built around the needs of your personality. The selfish message of your conversations is too tiresome to other people. Take action and give your friends 50 percent of the "air time".

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