Food and drinkRecipes

Yogurt recipe in yogurt - healthy food for the whole family

A healthy lifestyle is impossible without caring for proper nutrition. The use of high-quality sour-milk products that do not contain harmful dyes, thickeners and preservatives is extremely beneficial for digestion, immunity and disease prevention. More and more families start their day with fresh yogurt prepared with their own hands. Such yogurt can be prepared without resorting to the help of home appliances - in a thermos or in a properly covered and wrapped pan. However, if you like comfort and want to make your eating as much as possible, we advise you to buy a modern yogurt girl. And to prepare a correct and useful product will help our yogurt recipe in a yogurt.

Yogurttnitsa is a special heating device that maintains the optimal temperature and microclimate for the preparation of fermented milk products. It is filled with jars filled with a mixture of milk and special fungi. The device heats the jars to a certain temperature and maintains it for the entire period of time necessary for fermentation. In addition to yoghurts, this device can make homemade sour cream, cream, kefir, befivit, vitalact, etc.

Some housewives prefer to follow the easy path and add some natural yogurt directly to the prepared milk. However, a yogurt recipe in yogurt Can not be called healthy and correct in the full sense of the word, because the store product, in addition to useful ingredients, contains dyes, starch and other additives unnecessary to the body. All the correct recipes for making yogurt in a yogurt are based on the use of milk and a special starter. It can be bought at a pharmacy or at special health food stores. The leaven is packaged in small jars, the contents of which are enough for 1 liter of milk. You can use ready-to-start starter or narine.

The yoghurt recipe in yogurt is the following: You need to take a liter of milk (preferably with a standard fat content of 3.5%, skim is not worth taking, as it undergoes additional treatment that reduces its usefulness) and a portion of dry bacteria (the exact dose is indicated on the package).

Milk boil for 15 minutes on low heat, then wait for the cooling. If the leaven is sold in a vial, it must be poured with water for 2/3 and shaken well until dissolved. If it was in a capsule, it can be poured into a small bowl of milk and beat thoroughly. Then the diluted leaven is poured into the milk and again thoroughly mixed to make it evenly mixed. We pour out the milk in cups (they must be sterilized and wiped dry) and put in a yogurt. Cover it with a lid and turn on the heat. The standard cooking time is from 5 to 6 hours. The longer the yoghurt stays, the thicker it will be.

The finished product can be eaten immediately, and it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. In case you did not have time to buy the leaven, you can use a portion of the already prepared natural yogurt (100 ml per 1 liter of milk).

This recipe for homemade yogurt in yogurttsee is perfect for preparing a tasty and healthy breakfast, and for the final meal during the day. If yogurt seems too sweet, you can add to it pieces of natural fruit (apple, banana, strawberries, cherries) or nuts. Children can add to it corn flakes or a bit of grated chocolate. Just do it right before meals. This yogurt can also be used to make a diet cake. It can also be used to feed a small child, if there is no food allergy to milk.

The yogurt recipe in the yogurt can be changed, yielding other useful kinds of fermented milk products, for example, kefir.

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