HealthDiseases and Conditions

Vomiting in an infant,

The digestive system of a newborn baby is not yet adapted to "adult" food. Its main and most useful food is the breast milk of the mother. All other substances will only have a negative impact on the body of the little man, as a result of which there may be a violation of the digestive process and vomiting in the infant. For this reason, it is possible to start luring or feeding with a milk formula only with the permission of the pediatrician and under his supervision.

Quite often, vomiting in an infant may occur because of an intestinal infection with which the baby's immunity is not yet able to fight. There are cases when a mother feeding her baby , forgetting about the rules of personal hygiene, is the cause of infection of the baby. Mummy should never take a baby's pacifier and a baby's nipple in her mouth, taste the mixture, take the baby in her hands, before washing her hands with soap.

In addition to intestinal infection, there are a number of other reasons that can cause vomiting in an infant:

- nutritional errors in the diet of a nursing mother;

- sudden changes in temperature;

- introduction of complementary foods or a new type of food;

- changing the adapted milk formula ;

- disruption of the development of the digestive tract;

- made with impaired vaccination;

- binge eating. If a child eats more milk than his stomach allows, the body will get rid of excess fluid by vomiting. This is a kind of protective reflex;

- feeding an improperly prepared milk mixture or a mixture of powder stored for a long time;

- feeding products not intended for a given age, resulting in gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa) or gastroenteritis (inflammation of the organs located below).

If vomiting in a small child does not disappear for a sufficiently long time, causes lethargy and apathy of the baby, is accompanied by fever, convulsions, causes dryness, pale skin, leads to a decrease in body weight, this condition requires immediate emergency emergency calls. With a single vomiting, you can limit yourself to calling a doctor at home for advice.

Often in the practice of pediatricians there is severe vomiting in the child, accompanied by high fever. This disease occurs as a result of taking medications. The thing is that the organism of the crumb is not ready to take pharmacological preparations, for this reason the baby has an emetic process, due to which the body of the child gets rid of the medicinal substance, antibiotic or antipyretics. Also, vomiting can occur as a reaction of the baby's body to high temperature.

If you observe in your child signs of vomiting and fever, then promptly call an ambulance. At this time, provide the baby with a plentiful drink, create conditions for the vertical position of the body, do not allow the head to roll back, do not feed the child and do not give him any medicines, periodically clean the nasal passages of the baby and in no case interfere with the vomiting.

If vomiting in an infant appears at the moment when the baby's food intake begins to be introduced, this indicates that the stomach is not ready for digesting new food. In this case, postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a few days, start giving a new product in a smaller amount, closely monitor the quality of the food used by the baby, and always consult your doctor.

If a baby has vomiting for up to a year (with the introduction of complementary foods), then it may be necessary to use medication. It will allow to correctly form the microflora of the intestine and create conditions for the normal operation of the pancreas.

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