HealthDiseases and Conditions

Tumor of the brain - symptoms and features of the disease

A brain tumor is a pathological multiplication of cells in the brain. At the same time, malignant tumors have intensive growth and suppress the majority of healthy cells in the struggle for space and nutrients. You should know how the brain tumor manifests itself, the symptoms of the disease, in order to schedule appropriate treatment in time. Benign tumors are characterized by slow development, but also represent a serious danger to health.

With a disease like a brain tumor, the symptoms look like this:

- increased drowsiness and lethargy;

- seizures of epilepsy;

- visual impairment;

- persistent nausea;

- dizziness;

- severe headaches.

A severe headache appears already at later stages of the disease. Headache can either cover the entire head, or give to the temporal areas, the occiput, or to burst from the inside. Such pains mostly appear at night or in the morning, and by evening they gradually subside. Also , headaches are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, regardless of the filling of the stomach.

If the vestibular apparatus is irritated, sudden dizziness may occur. And due to increased intracranial pressure or pinching of the optic nerve tumor, full or partial loss of vision may occur. If you have any symptoms, you should go to the clinic. If you feel worse, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. With the development of such a disease as a brain tumor, symptoms can manifest itself in the form of irritability, memory loss, visual impairment, sensitivity and coordination, as well as violations of oral or written speech. Symptoms depend on the location of the tumor, so the doctor can determine the type of tumor and its location, and the diagnostic process will indicate the further development of the disease.

The brain tumor is divided into primary and secondary. The primary tumor is formed in the brain itself. The most frequent types of primary tumor are astrocytomas, which are characterized by seizures and headaches, as well as glioma of the trunk, accompanied by a violation of the heart, breathing and other important body processes. Secondary tumor is formed due to metastasis of malignant formations of various organs. About 40 percent of secondary tumors are due to lung cancer, and another 30 percent are due to breast cancer.

How to identify a brain tumor in children? When the brain tumor develops, intracranial pressure increases, which leads to a decrease in blood circulation in the brain and the development of hypoxia in the nervous tissues. At half of children at early stages of such illness as a brain tumor symptoms are shown in emotional frustration and sharp changes in behavior. At the same time, attention and memory are disturbed , and children are locked in themselves and stop playing with their peers. At the initial stages of the disease, the normal periods of the life of the child are characterized by alternation with periods of inhibition and congestion. In the process of tumor progression, the child develops a stupor state, while he is cut off from the outside world and completely immersed in himself.

How does the brain tumor develop in children? As the development of intracranial hypertension, the child becomes more sluggish, which eventually results in a breakdown in compensation and the formation of liquor-hypertensive crises. In children aged 2-3 years, the disease is accompanied by vomiting and headaches. Also, these children often cry or cry from severe pain, grabbing their heads or face, often fussing and expressing discontent. The most complex is the tumor of the posterior cranial fossa, in which, in addition to the standard symptoms, there may be irregularities in the pulse and respiratory process, as well as spontaneous dizziness.

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