HealthDiseases and Conditions

Trophic ulcer of lower extremities

Trophic ulcers of the lower extremities can not occur independently. The onset of the disease is the result of a variety of different pathologies. What are the causes of ulceration? What methods of treatment exist?

Locations and main causes of the disease

Trophic ulcers of the lower limbs appear as a result of a violation of the blood supply to the skin area, which leads to a lack of nutrients and oxygen, the development of microcirculation disorder and metabolic disturbances in tissues. The affected area is necrotized and becomes sensitive to infection.

The causes of the manifestation of the disease can serve as:

- chronic arterial insufficiency (nonspecific aort arteritis, obliterating thromboangiitis, atherosclerosis);

- high blood sugar (diabetes mellitus);

- chronic venous disorders (thrombophlebitis of the extremities, varicose veins);

- trauma and skin lesions after surgery.

The disease can be located on any part of the body. For example, trophic ulcers of the lower leg arise as a result of chronic venous disturbances, and ulcers on the skin of the feet are the result of diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of the disease

How does the trophic ulcer manifest ? Symptoms of the disease are:

1. The skin in the lesion becomes thin, tense and dry, has a mirror-shiny appearance with characteristic pigmented spots.

2. An ulcer appears, gradually increasing in size. Over time, the edges of the ulcer thicken, the bottom bleeds and becomes covered with a dirty coating.

Any trauma in the future leads to infection and an increase in ulcerative effect. Pain is the main complaint of patients. Violation of the skin prevents patients from hygiene, pick up clothes and shoes.

The main task of the attending physician in detecting a trophic ulcer in a patient is to identify the main cause of its occurrence. To do this, ultrasound dopplerography of vessels, radiopaque phlebography, measurement of oxygen level and examination of limb blood flow.


The trophic ulcer of the lower extremities is treated only in a stationary setting. In parallel, the cause of its occurrence should also be treated. For example, if a trophic ulcer appears against a background of venous disorders, then it is necessary to treat not only the place of ulcerative lesion, but also varicose veins.

Treatment has two directions: general and local. At the general or common treatment appoint application of the preparations improving venous outflow. For example, injections of Solcoseryl, the course of treatment which is 20 - 30 days. In severe forms of the disease, treatment should be increased.

Local treatment consists of the following:

- compliance with bed rest;

- Daily treatment and cleaning the wound with antiseptics;

- dry bandages with the use of ointments and gels (zinc ointment, Solcoseryl, Gepatrombil and others);

- wearing elastic stockings or golf or fixing limbs with elastic bandages.

The appointment of a course of laser therapy will have a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of treatment.

During the treatment, special attention should be paid to the patient's nutrition. At this time it is better to exclude from the diet sharp and fatty dishes.

Trophic ulcers respond to treatment quite badly and for a long time. The healing of the tissues proceeds very slowly or does not occur at all. Restoration of affected tissues begins on the 30-40 day after the initiation of therapy.

In the case where the healing process does not occur, do skin grafting. Take the skin from the hip area or buttocks and transplant to the lesion site. The healed areas of the transplanted skin serve as additional healing sites, stimulating restorative processes around them.

If there was a trophic ulcer of the lower extremities, the treatment should be carried out immediately and under the full control of the doctor.

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