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Snot and cough without fever in the child: the main causes, treatment

Cold without a temperature almost does not cause discomfort. It is only necessary to take the medicine and in a few days to start daily duties. But everything becomes more complicated when a cough and runny nose appears in the child. And if it's still babe, then the problem appears even more. It is difficult to choose a drug that would suit a child perfectly. In addition, it is very difficult to clean the jammed spout. But do not panic!

It is better to warn than to cure

The person who just comes into being is a clean sheet. The infant's immune system is not yet developed properly. Any bacterium can cause a serious illness. Children who are breastfed suffer much less. All the beneficial substances that contribute to the strengthening of the body are transmitted with the mother's milk.

Snot and cough without fever in a child is common if it feeds on milk formula. Parents of such a baby should always be on guard. The infant should never come into contact with a cold who has a cold. If contact can not be avoided, it is necessary to use special gauze bandages.

Baby food should be full. It is also very important for strengthening the immune system. After six months in the diet of the child must enter the vegetables and fruits, cereals and meat. All foods should be injected gradually to track the infant's reaction.

Caught a cold? A doctor will help!

No matter how hard parents try to save their babies, sooner or later they have to face a cold. Snot and cough without temperature in a child of 5 months can cause a lot of inconvenience. Babe, who only recently slept soundly all night, begins to wake up almost every hour. It's becoming more difficult to calm him down. The problem is that the jammed spout does not allow the child to breathe fully.

Any colds in the newborn require specialist attention. Do self-medication in any case impossible. The problem is that babies often have complications. In just a few days, a simple cough can develop into bronchitis, and then into pneumonia. In this case, treatment with simple drugs can not be dispensed with. Hospitalization and administration of antibiotics will follow. Therefore, even if the body temperature of the baby does not increase, it is necessary to call the pediatrician at home as soon as possible.

What is a cold?

Snot and cough without fever in a child can appear due to infection with a viral infection. Only 10% of cases are caused by bacteria. The virus can be transmitted by airborne droplets or through household items. Therefore, with special attention is to treat the baby, if the house already has a patient. Well, if for a while it will be possible to isolate.

Street is also a risk area. Every day a baby can contact millions of different bacteria and viruses for a walk. But the fear of colds is absolutely no reason to refuse fresh air. Snot and cough without fever in babies can say that his immune system does not work at full strength. The reason for this may be malnutrition or teething. After eliminating unpleasant symptoms, parents need to closely monitor the health of the crumbs.

How long does it take to cure a cold?

There is an opinion that without appropriate treatment, the symptoms of colds will be gone within seven days. But if you put as much effort as possible, the kid will be able to lead a full-fledged way of life much faster. But to let the disease on its own can not be exactly! Snot and cough without fever in a child can lead to serious complications.

It is very important to create appropriate conditions for the child's recovery. The baby needs bed rest and more fresh air. Of course, when there are snot and cough without temperature in a child of 3 years old, it's difficult to talk about bed rest. After all, the kid will still be active. We must try to make sure that the child spends as little energy as possible. It is worth reading an interesting book with a crumb or telling a fairy tale.

The room in which the infant is located should be regularly ventilated. Also of great importance is wet cleaning. This is especially important if the child suffers from a dry cough. In addition, you can purchase a special humidifier.

Drinking regime

Faster cure snot and cough without temperature in the child will help simple boiled water. Proper drinking regimen will help get rid of the infection. To force a child to drink, of course, is not worth it. You can put a bottle near his bed with water. The child will drink as much as he likes. For a day the infant should drink fluids at a rate of 70 ml per 1 kg of weight.

A variety of herbal teas also have a beneficial effect. For example, chamomile helps to dilute sputum. Cough passes quickly and without consequences. Snot and cough without fever in the baby helps also to treat tea with raspberries. But give the drink to the baby with caution. Raspberry can cause an allergic reaction. The same applies to honey. A perfect drink during a cold will be a compote of dried fruits. He is moderately sweet and like almost all babies.

How to organize a diet?

During a cold, the child's appetite can be significantly reduced. To force an infant is in no case impossible. Much better things are for babies who are breastfed. Milk for them is a medicine, and water, and food. Snot and cough without fever in a 4-month-old baby are easily cured with the help of a maternal breast.

Any food that is offered to the baby during the period of the disease should be easy. You can cook a vegetable soup or mashed potatoes. Food should not load the stomach. Giving food to a crumb is on demand. During the cold, he can lose a few pounds of weight. But then everything will be restored.

Treatment with medicines

There are many drugs that are used during the treatment of colds. But you can not give them to crumbs yourself. The doctor himself will prescribe medication. The right approach will allow you to quickly eliminate snot and cough without temperature. Komarovsky recommends using dry syrups for dry cough . The drug "Pertussin" is effective and inexpensive. To children till a year give on a teaspoon of a syrup three times a day. Further, the dosage is increased. Older children are given a tablespoon of syrup.

Much more discomfort during the disease to babies delivers a runny nose. Treatment consists in removing mucus from the nasal cavity. For this, a special pear can be used. But let the child breathe easier special vasoconstrictive drugs. But they should be used only according to the doctor's prescription.

Should I go for a walk?

Snot and coughing in a baby is not an excuse for sitting in four walls. If the child does not have a temperature, you can safely go to the street. Warm sun and fresh air help to fight colds no worse than medications. Postpone the walk is only when the street is too cold or it rains.

It is very important before a walk to properly dress a cold cat. There is a simple rule. Dressing a child is one layer warmer than an adult.

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