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"The Story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom": analysis. Characteristics of Peter and Fevronia

At the beginning of the XVI century, even in the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia Makarii instructs his monastic assistants-scribes to search in all Russian cities and villages stories about righteous people who became famous for their pious life. One of such ancient beautiful and romantic stories was "The Story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". The analysis of the actions of the protagonists suggests that these were the righteous who became the spiritual symbol of the Christian family. And so, with the consent of the Church Council in 1547, they were canonized. Priest Yermolai was entrusted to write a detailed essay on the life and love of Peter and Fevronia.

Peter and Fevronia. The summary of the plot

In the city of Murom, Prince Pavel reigned. And suddenly the Serpent in the guise of Paul began to come to his wife for fornication. She immediately told her husband about it. He immediately asked her to see him flatteringly at the next meeting with the Serpent, from which he awaits his death. A humble wife did so. Enraptured by her beauty and gentle speeches, the Serpent gave her the secret of her death, which consisted in the fact that Peter would kill him with the help of Agric's sword. Concerned by this news, Paul calls to his brother Peter and tells him everything. And he was ready to fight the enemy, though he did not know where to get Agrikov's sword.

Agricov's sword

In this case, it is impossible not to mention the fact that this sword was forged by Agric - the son of the cruel tyrant Herod, who is known from the biblical texts. This mighty sword had supernatural properties and in the darkness emitted a bluish glow. He easily dealt with any military armor. By the way, it was also called the sword-kladentsom - the weapon of the epic heroes. But how did he get to Ancient Rus? There is reason to believe that the Templars, participating in the excavations of the Temple of Solomon, most likely found the main Christian relics: the Grail, the Shroud, later called Turinskaya, and Agrikov's sword. It was they who presented him to the fearless commander of Vladimir - Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky - as a special reward, when he decided to return to Russia. But with the beginning of internecine wars, the prince was killed. And the sword began to move from one source to another. In the end, he was hidden in the walls of the monastery of the glorious city of Murom.

Continuation of the plot

So, after a while Peter, praying in the church of the monastery, the boy points to the treasure in which Agrikov's sword was kept. He took the weapon and went to his brother. Prince Peter almost immediately realized that the Serpent's wife was sitting in his witchly guise. Then he struck him a fatal blow, and he instantly died, sprinkling it with his blood, after which the prince became very ill and covered with scabs. No doctor took to treat Peter. But once there was such a village healer by nature, a wise maiden named Febronia, who healed the prince and became his faithful wife. After the death of Brother Paul, the throne was occupied by Peter. But the insidious boyars decided to drive out the commoner, not liking it was their wives. And Fevronia was ready to leave the city, but only with her husband, who decided to go with her. Boyars were at first very pleased to let them go, but after a while, after internecine strife and killing for the throne, they decided to return the princely couple. And after that, everyone began to live happily and happily.

Main Interchange

And when the time came, Peter and Fevronia took monastic vows and received the names of David and Efrosinya. They even prayed to God that He sent them death in one day, and even prepared a double coffin with a partition. So it happened - they fell asleep in one day, but the priests were afraid of the wrath of God and did not bury them together. After placing their deceased bodies in different churches, they found them together in their special coffin in the morning. This was repeated twice. And then it was decided to bury them together, never again separating.

Now always together the holy beloved Peter and Fevronia. The brief content of this story has revealed only a small part of their righteous life. These miracle workers became patrons of marriage and love. Now, any believer has the opportunity to pray over holy relics in the Holy Trinity Monastery in the city of Murom.

Wise Fevronia

The characteristics of Peter and Fevronia surprise them with endless humility, serenity and serenity. Possessing a huge inner strength, chaste and perspicacious Fevronia is very stingy in its outward appearance. She defeated her passions and was ready for anything, even the feat of self-denial. Her love became invincible outwardly, because she was inwardly submitting to the mind. The wisdom of Fevronia is not only in her extraordinary mind, but in feeling and will. And between them there is no conflict. Hence, such a penetrating "silence" in her image. Therefore, it is not surprising that Fevronia possessed a life-giving force, so great that she even animated the felled trees, which after that became even larger and greener. Possessing a strong spirit, she was able to unravel the thoughts of travelers. In her love and wisdom she even surpassed her ideal blessed Peter. The love of Peter and Fevronia has found its response in the hearts of millions of people who will necessarily pray to these holy images.

The brave Peter

Characterizing Prince Peter, you can see his unprecedented heroism and courage in the victory over the devilish devilish Snake. It is immediately evident that he is a deeply religious person, otherwise he would not be able to defeat such an artful tempter. However, he once deceived Fevronia when he promised that after his recovery he would marry her. He never did it until he was covered with fetid stink. The lesson taught by Fevronia, the prince quickly learned and then began to listen to her in everything. Soon they were married and began to live like true Christian families in love, faithfulness and harmony. Prince Peter never indulged his wife. He was truly godly, not for nothing that the boyars and the people fell in love with him.

In its own unique characteristic of Peter and Fevronia. It was really people from God. And more than once you are surprised at how much they had mutual understanding and love. After all, they perfectly complemented each other, and therefore they became the image of an ideal married couple.

Genres of Old Russian Literature

In addition to this famous novel, there were other examples of Old Russian literature. In general, Old Russian scribes, mastering Slavic literature, mainly engaged in Greek translations and then turned to the creation of their original works, performed in various genres: life, chronicle, instruction, military story. It is impossible to specify exactly when the first records of various historical legends appeared, but vivid examples of Old Russian literature appeared already in the middle of the XI century. It was then that the Russian chronicles were created, representing a detailed record of some very important historical events in Russia. A special place is occupied by the stories of ancient Russian literature - this is something intermediate between the novel and the novel. But now mostly stories are short stories about an event. Thus, folk folklore and Old Russian literature are especially valued by contemporaries.

Monuments of ancient Russian literature

One of the first known ancient chroniclers was the Monk Nestor (his holy relics rest in the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra) with his chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years", dated to the 11th century. Behind him, the Grand Duke of Kiev, Vladimir Monomakh, wrote the book "Instruction" (XII century). Gradually began to appear such works as "The Story of the Life of Alexander Nevsky", the author of which, most likely, was a scribe of Vladimir Metropolitan Kirill at the turn of the late 12th and early 13th centuries. Then another monument of ancient Russian literature was created, dated the beginning of the 12th century, under the title "The Lay of Igor's Campaign," where the author's name remained unknown. I would also like to mention a great work about the Mamayev battle "Zadonshchina", created at the turn of the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, presumably the author was Ryazan priest Sofroniy.

"The Story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". Analysis

Gradually the list of Old Russian literature expanded. It included the Story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. An analysis of this work of the 16th century calls it the anthem of conjugal love and fidelity. And it will be correct. Here it is - an example of a true Christian family. True love and devotion is demonstrated by the Story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Analysis of the artistic features of the work suggests that it combines two folklore subjects. In one of them is narrated about the insidious Serpent-seducer, and in the other - about the wise virgin. It is distinguished by the simplicity and clarity of presentation, the slow deliberation of the development of events and, most importantly, the calmness of the narrator in the gentleness of the description of the characters. Because it is easily perceived and read, which means that it teaches us to love truly, humbly and selflessly, as did its main characters - Peter and Fevronya.

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