
Exercises on Present Simple: rules, translation from Russian into English

In English, the extremely common Present Simple is formed quite easily: the semantic verb remains unchanged or acquires the ending "- (e) s". It is noteworthy that this ending is characteristic only of the verb in the third person. If the subject is a personal pronoun "he", "she", "it", the interrogative pronoun "who" or a noun that can be replaced by a personal pronoun in the third person, the verb must be written and read with the ending "-es". Detailed exercises on Present Simple will help you to master this simple grammatical rule.


In everyday life, there are many examples of this simple time. Any routine action, whether it's personal hygiene, eating at certain hours, studying, working or hobbies, usually obeys the rules of simple English grammar. Even if the sentence does not specify the time of the action, you can understand that it's about Present Simple, if after adding words like "usually", "regularly", "constantly", "often", "rarely" to the phrase, the meaning of the message is not Varies or changes slightly. Excellent examples are the following phrases, analogues of which are often included in exercises on Present Simple:

  • I brush my teeth in the mornings and in the evenings.
  • He watches feature films on television every evening.
  • Anna rarely reread books.
  • My friends like to play tricks on a biology teacher.

Feelings and emotions

In English, there are a number of verbs that are used in the present simple time, regardless of the context. This greatly facilitates the task of translating text or constructing phrases. The list of such verbs includes the words "love", "like", adore, hate, and some others. It is believed that these emotions can not be experienced only at a particular moment - they in any case have a long character. It is understood that a person "always" loves or hates. Therefore, you can not use the above verbs in the present long time: they always have the characteristic form of the predicate in Present Simple. Exercises with answers, offered by the authors of the textbooks to all those who study English as a foreign language, clearly demonstrate the basic rules of using temporary forms.

English exercises: Present Simple

Translate the phrases into English using the Russian-English dictionary and paying special attention to the use of grammatical times. Analyze the presence or absence of the ending "- (e) s".

  • At this crossroads, I always turn right.
  • He does not like her new perfume.
  • Every day he approaches the tallest tree in the park and looks sad at the inscription cut out on the bark.
  • Jim plays football, Mike prefers tennis, and Diana does not like sports at all.
  • Rosa makes funny toys for children, and Chris plays small plays.
  • Students regularly perform exercises on Present Simple.
  • How much does this dictionary cost?
  • Who airs the audience every morning?
  • Why does he love the smell of violets?
  • From time to time, I repeat the grammatical times of the English verb.
  • This artist writes beautiful pictures. He is very talented.
  • Justin collects rare old coins and often participates in seminars for history buffs and numismatists.
  • How often do you visit your sister? Where she lives? This village is near the capital? Does she come to visit you?
  • You very rarely clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. Dolly cleans carpets with a vacuum cleaner every day.
  • He only watches sci-fi movies.
  • Vernon does not like the exercises on Present Simple, but his teacher recommends every week to repeat all the material he traversed.

Translation from English into Russian

Translate phrases into Russian. Explain the spelling of the predicate in each phrase.

  • She dislikes it.
  • I start every day with washing my face and brushing my teeth.
  • He longs to be accepted in that group, but the guys do not trust him enough.
  • My friend sings beautifully.
  • I like reading science fiction.
  • Who sends me e-mails every evening? I doubt that I know this nickname.
  • Nick lives next door.
  • Brian hums absent-mindedly every time the teacher explains boring things.
  • She often writes letters to her friends in Romania.

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