HealthDiseases and Conditions

Geographic language - description, treatment

Very interesting name for this disease, thanks to the symptoms, which can not be confused with anything. The geographical language is expressed in the appearance in the language of formations surrounded by a rim in the form of a clouded, sloughing epithelium. These elements, then disappearing, then appearing again in other places, you can see several pieces. They take the form of a semicircle, a ring, an oval and against a background of the mucous membrane preserved in the unaltered form a distinctive pattern, sharply expressed in the contour, which resembles a map. That's why such an education is called a geographical language.

Epilation in the form of a geographical language usually lasts several days, but it may take several months, and even much more. In most cases, no specific uncomfortable sensations a person will not experience. When the muffling intensifies, there may be a burning sensation, a tingling or tingling sensation that most clearly appears during eating. Language acutely feels hot, spicy seasonings, spices. In particular, this applies to pepper sauces. At times, geographical language creates even a violation of taste sensations.

Since the foci of mendicating are not covered by the corresponding mucosa, they quickly become infected. When this happens, the geographical language becomes covered with cracks, in addition there is a painful sensation when swallowing, often there is a headache. Further, an increase in the submaxillary lymph nodes is typical , and well-being worsens.

Experts believe that in the etiology of the disease in the first place is a disorder of trophic function of the mucosa, as well as interruptions in tissue nutrition. Often, the geographical language is manifested in people suffering from chronic gastric diseases, liver diseases , duodenal ulcers. The cause is a deficiency of vitamins in the body, chronic skin diseases, diseases of the blood-forming organs, thyroid gland, nervous system. It is especially necessary to note that the geographical language can often be the result of uncontrolled and prolonged use of antibiotics or any other medications.

The language is too sensitive to the multitude of functional changes that occur in the body. In some women, in the form of sloughing, epithelium on the outside of the tongue is formed, for example, during menstruation and even during pregnancy. As soon as menstruation ends or the postpartum period comes, the tongue takes on a natural appearance.

At children from six months and till four years disease is caused usually by eruption of milk teeth. In those few situations, when the slimming of the epithelium continues to last and later, it does not actually affect the health and health of the child. In any case, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor, because the geographical language is not only a consequence of teething, but also a manifestation of helminthic invasion or exudative diathesis.

Geographical language - treatment

When the disease "geographical language", in particular, if dryness is manifested in the mouth, it is often necessary to rinse, immediately after a meal and in the evening before going to bed. It is preferable to use decoctions of herbs, for example, St. John's wort, chamomile, sage (the preparation process is described on the box). It will be useful to rinse the mouth with freshly green tea, which produces an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. If the geographical language of children causes unpleasant feelings, medicinal dental elixirs, for example, "Lesnoy", are suitable for rinsing the oral cavity. Dosage: 5-10 drops per glass of boiled water (warm).

It is recommended to apply to the surface of the tongue gauze wipes, impregnated with vaseline or peach butter, butter without salt or fish oil. The duration of this procedure is usually 3-5 minutes.
Physicians often designate specific baths for oral cavity with sunflower oil as a treatment for geographical language. It must be sterilized in a bottle placed in a container of boiling water, and after cooling, put into mouth and hold for 5-10 minutes.

Undoubtedly, in the geographical language, it is necessary to abandon salty, sharp, too hot and cold dishes and from alcoholic beverages.

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