
Results of the Second World War: briefly and in the case

It is very difficult to briefly describe the results of the Second World War. The war itself affected the lives of many millions of people and many states. Below, we will try to describe the results of the Second World War as concisely, clearly and concretely as possible . It radically changed the fate of many countries in Asia, Europe and America.

The outcome of the war for a long time determined the geopolitical situation and the future fate of European countries almost to the end of the twentieth century.

Results of the Second World War: briefly and clearly

Of course, the most important result was the defeat of fascism and the restoration of the sovereignty of countries captured by fascist Germany and its allies. State machines of militarism and fascism were completely routed. The military power of the USSR was in fact recognized by the Yalta-Potsdam system. The Union acquired the most important significance as a world power, with which one must be reckoned.

Naturally, the Soviet Union, which accounted for 90% of human losses, won a huge moral authority. The masses of the European countries began to see in him the guarantor of democratic transformations in the world. People were sure that the Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam conferences laid the foundation for the consent and cooperation of world powers. In addition, in Africa and Asia, a powerful anti-colonial movement began. By the end of the war, Lebanon, Syria, Vietnam and Indonesia had declared their independence.

In a nutshell, these are practically decomposed results of the Second World War on points.

Conference results

In Yalta and Potsdam at the conferences of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition , fateful decisions were made on the structure of the postwar world. Democratization, demilitarization and denationalization were carried out in Germany. Also made changes in the outlines of the borders of some European countries.

In particular, Czechoslovakia has regained its borders again since 1938. At the initiative of the Soviet government, Poland received part of the German territories. And in 1955 an agreement was signed on the restoration of independent Austria. In October 1956, the USSR and Japan signed a declaration on the cessation of the state of war and the restoration of diplomatic relations. This all created the preconditions for a long democratic peace.

However, such results of World War II did not justify the hope. To put it briefly, the real world was still very, very far away.

Conflict between former allies

Between the Western countries and the USSR there were contradictions as to what the post-war world should be like. The coalition that collapsed during the war to unite countries with different geopolitical goals broke up.

Western states, accustomed to rule in the world, did not want to perceive the USSR as an equal player in the political arena. However, the Yalta-Potsdam system was able to keep the world from a global war for half a century. The war demonstrated that the coalition can only be successful when the allies trust each other. Only consideration of economic, political and cultural factors can make the coalition effective. All this is the outcome of the Second World War.

Historical Lessons

Wars happen because the descendants forget the historical lessons of previous wars. The first lesson taught by the war is that the past has a great influence on the long-term perspective. The future is born in the past. For example, the Versailles Peace, which consolidated the results of World War I, in fact, created the conditions for a future global confrontation.

The mistakes made by the leadership of the winning countries were expensive. This was shown by the Second World War. Its results, including this one, should serve as a lesson for the rulers of the future. It is the attitude to their mistakes that is the indicator of maturity and responsibility. Dogmas, political predilections, absolutization of power are extremely dangerous. The horrific consequences can result from the belief that your own thoughts, a look at the world and what is happening in it - is the truth.

The third lesson is the realization of a historical mission. For the first time in history, the army, the Red Army, performed the function of salvation. She saved the European civilization from destruction. The Soviet Union paid a very high price for this. Nevertheless, instead of "liberators", the words "occupiers" are heard more and more often. And those who say this, do not get a rebuff.

The descendants began to forget the lessons and results of the Second World War. Briefly (the table) they are presented below. In any case, historical lessons and historical truth must be known, no matter how bitter it may be. Below is a graphic example of what the Second World War led to. Its results should not just be taught, but transmitted from generation to generation. Without comprehension and assimilation of past mistakes, further transformations and development are simply impossible.

Table of totals

Below we will consider the outcome of the Second World War briefly, on points.

Results for the USSR
  1. Victory.
  2. An exit on leading positions in world politics.
  3. Change of territories.
  4. Strengthening diplomatic relations with other states.
  5. The Red Army received the status of "liberators".
Results for Allied Countries
  1. Change of borders.
  2. The ability to rebuild the postwar world.
  3. The emergence of yet another rival on the world stage.
Results for Germany
  1. Democratization, denationalization and demilitarization.
  2. Loss of part of the territory.
  3. The fundamental change in the state apparatus.
Results for other states
  1. The beginning of the anticollonial movement.
  2. Change of borders.
  3. Return of sovereignty.

Thus, the war affected all states in the world to some extent. The results of the Second World War are brief, point-by-point and clearly reviewed in this article.

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