EducationThe science

Psychology as a science about the soul

What does psychology study? What is this science? If you ask these questions to people who have not studied this science, the answers will "study human behavior" or "study the thoughts, feelings and desires of a person", etc. And these answers are really close to the truth. Its name and definition of psychology is due to Greek mythology.

Aphrodite's son, Eros fell in love with a simple mortal Psyche. But his mother did not like this, and she applied all conceivable and unthinkable efforts to separate the lovers. Psyche passed all the trials patiently and humbly, because she was ready for anything, only to see her beloved. And the gods of Olympus, seeing how great the love of Psyche, persuaded Zeus to make her a goddess. And thus they are united forever. For the Greeks Psyche became a symbol of the soul, which stretches to the highest spiritual happiness.

Only in the 18th century does the term "psychology" appear in the scientific sense. Initially, psychology as a science studied psychic phenomena, revealed through self-analysis and observation of oneself, that is, conscious. However, over time it became clear that there are not only conscious soul phenomena, but also not conscious. In this regard, psychology as a science of the soul begins to study the subconscious.

Understanding the subject of psychology was gradual and slow. For decades, various schools, trends and trends have contributed to the formation and design of psychology as a science that we know today.

The subject of psychology is a whole complex of concepts and phenomena that represent the psychic properties and states of the individual.

The object of psychology is an inner personality hidden from everyone, which is formed under the influence of the surrounding reality.

Developing and expanding its borders, psychology as a science begins to consider a person in society and formalizes such a direction as social psychology. Representing a hidden and very subtle form of experiences by people socially significant, that form that is similar for certain social groups or society as a whole. These are emotional and sensual reactions that manifest themselves in the joint activity and life of society.

At present, there are several views on understanding what social psychology is. For example, some consider it as the reaction of people to the impact of the environment. They also hold the view that the division into individual and social psyche is inappropriate, since a person lives in society, then the psyche can only be social. Others argue that social psychology is nothing more than a link between people's consciousness, formed during the passage of certain historical stages of development. A third argue that the concept of social psychology should include all possible reactions of people, their behavior, various experiences as social actors.

Psychology of trade is based and is developing on the knowledge of psychology. Knowledge, donated by scientists, is actively used in advertising to promote goods. And the success of the product on the market depends on the knowledge of the human psyche, and its reactions to certain actions and irritants.

It can be concluded that psychology as a science continues to develop and expand its boundaries. This is due primarily to the development of mankind and man in it. It's no secret that the psychologist is becoming the norm every year at enterprises, schools, kindergartens, etc. At present, it has become the norm to pass certain psychological tests when taking on a job. It can be said that having passed the thorny path and withstood the test of time, psychology, at last, is recognized as a science.

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