EducationThe science

Education system in Russia

The education system in Russia is federal, centralized. Today, the Russian education system is quite similar to the German one, but it is still a simplified version of it. It consists of such structural elements:

1. Preschool education. It allows children to get basic knowledge, but does not equate to schooling. Children begin to visit kindergartens mainly from one and a half years and are there until six years old.

2. Primary school. Responsible for teaching children from six years to ten. Difference from the German analogue is the opportunity to receive primary education also in gymnasiums.

3. Incomplete secondary education in general education schools, lyceums and gymnasiums receive for five years. At the end of nine classes in these educational institutions, young people have the right to receive a document on general secondary education.

4. Complete secondary or industrial and technical education entitles you to enter the college, technical school and other vocational training institutions. After the completion of the education, graduates of the 10th and 11th grades of the gymnasium, school or lyceum have the right to receive a document confirming full secondary education with the subsequent submission of it upon admission to the university. Such a right education system in Russia gives any person who graduated from a professional educational institution (in Germany it is not allowed).

5. Higher education is associated with obtaining a bachelor's degree, a diploma of a specialist or a master's degree.

In 1992, after the adoption of the corresponding Law of the Russian Federation, the reform of the national higher education began. With the help of this legislative document, a modern education system in Russia has been formed.

Another Law of the Russian Federation responsible for higher education, since 1996, three stages of its receipt have been defined:

- incomplete higher education, for which it is necessary to study for two years;

- Basic higher education (bachelor's degree) with a four-year study period;

- Specialist (term of training is five years) and Master (the term of study is six years).

So, let's dwell on each level of higher education. Bachelor is a graduate of the university, which was trained for four years and received fundamental training in general specialization. At the same time, he has the right to occupy posts, the requirement for which is the availability of higher education.

The education system in Russia provides for raising the bachelor's level with the help of additional training (one more year) and qualification "specialist". However, the best option for a bachelor is to obtain the qualification "master" (two years of training with the defense of the master's thesis).

The system of continuous education in Russia deserves special attention today. On the one hand, this system serves as a reflection of the objective needs of society. On the other hand, with the help of such a system of education, the base level knowledge is constantly updated and the special skills that are so necessary in a modern economy are acquired. It can also be said that continuing education is a kind of teaching about the constant improvement of man and the lifelong development of his abilities.

The educational system in Russia from the standpoint of the concept of continuity should be "completed" with new steps that would be designed for all periods of human life. As the main goal of management in this system of education should be considered the constant development of creative thinking and human potential. And in the center of this system must be the person himself, his desires and, of course, the development of his abilities.

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