
Interesting facts about dreams. Sleep in a person's life

Sleep in a person's life is a basic and unconditional need. In a dream, the average person spends a third of his life, that is, about 25 years. The duration of the night rest is approximately 7-8 hours, but there are people who need 4-5 hours of sleep for a full recovery and maintenance. But the nature of dreams science can not yet explain, it is known only that this is most likely a projection of our thoughts, feelings and experiences. Let's look at some interesting facts about a person 's dream .

Phases of sleep

To date, a person's dream is divided into five phases, which during the night can be repeated several times.

The first phase is falling asleep. At this time, a person experiences a nap, slowly sinks into sleep. Possible half asleep dreams, ideas for overcoming life's problems.

The second phase is shallow, or light sleep. The muscle tone decreases, the rhythm of the heart slows down, the body temperature decreases.

The third and fourth phases are collectively referred to as "slow sleep". At this time, a person is immersed in a calm, deep sleep, rest and recovery of body forces takes place.

The fifth phase of sleep is considered "fast". It is at this point in the sleeper that you can observe the rapid movements of eyeballs. During this period, the breathing and rhythm of the heart become uneven and right now a person is able to see dreams.

In the normal normal sleep, a person passes through all phases. The first phase - the transition from wakefulness to immersion in sleep - is the shortest, it lasts 5-10 minutes. Other phases last from 20 to 30 minutes.

From the fact, in what phase of sleep a person wakes up, his health also depends. So, the ascent on the fast phase is accompanied by weakness, a feeling of lack of sleep, apathy. Therefore, daytime rest should not exceed 40-60 minutes.

Dream Colors

Scientists in the course of experiments were able to establish that if a person's dream has predominantly blue and green tones, then its life is stable, measured, and nothing bad happens in it. People whose dreams are painted in shades of red, most likely, increased temperature or develops a disease. Black and all the dark colors indicate a nervous tension, overwork and, probably, a quick emotional breakdown.

Emotions during sleep

It is proved that most of the dreams leave negative emotions, rather than positive ones. The most common feeling experienced in a dream is a feeling of anxiety. As a result, people who are least stressed, mentally and emotionally stable, rarely remember their dreams. But a suspicious and restless person, most likely, will long survive the feelings experienced at night.

Conditions and people

Interesting facts about dreams concern both the places where they occur and the actors. So, only 20% of dreams include real people and places that the sleeper is well known for. The rest is the fruit of imagination, a unique picture peculiar to a particular dream and a person. Some people are able to see what is happening in a dream, as if from the outside, being not a participant, but an observer of events. This phenomenon is called a "lucid dream" and is a great mystery to scientists.

Prophetic Dreams

Many people often heard that there is a prophetic dream and dreams. Interesting facts about this phenomenon can be read in specialized literature. However, such a phenomenon does not yet have an evidence base. It is believed that a single anxious sleep can easily be ignored. But if an unpleasant dream repeats itself several times, has a negative meaning, awakens feelings in a person, it is worth thinking about. Perhaps, so the brain sends warning signals, which during a day's wakefulness a person simply does not pay attention.

"What are you dreaming about ..."

The following interesting facts about dreams are also noticed by scientists: men in their dreams see at least 70% of men, and women - equally of representatives of both sexes. Inveterate smokers who abandoned the bad habit, see the most vivid dreams, even more colorful than people who never smoked.

Sleep of a person is accompanied by snoring only during a slow phase, but during snoring people do not see dreams.

Dreams are influenced by external factors. So, if a person falls asleep in a cold room, most likely he will feel cold and in a dream, perhaps the action of sleep will unfold at the North Pole. During thirst, a person can dream about how he collects a glass of water and can not drink it, so he wakes up and really realizes that he wants to drink.

A dream in reality

There are proven facts about a person's dream in reality. In order to experience a similar condition, you need to do the following. After a long hard day of work, lie down on the couch. Lie better on the back, arms stretch along the trunk, eyes close. Then you should be in a stationary state and try not to fall asleep, you can think about something or remember the past day. After some time (usually, not more than half an hour) you will feel a heaviness in your chest, you may hear sounds. This is the so-called sleep paralysis. If at this moment to open your eyes, you can see hallucinations, but the body can not move, since it is already asleep. This is a dream in reality. If you close your eyes, you can actually fall asleep already.

Dreams only for intellectuals

A group of scientists from the United States of America for several years studied sleep and dreams. Interesting facts were found in the course of these studies. It turns out that only clever people can see dreams. This conclusion was made on the basis of a survey of more than two thousand people. Most of them claimed that they do not remember their dreams at all and hardly ever see them. However, some of the people who passed a series of intellectual tests, said that, on the contrary, they perfectly remember a part of their dreams. Further polls showed that the more a person is mentally developed, the more vivid and colorful dreams he sees.

These interesting facts about a person's dream can be explained in the following way: it is known that during the night rest, the information received for the day is arranged. Accordingly, the more the individual is busy during the day, the more problems he solves and the more he thinks, the more information he gets. So, during sleep the brain is working on its "processing". Conversely, the less active the brain is in the daytime, the less information it receives, which means that at night it rests.

And what about animals?

No less interesting facts about dreams can be found among representatives of the animal world. So, for example, in dolphins, half of the brain remains active during sleep. This is necessary in order to remain alert all the time and follow the attack of predators.

Sea otters hold each other's paws even during sleep, so as not to distance themselves.

Snails can sleep for about three years in a row.

70% of their lives are spent on cat sleep.


So, sleep is the most ordinary and at the same time one of the most mysterious processes taking place with the human body. Interesting facts about dreams open up more and more every year, but scientists can not always find an explanation for them. And while the best minds of the whole world are struggling to solve these processes, it remains for us to remember that without sleep a person can live only 11 days, and a daily full 8 hour night rest restores the physical and mental strength of the body, replenishes energy resources and gives the opportunity to live a long and Full-fledged life.

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