Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Fat Burner: sports nutrition for weight loss. The best fat burners

Fat burners are special preparations that are designed to activate the processes of splitting in the body of excess fatty deposits. Fat burners for weight loss are the main component of sports nutrition.

These drugs, depending on the composition, perform the functions assigned to them using various mechanisms of action on the body. Distinguish the following types of fat burners: those whose action is aimed at removing excess fluid, suppressing appetite, blocking the synthesis of fats, accelerating metabolic processes, reducing absorption from the digestive tract of fats. The fat burners stimulate the processes of fat conversion into free energy, thus contributing to its consumption.

How does fat burning work?

Excess fatty tissue poses a serious problem for both medicine and sports. No matter how many special diets were made and different medications were not produced - the result in most cases leaves much to be desired. People who are faced with the problem of excess weight, unfortunately, do not become less, but, on the contrary, their number is gradually growing.

Thanks to its properties, a substance such as carnitine allowed to release a whole series of drugs that are aimed at combating excess fat deposits. Carnitine is a fat burner. Sports nutrition is almost complete without this element.

Fat is a mixture of long-chain fatty acids and glycerol esters. During the breakdown of its molecules, some of the fatty acids are sent to the blood, and the other enters the fatty subcutaneous fat. A significant part of the drugs for weight loss only increases the decomposition of fat molecules, while the synthesis remains unchanged. As a result of burning fat does not occur, respectively, a person does not lose extra pounds.

While the fat burner is a sports nutrition based on L-carnitine, it increases the permeability of membranes to fat cells, without changing the rate of tissue decay. This leads to a slowing down of the synthesis of fat molecules and an increase in their assimilation. After its application the loss of fatty deposits will be very appreciable.

Main functions

It is very important that the fat burner has the following basic functions:

  • Decreased body weight.
  • Facilitating exercise.
  • Improved body relief.
  • Stimulation of metabolism.
  • Decreased appetite and a quick sense of satiety.
  • Strengthening of immunity.
  • The withdrawal of excess fluid from the body.
  • Activation of the process of splitting of fat cells and subsequent release of energy.

Fat Burner, Sports Nutrition and Work Mechanism

The main condition for the effective effect of fat burners on the human body is the combination of their intake with active physical activity. These are specialized drugs that are designed for those who are actively involved in sports. In the absence of exercise, the effectiveness of fat burners is minimized.

Fat burners for women seeking to clean themselves up are the fastest and most effective way to part with extra pounds, transforming your body to perfection.

The fat burner for men, especially for bodybuilders, is considered a necessary product, which promotes the creation of a muscular body with a relief.

Main Components

In shops of sports nutrition for today it is possible to find a plenty of preparations which are intended for burning of fats.

As a rule, the fat burner (sports nutrition) contains:

  • Caffeine.
  • L-carnitine.
  • Extracts of coffee and green tea.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Dopamine.
  • Methylhexanamine.
  • Guarana.
  • Naringyn.
  • Tyramin.
  • Yohimbine.
  • Ketones and much more.

It is also worth mentioning such a preparation as "Fitness" - a fat burner, which is a fat burning agent for external use. It consists of the following components:

  • Seaweed kelp and fucus.
  • Green tea and papaya.
  • Essential oil of eucalyptus.

The best fat burners

Fat burners, depending on the composition of the active components, can be divided into two main types: thermogenic and lipotropic. The action of thermogenic preparations is based on the acceleration of metabolism and the intensification of thermogenesis processes, as a result of which the body begins to burn more calories. Fat burners with a thermogenic effect activate energy costs and lipid metabolism during training . These preparations are made from plant extracts.

Among such drugs - blockers of carbohydrates and fats, appetite suppressants, diuretics, thyroid stimulants, etc. A competent combination of components allows maximizing the effectiveness of their intake and ensures a safe effect on the body.

Lipotropic fat burners are aimed at reducing the content of fatty acids in the body and accelerating the processes of their oxidation. The best fat burners are L-carnitine, chromium, methionine, lecithin and others. These drugs slowly affect the body, in this regard, after the abolition of their intake of a new risk of weight gain is minimal. In addition, fat burners based on lipotropic components activate the withdrawal from the body of fats, facilitate their transportation, stimulate the work of the liver.

For today on sale it is possible to meet the combined preparations containing various kinds of fat burners which provide complex influence on a human body.

In addition to sports nutrition, there is such a tool as a gel-cream "Fitness. Active fat burner "from the company" Floresan ". Its competent combination with sports nutrition will help to achieve good results in the fight against excess weight.

Fat burners for men

Taking into account the peculiarities of the fat layer formation and different metabolism in women and men, absolutely different approaches are used in the production of these preparations for both sexes. For men, thermogenic (accelerating metabolism) and lipotropic (splitting) fat burners are produced.

The fat burner for men is more often a multicomponent complex. It consists of: linoleic acid, L-carnitine, methionine, choline (naturally, the composition of the drugs will depend on the manufacturer). Also in the composition of fat burners can contain all kinds of energy supplements. For example, caffeine, stimulating a surge of released energy, formed by burning fat, which was accumulated by the body.

Fat Burners for Women

Compared with the male body, the female has an excellent program of accumulating fat, because it is intended to give birth to nature. The ladies fat accumulates faster on the hips and waist - this is a kind of nutritional insurance for themselves and possible offspring.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to refuse the gift of nature, even if the woman does not plan to acquire children. However, it is impossible to argue with the body, hence the problems with fat burning. Female fat burners are developed taking into account these features. Ideally, these drugs should correct the metabolism in the body.

In general, funds for women are divided into the same groups as those for men: thermogenic and lipotropic. If the fat burner is designed to increase stamina, it often has carnitine. A well-proven component such as yohimbine, which contains sports fat burners, reviews about these drugs are mostly positive. But catecholamines (norepinephrine and adrenaline) in the funds for women should be less than in men's fat burners.

Application in sports

In order to increase endurance in sports, you will need an effective fat burner. If an athlete is not interested in reducing weight, then in order to increase energy, a combination of a high-fat diet and fat-burning preparations is used. This combination has a beneficial effect on the liver, enhancing its functions. Thus, the athlete increases his endurance to training.

In addition, it has been proven that carnitine drugs can reduce the body's cholesterol content, as well as slow the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

In addition to sports nutrition, you can use such a tool as "Fitness. Fat Burner »(consumer reviews confirm its effectiveness).

Rating of fat burners

1. Already for several years, the leading position is taken by the drug from the manufacturer Nutrex Lipo 6. Of all the available today it is the most powerful fat burner. Capsules fat burner two-phase action, so it is the only tool that has not only a quick, but also a long-lasting effect on the human body. For a month you can lose up to 5 kilograms.

2. Another effective fat burner is Stimulant X Athletic Xtreme. This drug affects the body up to 8 hours, is designed to increase activity, suppress appetite and improve mood.

3. OxyELITE Pro USPlabs is a natural lipotropic drug. In its composition, components of exclusively vegetable origin predominate, while the content of stimulants is minimized.

4. Shred Matrix Muscle Pharm is also a natural remedy for the new generation. This drug increases endurance and effectively burns the fatty layer.

5. Also worth noting is another tool - gel-cream "Fitness. Active fat burner ", which is also well proven in the fight against excess kilograms.

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