Sports and FitnessAthletics

Special running exercises in athletics

To become a good runner, it is not enough just to conduct daily training. It will not be superfluous to have special running exercises, or, as they are also called, SBU. Let's find out what these exercises represent and how they help in sports.

General characteristics and benefits

So, special running exercises are a means of training, which improves the performance in this sport. The whole point is that they develop not only the technique of running, but also the power qualities. SBU favorably affect:

1. Coordination.

2. Straightness of running.

3. Posture, position of the body, hands and head.

4. Breathing.

5. Performance of muscles involved in running.

6. Movement.

7. The muscles of the bark and back.

These are the main directions that are being developed with the help of the SBU. From each exercise the athlete takes what he needs at the moment. Success depends on the correct choice of the complex, the number of approaches, the distance and the coordination of these exercises with other elements of training.

Special running exercises: difficulties and mistakes

Performing SBU, it is worthwhile to understand that there will be no visible result the next day. There will be a minimum shift due to force growth, and not an increase in technicality. Problems that arise in athletes with the SBU, as a rule, are individual. Each in his own way interprets the exercise and works it out in his, often quite funny manner.

The most common mistakes when working with the SBU:

1. Wrong posture.

2. Stiffness of breathing and movements.

3. A look at the ground.

4. Excess tension in the body. Tension needs alternating with relaxation.

More detailed errors will be considered in each exercise separately.

Special running exercises are also difficult because the athlete does not see himself from the outside. Therefore, he can not independently evaluate his actions and technique.

How does the training work?

Performing the SBU can be both as a warm-up before jogging, and as a full-fledged workout. You need to do them regularly, carefully controlling the technique. The distance and the number of approaches depend on the level of your preparation. Do not rush to do the whole program of the Security Service at the first training session. If you are a beginner, then even one correctly performed exercise will be enough for strong strength the next day.

So, let's analyze a set of special running exercises for athletes and simple runners.

Running with shunting of the lower leg

Many remember this exercise from the lessons of physical education. The essence is simple - you need to touch the heels of the buttocks with the maximum step frequency and minimum advance. Hands can move or be closed behind their backs. Typical errors: setting the foot on the entire foot, rapid advancement (the task is to make as many as possible overcrowding, rather than run a distance), grip the hands (do not force them strongly against the body), hold the breath and a small amplitude (it's better to do less repetitions, But it is correct).

Running with a raising of the thigh

Hurry here, too, nowhere. Pushing the support leg, you need to raise the hip fly as high as possible. As in the first exercise, it is important to monitor the high frequency of the legs. Shoulders during movement should be relaxed, and arms - bent at the elbows. The supporting leg and trunk should create one line. It is important that the back is flat all the time. Beginners can work with their hands, and experienced athletes, as a rule, isolate their hands behind their backs. Common mistakes: setting the foot on the entire foot (only socks work), excessive squatting, enslaving hands.

Running on straight legs

Legs work like scissors. It is important that they remain flat, and the landing takes place on the front of the foot. Here, unlike the previous SBU, it is important to move forward quickly. To make it more comfortable, the trunk slightly moves back. Given that the goal is to move forward, the hands are working actively. Characteristic errors: bending of the legs, low speed, landing on the heel.

Deer Running

This exercise is a kind of synthesis of running and jumping. For beginners it is difficult, but you still need to master it. To make it easier to follow the work of the legs, imagine an obstacle, for example a log. Through it you need to jump over with one foot, bending it while at the knee. The second leg remains motionless. Hands actively help the body move. Typical errors: setting the foot on the entire foot, the stiffness of the hands, the look directed downwards, too rapid movement, due to which the jumps turn into a simple run.

A bike

This is not the bike that is done lying down and coaches the muscles of the press. It is a run in which the legs move as if they are pedaling the bicycle. At the same time, progress is made. Starting with the support leg, you need to take the hip of the second leg forward and make it "raking" the movement down and back. This very "raking" movement should be very fast. Hands help very actively, because there is a need for a good jump. Characteristic errors: low amplitude of the legs, passivity of the hands.


Finally, you can relax from running and jumping. Here it is necessary to do simply the widest possible steps with a deep squat. In this exercise, unlike the previous ones, the front leg is placed on the heel. At the end of the exercise, you can make an acceleration of 30-50 meters. If you do it right, the next day your feet will let you know about this with severe pain. However, this "criterion of correctness" is applicable to other special running exercises. Common errors: haste, small amplitude, repulsion without lifting, tension in the hands, too long or short step, turn of the foot when pushing away.

Seen Running

In this exercise, you need to do steps no more than your foot. The landing takes place on the toe. During movement, the whole body is relaxed, hands move freely. As athletes joke, making a stepping footsteps, one should imagine themselves as sour cream. Errors: excessive tension in the muscles, high speed, long step, landing on the heel.

Running with jumping on one leg

Particular attention should be paid to the jogging leg. It must be absolutely straight, while the supporting leg bends at the knee to about a right angle. To push it is necessary upwards, instead of forward. Speed is small, you should not rush. Errors: small amplitude, passivity of hands, jumping forward.

Running with jumping on one leg and landing on both feet

From the previous this exercise differs only in that it is necessary to land on both legs, and not on one.

Jumping out with straight legs

As before, the jump is made up on one leg, only now the legs should remain completely straight. That is, the shin is working. Hands help. Characteristic errors: the bending of the legs, setting the foot to the full foot, rushing, looking down, tension in the hands.

Jumping on each leg

For this exercise you need strong legs, so if you are a beginner, leave it for later. Technically, there is nothing complicated. You just need to jump forward, balancing on one leg. The speed should be such that you can control your body. Try to keep a straight line. To make it easier to keep balance, help with your hands.

Typical errors: "stuck" the legs, enslavement of the body and the flight of the legs (all parts of the body, except the supporting leg, should be relaxed), skewed body.

That's it, the technique of doing special cross-country exercises. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Nevertheless, it is not so easy to do SBU. It is important to monitor the correct technique, breathing, straightness of movement. And why it is important, we find out below.

Why is technology important?

The technique of special running exercises should be observed impeccably. Otherwise, all mistakes made are learned and transferred to running. It will happen so quickly that you will not even notice. Therefore, if you are aiming at a good result, be careful. Everything must be done clearly, without haste, with full understanding and control of what is happening. Special running exercises in athletics are needed for training the muscles and developing the right running skills in the athlete, so do not neglect them.


So, today we learned what the SBU is, what they give the athlete and how to properly do it. In addition to running, special jump-racing exercises were considered. The reason is simple. After all, in jumps and running the same muscle groups work. These are related sports. Therefore, it is necessary to train jumping and special running exercises in a complex manner. Photos and a detailed description will help you to quickly understand this or that exercise. We wish you success in sports! And do not forget that health is always more important than beauty and achievements!

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