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Diet in colitis

Colitis (inflammation of the large intestine) is a fairly common gastrointestinal disease, accompanied by frequent painful, with severe pains in the abdomen, urges on the stool. In colitis, digestive tract disorder is observed, as a result of which excrement contains particles of undigested food and clots of mucus. The occurrence of colitis can lead to infections (salmonella, dysentery bacillus, balantidia, amoeba, etc.), a lack of gastric acids and even an ordinary cold. Passing the course of treatment of intestinal colitis should follow a diet, without this recovery is impossible.

Diet in colitis is the complete exclusion of the diet of proteins. To replace them they come carbohydrates and fats: porridge, milk, potatoes. The daily norms of certain products are divided into 5-6 meals, while portions should be small. Dry or solid foods can damage the walls of the intestine, so you should control the consistency of the food you eat. How quickly a person will get rid of colitis directly depends on how correctly he eats.

Preparing for a diet

Before you dwell on the diet in more detail, you should talk about the procedures that precede it. Enema and 2-day abstinence from food is the beginning of the path to recovery. These days it is recommended to the patient to use a lot of liquid. It is better to drink 6-8 glasses of warm tea with lemon or blueberry juice, a small amount of sugar in the drink is allowed. It is also advisable to add a tablespoon of red wine to drink. Such measures will restore the dehydrated body after frequent stool and vomiting.

Instead of tea, you can use a warm broth of dogrose or blueberries (or alternate them). These berries are saturated with vitamin C, which perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. To this end, it is also recommended to use compote of dried fruits - apples, pears, add frozen or fresh black currants. Such a drink, thanks to astringent action, normalizes the stool.

Diet Features

On the first day, the diet with colitis is very strict - only liquid. On the second - you can use apples. It should be non-acidic, soft, peeled and grinded fruits. Not more than 1.5 kg of apples can be eaten for 6 receptions. These fruits will help stop putrefactive processes in the intestines.

In the following days, the diet is replenished with products that are not aggressive to the intestines. They will not irritate the intestines, cause bowel movement and increased secretion of mucous broths. They are recommended for colitis. For cooking you need to use manna, rice or oatmeal. It is acceptable to use a small amount of butter. Meat puree is also allowed with such a diet.

From dairy products it is necessary to include in the diet kefir, curdled milk, low-fat cottage cheese. Diversify the menu with the benefit of jelly from raspberries, cherries, currants, strawberries. Satisfy the need for sweet can be pudding with orange, tangerine or pomegranate juice.

Further the health status improves, and along with it the list of admissible products which recommends a diet at a colitis extends. This includes steamed meatballs and cutlets, boiled fish, mashed potatoes. Continue to eat should be still 6 times a day. Daily consumption of cottage cheese and lightly rubbed cheese is important. These products will have an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.

Of course, many products are banned. Diet in colitis excludes milk, many fruits and vegetables, flour products, preserves, honey, "soda". You can not also eat salty, cold, spicy and fried foods. It is not superfluous to start taking ascorbic acid and cyacin to restore impaired functions.

With spastic colitis, which is accompanied by constipation and swelling, you should abandon dairy products. A hungry or half-starved diet with spastic colitis will help get rid of the disease completely.

When the disease passes into a chronic form (ulcerative colitis), a special diet is required .

During an exacerbation, it is possible to start the day with rice, semolina or oat porridge with biscuits and carrot juice or orange juice. During the day, you can use cereal soup with a thin meat broth, lean boiled meat, fish or steam knels, meatballs. After relieving the exacerbation, nutrition with ulcerative colitis presupposes an expansion of the diet with the avoidance of spicy, spicy and sweet dishes.

A strict diet for colitis will not allow the disease to develop into a chronic form.

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