HealthHealthy Eating

Broccoli, calorie and benefits

Strangely enough, but broccoli did not manage to win due popularity among many people, despite the unique composition of microelements and vitamins inherent in this product. It helps in the fight against ulcers and stomach cancer, contains many healthy substances, and to all other broccoli, caloric content which is negligible, is the recommended product for those who want to lose weight.

The story about this cabbage should begin with the fact that it is a real storehouse of vitamins PP, K, C, beta-carotene, and ascorbic acid in it is almost 3 times more than in citrus. By the presence of provitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the eyesight and skin condition, broccoli several times exceeds many cultures, overtaking even a pumpkin and carrots. With the use of broccoli, caloric intake can not be taken into account at all - the body receives a minimum of calories, about 30 per 100 grams. So we answered the question how many calories in broccoli.

Such a food product, like broccoli, whose caloric content is quite small, is an excellent element that should be included in the diet regime of a thin person. This cabbage can easily be found on the shelves of any hypermarket in the department of fresh vegetables, and broccoli in frozen form - in the appropriate section. It is recommended to store fresh broccoli in the refrigerator, but not longer than seven days. Lose weight with broccoli - a pleasure, because from this product you can cook a huge amount of the most delicious dishes, ranging from salads and finishing with soups. Believe me, in every dish where this type of cabbage is present, there will be a lot of vitamins, as broccoli retains all its useful properties in any treatment, except frying.

How to cook broccoli?

The taste of broccoli is rather close to cauliflower, which is more in demand, but the taste of the first is much more spicy, it can become an excellent substitute for color in any recipes: it is fried, boiled, stewed, served to a table with butter and sour cream for an amateur. Mayonnaise and fat sauces are better, of course, to exclude, if you watch the state of your figure. Broccoli, the caloric content of which is only 30 calories per 100 grams, will give more benefit if it is without unnecessary refills.

If you decide to lose weight with broccoli, the calorie content you will not really care if you are preparing the product competently. Steam cooking is the most convenient way, because after 30 minutes you will get a steaming and fragrant product from the steamer, which you can eat in large quantities. Also cabbage can be stewed in a saucepan, but without the use of oil. For other flavoring sensations, you can flavor the food with natural seasonings. Broccoli can also be boiled in unsalted water, and nutritionists in one voice shouting about the tremendous benefits of soup-puree from this prozhukta with the addition of the same boiled chicken breast. This is one of the most nutritious dishes from the list of low-calorie, since one serving contains only 300 calories, and energy will be provided for as long as 5 hours.

Interestingly, broccoli, it would seem, is completely unremarkable, is wrapped in a cloud of discussed myths, one of which says that it is a product with a negative calorie content. This implies that for its digestion the body consumes more calories than is contained in broccoli. But, as we found out just above, this product is just low-calorie. The second myth is that broccoli significantly speeds up the process of metabolism, so cabbage is simply indispensable for weight loss. This myth can be trusted, because the chemical composition of this product is rich in chlorophyll and B vitamins.

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