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Where did the Ebola virus come from? Origin and history of the Ebola virus

Ebola virus from where? In 1976, he was found in Zaire, and he received his "name" from the name of the local river. He belongs to the family of filoviruses, which are capable of causing hemorrhagic fever. Several serious epidemics have already taken place with his participation.

Classification of the virus

The Ebola virus in Africa, as already mentioned above, has been detected. It is divided into five different species, of which only four can hit a man.

  1. EBOV - is considered typical and causing the greatest number of outbreaks of the disease. It is the most dangerous, has a maximum percentage of deaths, which reaches 80 to 90%. Where did the Ebola virus come from? The first outbreak was recorded in 1976 in Yambuku. Symptoms of the disease are the same as in malaria. Doctors believe that the spread of the virus was due to repeated use of unsterilized needles, when injections were introduced.
  2. SUDV - this strain was identified simultaneously with Zairian. The first epidemic began at a factory in the Sudanese city of Nzara. The transporter was not identified, but had time to test for the presence of the virus. The latest outbreak was recorded in Uganda in 2013. The death rate was 53%.
  3. TAFV - also found in Africa. Initially, only chimpanzees died from him, but in the future, fever was picked up by people. One of the first to fall ill was a female doctor who was carrying out an autopsy of animals. She had symptoms only a week later. The woman was taken to a Swiss clinic, and six weeks later she was put on her feet.
  4. BDBV - was the fourth Ebola virus, which is dangerous for humans. They found him in Bundibugyo. The epidemic lasted from 2007 to 2008 in Uganda. The last outbreak was in 2012, the deaths were 36%.
  5. RESTV is the fifth type of virus, but for humans it is not dangerous.

Ebola virus. Where did it come from and how?

Scientists have not quite figured out where the Ebola fever came from. But the bats could carry it, if it existed in their digestive tract. It is more likely that the virus is transmitted through the intestinal system. The very first who infected, most likely, were hunters, and the fever penetrated them into the body when they consumed sick animals. Bearers could well be not only bats, but also pigs. And even dogs are not excluded from the list of possible vectors. The first wave of the epidemic killed 151 people out of 284 patients.

Symptoms of fever

Again, the Ebola virus is rampant on the planet, the history of which began back in the last century. Once it enters the human body, it can take up to 21 days before the first symptoms appear. The disease begins as an ordinary cold. The first symptoms: headache, abdominal pain, fever. And quite high. Then, vomiting and diarrhea begin. The body is dehydrated, kidneys and liver begin to fail, and ends with all internal hemorrhage.

Some patients develop a "cytokine storm" - when the immune system can not be regulated, and excess cells do not benefit, but harm. And not only all organs, but also tissues. Often the case ends in a fatal outcome.

There are many diseases, the symptoms of which are very similar to the Ebola virus. Therefore, a blood test is simply necessary. It is worth doing in order to exclude hepatitis, malaria, cholera, meningitis and others.

How to treat the disease

Where did the virus Ebola, for certain it is unknown (artificially it is created or formed in nature). While a certain drug against him was not invented. All that the doctors can do so far is simply to support the vital activity of the body with antibiotics. Also, intravenous fluid is used, which prevents dehydration. To reduce the effects of fever, heat is lost. Anesthetic drugs are used to eliminate pain. At the same time, the pressure and oxygen level are constantly monitored. Until the vaccine is invented , these are the only ways to try to save a person from a lethal outcome.


Unfortunately, the mortality rate is still quite high, and without an adequate vaccine, it is rather difficult to build optimistic plans. For each patient, doctors are individually suited, and the immunity is different for everyone. In general, the prognosis depends on the cause of the disease, the availability of medical care, the speed of doctors in determining the diagnosis.

In most cases, those who are quickly diagnosed with acute disease survive. But to do this to physicians is rather difficult, since the symptoms can be approached to a variety of diseases.

The spread of the virus

Where did the Ebola virus come from? One can say with certainty that its origins come from Africa. By the way, sperm is also a peddler of the virus. This ailment is unique in that even after the death of the carrier, it remains active. Therefore, when burial of the dead, you should be very careful and accurate.

Where did the Ebola virus come from? New Flash

Now this fever is rampant in Guinea. From there, it infiltrated Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The origin of the Ebola virus is now almost impossible to establish. When the fever appeared, the mortality rate was over 50% immediately. Ebola virus in Africa First touched 4 countries and now slowly spreads across the continent. The first infected appear in Europe and America. This flash
Is considered the most ambitious after the birth of this fever.

The Ebola virus is a biological weapon?

There is an opinion that this virus was discovered quite a long time ago. Or even specially created by artificial means. And maybe it's the Americans. His research has been going on for a long time. The first experimental vaccine has already been sent to sick doctors who wished to test it on themselves. There is an opinion that the virus was developed as a biological weapon. So who created the Ebola virus? And for what purpose? The answers are still unknown, but there is a possibility that it is artificially reproduced. It can easily be used as a biological weapon, and the vaccine, which will be created in the future, will cost a huge amount. And this is a great opportunity for enrichment for its creators and distributors. This fever is compared to a plague that struck the whole world. But if you follow all the precautions, then you can avoid getting infected.

How to protect yourself from the virus

Initially, one should try to avoid any contacts with patients, not to visit those countries (mainly African), where the Ebola fever is rampant. If the trip is necessary, then after each contact with the local population it is best to wash your hands with soap. We must try not to touch them to the nose, mouth and eyes. If, after communicating with the local, the slightest alarming symptoms appear, you need to isolate yourself from others, put on a gauze mask and urgently seek medical attention.

Where the Ebola virus lives

This fever is one of the most terrible on the planet. And it is precisely the fact that a successful vaccine has not yet been shown against it. Its action can last for weeks, but in the end in 90% of cases the lethal outcome is waiting.

Where does the Ebola virus come from? This African virus "lives" in monkeys and rodents, which are ideal for him. Also dangerous and bats. It is those states in which such carriers of fever are absent have as yet the greatest chances to delay the large-scale appearance of the disease. What can not be said about Africa, where monkeys and bats live in abundance.

When Ebola hits the territory of a country, the main thing is to exclude the conditions for its optimal development. Sanitary measures should be taken and strict hygiene must be observed to avoid accidental infection.

In Russia, the virus has not yet reached. But the population also will not hesitate to take all precautions. It must be remembered that it is not transmitted by airborne droplets. You can get infected only by close contact with the sick person - through blood, saliva, sexual contact, etc. The Ministry of Health does not recommend Russians to visit African countries in the coming year . And all those who come from there need to undergo a medical examination.

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