HealthDiseases and Conditions

Drawing pain in the testicles.

When a patient is concerned about the drawing pain in the testicles, first of all it is necessary to understand, and what can provoke such a symptom?

As you know, the pain arises from the compression or irritation of the nerve endings, and therefore, lead to this state can:

- edema of tissues;

- compression from the outside and from the inside;

- Nerve conduction disorders.

Thus, the drawing pain in the testicles is nothing more than the manifestation of a disease of the three groups listed below.

In the first place, the drawing pain in the scrotum can be caused by inflammatory diseases caused by hypothermia; Sexually transmitted infections; Urogenital pathology.

Most often, patients treat such symptoms with a venereal or urologist. After the infectious agent enters the male body, a specific inflammatory process occurs at the site of implantation, which is characterized by swelling and redness of the tissues, increased temperature at the site of reaction, and general intoxication symptoms (chills, fatigue, fatigue). However, in addition to the pain symptom, most men note the presence of specific secretions from the genitals.

The pathology of kidneys of an infectious-inflammatory nature, in addition to all of the above, is accompanied by shingles of lumbar pain and a violation of the process of emptying the bladder.

Drawing pain in the testicles can be a symptom of a recent scrotal injury. In this case, the impact or compression should not necessarily be strong, sometimes only a small force is needed to form edema or bruise, because the testicles are very thin and excessively exposed to external influences. As a result of the accumulation of exudate, the nerve endings are compressed, which provokes pain. As a rule, after a trauma you can see a defect of the skin in the form of edema or darkening of the tissues.

Drawing pain in the left testicle is most often the initial manifestation of varicose veins in this area or cyst formation. However, both are diagnosed by ultrasound using the study of the vascular bed. Most often, apart from the patient's pain, nothing disturbs in the initial stages.

If a man is concerned about the pulling pain in the right testicle, then we can assume that he has a hernial protrusion, a cyst or a kidney pathology. Most often, of course, this symptom appears together with inguinal hernia. If the protrusion is too large and begins to squeeze the neighboring organs - there is pain. This disease can manifest itself with other clinical symptoms, only when the hernia becomes large and visually visible, then additional symptoms may appear.

Drawing pain in the testicles and oncological pathology is also a fairly common combination. The fact that testicular cancer from the outset can be asymptomatic. Then the tumor gradually increases in size and begins to squeeze the nerve trunks, vessels and shells, and only then does pain appear. Cancer is difficult to differentiate with other pathologies, therefore it is necessary to conduct an analysis for specific cancer markers to exclude or confirm this disease.

Anatomical features of the structure of the male sexual system often lead to a symptom of torsion of the testicle, which can cause pain in the scrotum.

Penetration of pathogenic microorganisms when excited from the prostate in the testicle can cause disease epididymitis. It also occurs with pain syndrome and inflammatory response. At the same time the disease progresses steadily, and the testicle increases in size, and the intensity of pain increases. This condition requires immediate treatment.

Drawing pain in the testes is a consequence of prolonged abstinence. This state of the body in men, when the periodic excitement does not end with ejaculation, as a result of which sperm accumulates and stagnates in the cords - there is swelling and pain.

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