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What is the wind rose? What does a meaningful unique symbol say?

Symbolism of words makes it possible to use them repeatedly for the most directly opposite things. What is the wind rose? First of all, it is necessary to understand that this symbol of the compass, a navigation tool invented by the Chinese for sea voyages, can only be called a rose, a beautiful and prickly flower of passionate love. Such a name is a consequence of the attitude to this schematic image of the compass, as to the hope of finding a way home.

In geography

The answer to the question, what is the wind rose, can be found in the textbook on geography. This is a scheme superimposed on a compass, which shows the constancy of winds of different directions for any point of the globe. In the figure it is a beam of rays that diverge from a single point along the rhombic horizons. Each line graphically depicts the frequency of the wind in this direction. What is formed as a result of the connection of all the segments on the diagram, is the wind rose. For the first time Europeans started talking about this wonderful invention long before the Great geographical discoveries, around the 12th century. Practical application to it was found by seafarers, for which it was important to know when, what sails and at what angle to put in order to achieve a favorable wind. Nowadays this invention is used in the design of buildings to take into account the peculiarities of the local climate. Interestingly, the question: "What kind of wind you brought here?" - You can answer: "I was brought here by the south-west wind of 5 points on the Beaufort scale, which according to the wind rose is in this area constantly in the May days." Then it is better to explain to the puzzled interlocutor what the wind rose is. The simplest weathercock helps to determine the direction of moving air masses, and speed is anemometer.

In a tattoo

The wind rose is a tattoo, the meaning of which is interpreted differently. For most lovers ornate decorate your body is just a beautiful catchy drawing with sharp corners and a Latin letter affixed to the directions of parts of the world. However, the wind rose came to us from the sailors, a special caste of fearless people, who with such nakedness expressed their desire to live according to special statutes. The main rule of the sea-wolf is to be free, like immense sea spaces, to live without restrictions. It is clear that very soon such a tattoo became a symbol of pirates. Representatives of the criminal world also had a tattoo "rose of the winds". Its meaning depends on the location on the body of the prisoner. Blatnye drew a tattoo on his shoulder as belonging to their special criminal caste, and the image of the rose on his knees meant inflexibility of character, anger, refusal to obedience. Therefore, the question of what a rose of the winds can be answered by young people who are addicted to tattoos.

In official symbols

The flower in the name of the symbol "rose of the winds" means perfection, striving for the beautiful, indestructible, therefore this sign is used in the symbolism of official organizations. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation applies the symbol of the White Star of Hope and Salvation, this is nothing but a wind rose. The meaning of the symbol is an echo of those times when sailors decorated their hand with this drawing in the hope that it will bring them luck and help them return home with a favorable wind. Until now, the wind rose is associated with sea voyages. In 2004, on the 750th anniversary of the birth of the famous traveler Marco Polo in San Marino, a gold collection coin of 20 euros was issued, in which a wind rose was shown in memory of Marco Polo as a traveler. Interestingly, after describing the life of medieval Asia (China), Marco Polo returned to his homeland and went to the Genoese prison for piracy, where he dictated his "Book", which served as a medieval European guide to the life of the countries of Central, Eastern and Southern Asia .

In medicine

It would be a mistake to use the phrase "wind rose" to travel alone. Esoterics, for example, relate this symbol to the most powerful energy store. She, being collected at one point, is able to turn the world around. The wind rose has a value in hygienic medicine, that is, it can contribute to improving the health of each of us. The wind increases the heat output on hot days, which means that the body is cooled in time. The direction of the wind, its duration affect the psychological state of a person and his overall health. Hygienic medicine uses a "rose" to study the direction of movement of air masses, determining in the future the possibility of building enterprises with a high proportion of carcinogenic substances in the waste.

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