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Vetclinik "Obereg" in Golyanovo: photo, address, reviews

The choice of a veterinary clinic is an even more important task than the acquisition of the pet itself. It is from the proximity of the clinic and the professionalism of doctors working there that his life and health may once depend. Therefore, this issue must be approached with all responsibility. Today in the center of our attention Vetklinik "Obereg" in Golyanovo. It opened relatively recently, but already managed to win the trust of a huge number of owners of various pets, ranging from cats and dogs to exotic animals.

Short description

Muscovites are not surprised by the abundance of proposals in any field. The market of veterinary services is not an exception. What was able to stand out against the backdrop of the other Vereklinik "Obereg" in Golyanovo? This is a huge modern veterinary hospital, which is equipped with the latest technology. But this is the real trouble of other hospitals. Even if they were able to attract professional specialists, but did not equip the diagnostic unit, the quality of the services provided is very lame. And it is for this reason that the management decided first of all to invest money in equipment. Vetklinika "Obereg" in Golyanovo greatly benefited from this and immediately got permanent customers.

Operating mode

At whatever time of the day or night you need veterinary care, here you can definitely get it. Here there is a round-the-clock and daily out-patient reception of cats, dogs and rodents, birds and exotic animals. If the animal's condition is severe, and the owner does not have the opportunity to spend 24 hours a day with him and bring him three or four times a day to the clinic for procedures, then there is the possibility of hospitalization. Since the Vauclinic "Obereg" in Golyanovo works without interruptions, you can spend your free time from work with your pet, and then leave on business, leaving your pet under supervision.


The first task that faces specialists is the formulation of the correct diagnosis. In this regard, very good indicators are Veterinary "Obereg" in Golyanovo. Feedback from regular customers emphasizes that in many cases it is the full and fast diagnosis that helps to save valuable time and provide the necessary assistance.

The laboratory works around the clock, allowing you to conduct diagnostics at a therapeutic reception, in the intensive care unit and intensive care unit , as well as in the infectious and postoperative department.

Clinic equipment

What is remarkable, here all manipulations with animals are strictly divided into functional blocks. Directions are given by the therapist, so the owner will not have to rack his brains, to whom he will turn. So, first of all you get to the therapeutic department, where you pass the examination. Here there is a special specialist for vaccinating animals. Separately works:

  • Department of ultrasound diagnosis.
  • Department of Cardiology and Echocardiography.
  • Clinical laboratory.
  • Hospital and intensive care.
  • Surgical department, where a whole department of anesthesiologists works.
  • Radiographic department.

Clinic address

To date, there are two departments of this clinic. Where is the Obereg Veterinary Clinic located in Golyanovo? Address - st. Kurgan, etc. 6. For information, the second branch is located along Ilimskaya Street, 5, building 1. To record for an appointment, you can call the registry office and you will be recorded to one of the working specialists. In addition, you can make an appointment at the official site. That is, you leave your contact information and describe the problem, then the employee calls you back and agrees on the time of reception.

How to get there

There are times when you do not have the time or the desire to find out where the Vereklinik "Obereg" is located in Golyanovo. How to get to it quickly and without extra time, we'll talk with you now. So, if you decide to move by public transport, then from the metro station "Schelkovskaya" you need to get to the bus station. Here you change to the 257th route and go to the stop "Ul. Sakhalin ". From it you will need to go to the other side, to the Pyaterochka store. At the end of the building you will see the entrance to the clinic.

Easier to get by private transport. In this case, you drive along the Moscow Ring Road, turn to Golyanovo and again to the right to Kurgan Street. On it you need to move to the above store.

Doctor's visit to the house

There is also such a service. If a large dog is in serious condition, then carry it to the car, and then to the clinic can be very problematic. In addition, there are different personal circumstances that do not allow you to leave the house to visit the clinic. In this case, invite the vet to the house. The specialist will provide possible assistance and, if necessary, take your pet to the hospital.

Reviews of the owners of animals

As usual, in the case of the description of medical institutions, there are no unequivocal responses. Those who have been helped write thank-you odes to the specialists of the clinic. But if the owner has experienced a bitter loss, he blames the doctors and the clinic for all. However, analyzing numerous reviews, we came to the conclusion that the "Obereg" veterinary clinic in Golyanovo deserves trust. Photos of spacious and clean cabinets, modern equipment and famous specialists who conduct the reception here, unwittingly adjust to a positive wave. In addition, most patients emphasize the courteous attitude and professionalism, care and sensitivity of the staff. But this is so important when a shaggy but fervently loved creature is ill.

Instead of concluding

Vetklinika "Obereg" every year only gaining popularity. This is not surprising, because reviews pass from one client to another, together with contacts and doctors' phones. On the official site, too many words of gratitude from the owners of the rescued animals, which can not but rejoice. Separately, I would like to note the personnel policy of the clinic. Choosing the best as their employees, they do not forget about the staff reserve. For this, young veterinarians are employed at work, who, working side by side with specialists, comprehend all the elements of a difficult profession. Regularly doctors leave for the passage of refresher courses, which allows them to be constantly aware of new developments in the world of medicine.

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