
Parsley on the windowsill. How to grow parsley indoors?

Fresh greens are rich in vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and other important components for the body. Thanks to this additive, any dish becomes tastier and more useful. But with the arrival of the winter to grow greenery in the garden will not work. And bought in the store will not be so useful.

Can I grow parsley on a windowsill in winter? It is possible to do this, only observe the rules of planting and care. It is important to create suitable conditions for proper growing of greenery. Then at home there will always be a wonderful seasoning that perfectly complements any dish.


Parsley - one-year and two-year-old grass, which has erect stems. Its leaves can be twice and thricefold. Flowers have white and green-yellow petals. The plant likes moisture and cold, and seed germination occurs at 1-5 degrees.

Parsley root looks like a root, like carrots. Seeds appear in the second year. Root crops are useful for healing wounds, improving eyesight, strengthening the gums, restoring the kidneys. They contain many salts of iron, potassium, phosphorus. Roots are applied as spices to marinades, pickles, soups.

Parsley leaves do not form a root fetus. In food, add greens for cooking salads, side dishes and first courses. The product is used in fresh, dried, frozen form, since with the proper storage, useful components remain throughout the year.

Variety choice

Before you become acquainted with how to grow parsley on a window sill, you must choose the appropriate varieties. It is advisable to select the rich for greens and early ripening. Perfectly suitable for the following types:

  • Yielding;
  • Ordinary leaf;
  • Curly;
  • Curly Sue;
  • Prima;
  • Bordovinskaya;
  • Curly parsley;
  • Sugar.

The grade is signed on the package. It is necessary to look for a note that the harvest will be high, early ripening with a good seed germination.

In what to grow?

Is it possible to grow parsley on a windowsill if there is no suitable capacity? Harvest may appear, but care will be difficult to perform, so you need to stock up with deep plastic boxes. On one window sill there will be 2-3 small containers. The height of the structure should be above 15 cm.

Inside the box, drainage holes are created. Drainage may not be, but the holes should be made large, about 5-7 mm in diameter. To land remained in the tank, the bottom should be placed mosquito net. There must be a drip tray that serves to drain the water. Soil should be selected nutrient, with an acid level of about 6.5-7.0.

Methods of cultivation

Two ways can get parsley on the windowsill. How to grow it? To do this, use:

  • Propagation by seeds.
  • Stripping from root vegetables.

Each of these methods is in demand. In them it is important to follow the sequence of work, and then there will necessarily be an excellent result.

Root planting

The size of the root depends on how much it will have kidneys and grow leaves. The root should be dug in the autumn or purchased at the store. Before landing, it must be examined if there are any damages.

It is advisable to disinfect the containers with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting. If ordinary garden soil is applied, then it is enriched with mineral fertilizer. You can prepare the mixture yourself: the garden land (70%) is mixed with turf (15%) and humus (15%). Also it is necessary to add phosphorus fertilizer and lime. Such a mixture can be purchased at the garden store.

Rules of work

Only when everything is cooked, will get parsley on the windowsill. How to grow it? The work involves the following:

  • In the tank should be placed drainage, soil, and then moisten it.
  • Create a large groove.
  • Plant root, sprinkle with earth, compact and soil, water.
  • Containers with root vegetables should not be immediately placed on the windowsill.
  • First they should be placed in a dark, cool place, where the plant should be watered in a moderate amount.
  • When the greens begin to grow, it should be placed on the windowsill under the sun.
  • Then more frequent watering is required, but not abundant.

If you are interested in how to grow dill and parsley on a windowsill, then you can use this algorithm. After a while, an intensive growth of greenery will begin, which can be added to the dishes.


How to grow parsley on a windowsill of seeds? It is necessary to go through the following stages:

  • Seeds need to be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, soaking them for 24 hours.
  • Rinse them, drain the water.
  • In clean pots, drainage is laid out with a layer of 2 cm.
  • Then poured and poured soil.
  • Seeds should be laid in moistened soil to a depth of 0.5 cm, pour a little soil and moisturize.
  • From above, everything is covered with a film for the rapid emergence of seeds.

It is this instruction that must be observed, if interested, how to grow parsley on a windowsill in winter? After a while, fresh greenery will grow at home.


With the help of such methods, fresh parsley is obtained on the windowsill. How to grow it lush, fragrant, dark green? The first harvest will be a month later, if everything was done correctly. It is necessary to follow the following tips:

  • Periodically, you need to rotate the container with the plant, so that the parsley grows evenly.
  • In cloudy weather, you need to turn on the backlight.
  • Watering should be frequent, but moderately-plentiful.
  • The most suitable temperature is 20-25 degrees.
  • Greenery should be moistened from the spray.
  • If parsley grows poorly, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is needed.
  • Do not dry the soil.
  • Every 3 days you have to loosen the ground.
  • If after planting seeds they have risen densely, it is necessary to dilute parsley.
  • The temperature should not be less than 20 degrees.

The harvest will be good when the branches have a length of 10-20 cm. They are considered tasty and fragrant. Clay pots are very suitable for growing . In them, plants breathe well and develop better. But watering will then have to be done more often, because through the clay the water evaporates faster. If you use standard plastic containers for planting, you should water less often.

Growth conditions

How to grow parsley on the windowsill in the apartment so that there is a good harvest? It is important to observe moderate watering in winter and abundant in summer. Greenery should be under the sunlight. If these rules are observed, parsley will be at home all year round.

It is important to take care of the plant in a timely manner. The grown greens will be environmentally friendly, and therefore it will not cause allergies. This spice will be safe for everyone.

Thinning sprouts

How to grow parsley at home on the windowsill, to make the results happy? Thick shoots should be thinned out. The greens grow with a bush, and therefore each plant needs space and light to get strong shoots. Leaf parsley is thinned 2 weeks after germination. Between plants should be 5 cm, with growth it is necessary to carry out a repeated procedure, that was 10 cm.

Why is it necessary to observe such a distance? In the garden between the plants leave 20-25 cm. And since the greens in the boxes and pots do not grow, so you need less space. But this refers to the leaf parsley. There is a sort of Mooskrause 2, bred by the Germans, and they grow greenery in the kitchen. Therefore, this parsley has a compact top and root system.


If there is good lighting, then only parsley will grow perfectly on the windowsill. How to grow houses at a lack of light? You need to put it on the sunny windowsill. You can use lamps - fluorescent and LED. They should be placed near the leaves above the boxes with seedlings.

If there is no lightening, in the central part of Russia parsley should be grown when sowing seeds from the middle of February. Cut greens should not be under the root, but leave about 5 cm.


Top dressing should be performed one month after germination. Just do not add a lot of fertilizer, because so green will not be thicker, and excess will be deposited in the form of salts.

Growing in pots and on the open ground is different. It is desirable to carry out fertilizing with biohumus. There are means in the liquid form. Feeding should be done every 2 weeks in the dose indicated on the package. Complex fertilizers for vegetables are suitable.


Care for greenery involves regular watering. Do not dry out and wet the soil in boxes. If water is at room temperature, watering should be done every day in a moderate amount. On the surface should not appear substrate crust, it must be destroyed by loosening.

In order not to forget to perform elementary care procedures, you can create a memo tablet, where their periodicity will be prescribed. This will serve as a help in growing parsley.

Benefits of parsley

Fresh greens have many valuable substances and vitamins, so it was valued, as many centuries ago, and loved now. Parsley is used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology. There is a lot of carotene and lemon in it. The daily norm of ascorbic acid is in 50 g of parsley. In addition to vitamins A, C, it has B1, B2, B12, PP. Greenery includes magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Due to this composition it has the following properties:

  • It restores the activity of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
  • Normalizes the metabolism.
  • Strengthens blood vessels.
  • Has anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Heals the gums.
  • Improves the brain.
  • Restores appetite.

Parsley is useful for sight, treating jade, eliminating depression. It is needed in the restoration of forces. The treatment uses juice, infusions, decoctions. Juice is useful for treating respiratory, cardiac, eye ailments. The treatment of the optic nerve is helped by parsley juice mixed with carrot juice in a 1: 3 ratio.

Parsley in combination with garlic has a diuretic effect, so the mixture is used to normalize the pressure. Greens are used to whiten the skin, hide freckles and pigment on the skin. The plant eliminates edema, heals insect bites, bruises.


Harm can be inflicted on the body only in the event that the greens are consumed without measure. In parsley there is myristicin, which in excess can cause headaches, hallucinations, nausea, overexcitation, weight loss, muscle cramps.

Do not take medicine with parsley pregnant, sick with oxaluria, urolithic ailments, bladder diseases and nephritis. When feeding a child, it is also not advisable to use parsley, because there is a spicy essential oil in it. If you follow these tips, then parsley will be healthy. Moreover, it can not be bought, but grown at home.

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