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Urolithiasis: symptoms and treatment in men. Signs and diagnosis of the disease

Urolithiasis (IBD) is a pathology that is always accompanied by pain. Localized uncomfortable sensations often in the lower back. But if the stone moves to the exit, the pain can be felt throughout the abdomen. Such a symptomatology often underlies incorrect diagnosis and makes one suspect the patient of appendicitis or ulcers. Therefore, consider what are the symptoms of "urolithiasis" symptoms and treatment in men.

What is the basis of the disease?

The disease is much more common in the stronger sex than in women. The statistics give the following figures. Men are three times more likely to have urolithiasis.

The causes of the pathology of the medical profession are divided into two groups: external and internal factors. Consider them.

External factors leading to the formation of stones:

  1. Features of climate. Dry air often leads to dehydration.
  2. Soil structure. It affects the electrolyte content of products.
  3. Water . With urolithiasis, a source of pathology may be an excess of salts in the fluid consumed. This leads to a high concentration of them in the urine. In addition, the acidity of water influences the formation of stone.
  4. Daily regime. Hypodinamy promotes the development of pathology.
  5. Lack of fluid. A small amount of water consumed seriously increases the risk of disease.
  6. Diet. The formation of stones contributes to the excessive use of meat products, as well as food containing a lot of purine bases (sorrel, spinach, peas).

These are not the only sources that affect the development of such pathologies as urolithiasis. The reasons may lie in internal factors:

  1. Infectious diseases of the urinary tract: urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis.
  2. Pathologies of the digestive tract: cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, colitis.
  3. Infections of other organs: osteomyelitis, furunculosis, tonsillitis.
  4. Abnormal development of the bladder, kidneys, ureters.

Symptomatology of the disease

No special clinical manifestations at the initial stages have urolithiasis. Symptoms and treatment in men are often absent in this period. Pathology can be detected if other diseases are diagnosed.

Characteristic signs of urolithiasis arise in the patient when promoting stones. The most basic symptom is a strong, suddenly started, pain. This condition is characterized as renal colic.

It has the following characteristics:

  1. Paroxysmal severe pain, which is periodically exacerbated.
  2. A rise in temperature may occur.
  3. Painful discomfort appears suddenly, often during shaking, movement, or after a large amount of fluid intake, alcohol. The change in the position of the body does not eliminate soreness.
  4. Discomfort can extend to the lumbar region, the lower abdominal area, the groin.

Features of the symptomatology

The localization of pain and its nature make it possible to determine the place where the stones are located, if the patient is diagnosed with urolithiasis. Symptoms and treatment for men completely depend on their location:

  1. The discomfort that has arisen in the lumbar region (in the region of the costal-vertebral corner), extending into the groin, characterizes the localization of kidney stones and their movement along the ureter. In this pathology, blood often appears in the urine.
  2. If the pain concentrates sideways from the lumbar region and extends to the groin, then the stone is high. Painful discomfort occurs as a result of stretching the capsule of the kidney.
  3. Moving stone always causes painful sensations. Bal radiates, as a rule, to the anterior region of the thigh and scrotum.
  4. The pain sensation differs constancy. Sometimes the patient experiences periods of relief, which are followed by exacerbation. This symptomatology is typical for the localization of stones in the bladder.

In addition to the above clinical manifestations, there may be other signs:

  • Dysuria;
  • Worsening of the patient's condition;
  • Elevated temperature;
  • Hematuria;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • Delay in the induction of urine as a result of blockage of the cervix of the bladder.

Diagnosis of the disease

To confirm the diagnosis of "urolithiasis " the patient's medical history is studied very carefully. Doctors are interested in past treatment, its effectiveness. Such measures allow correctly to appoint adequate therapy.

Diagnosis is made as a result of the following data:

  1. The patient has a characteristic symptomatology. Periodically appearing acute pain in the lumbar region, abdomen or groin. Incomplete emptying of the bladder. Burning sensation during urination in the urethra.
  2. Inspection data. The doctor feels the stomach, as a result of which inflammatory abdominal pathologies such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, appendicitis are excluded. Tapping the lumbar zone and abdomen makes it possible to differentiate pathology from lumbago, radiculitis, pyelonephritis. External examination of the patient can characterize many diseases of the urinary system. The position of the patient, skin color, and swelling are taken into account.
  3. Characteristic for pathology indicators of general urine analysis. As a rule, an increased density is detected. In the urine, unchanged erythrocytes are found. They establish a high concentration of salts. Such indicators of the general analysis of urine characterize the patient having urolithiasis.
  4. The given ultrasound. This examination determines the diagnosis with high accuracy and gives an idea of the size, shape and location of stones.
  5. Results of CT. The examination is applied if ultrasound does not give a complete description of the pathology.
  6. Results of radiopaque examination. This method allows a detailed study of urine flow. Diagnosis reveals where the occlusion of the ducts occurred.

Types of stones

It is very important not only to determine such a pathology as urolithiasis. Symptoms and treatment for men completely depend on the type of stones. That is why it is advisable not to resort to traditional medicine, but to entrust your health to an experienced professional.

The following stones can form when urolithiasis is present:

  1. Oxalate . Such stones are formed from the calcium salt of oxalic acid. They are distinguished by a high density, a prickly surface. Initially their color is black-gray. If the stone injures the mucous membrane, it becomes black or dark brown due to the blood pigment.
  2. Phosphate . They contain calcium salt of phosphoric acid. As a rule, the stone is smooth or slightly rough. Can take a variety of forms. The consistency of the stone is soft. It is distinguished by a light gray or white color. Such a stone tends to grow rapidly. Very easily crushed.
  3. Urartic . They are formed by uric acid or its salts. The stones differ in yellow-brick color. They have a smooth surface, but a solid consistency. Crushing is possible with the help of medicinal preparations.
  4. Carbonate . They contain the calcium salt of carbonic acid. The consistency of the stones is soft, and the shape is diverse. The calculus has a smooth surface and is white in color.
  5. Cystine . They form a sulfuric compound of the amino acid cystine. Stones are round in shape, yellowish white in color. As a rule, they have a smooth surface, soft consistency.
  6. Protein . Their formation is facilitated by fibrin with an admixture of bacteria and salts. The stones are white, small, soft and flat.
  7. Cholesterol . Very rare in the kidneys. Consist of cholesterol, have a soft consistency, differ in black. Such concrements are dangerous, because they easily crumble.

Treatment of the disease

The tactics of combating pathology are determined by the urologist. For treatment, surgical methods and conservative therapy are used. The choice of the required method depends on the patient's condition, age, size and location of the stone, the clinical course of the pathology, the presence of physiological or anatomical changes, and the stage of renal failure.

In most cases, to remove stones, one has to resort to surgical treatment. The exception is the concrements formed by uric acid. These stones can be dissolved by conservative treatment.

Initially, the patient is prescribed the following drugs with urolithiasis:

  1. Spasmolytics . They eliminate the spasm of the ureter, promote the relaxation of its walls. This allows you to reduce pain and ease the passage of stones. The patient is recommended the following drugs: Papaverin, No-shpa, Galidor, Diprofen.
  2. Anesthetics. They are prescribed in case of an attack of renal colic. Remedies that nicely eliminate the pain syndrome: Analgin, Braal, Tempalgin, Baralgin, Pentalgin, Tetralgin.

Some patients may be prescribed antibacterial drugs. They are injected into therapy if an infection is attached to the urolithiasis. The choice of necessary antibiotics can be made only by a doctor on the basis of a survey.

Dissolution of urates

It is extremely important to understand: how to treat urolithiasis, only the doctor will tell, since you can pick up the necessary medicines to dissolve the concrement after determining its kind.

The following preparations are used to treat urates:

  1. Allopurinol, Allozim, Allopron, Allpol, Zilorik, Milurit, Remid, Sanfipurol, Purinol. Such drugs help to reduce the deposition of salts of uric acid.
  2. "Etamide". The medicine stimulates intensive urate output along with urine. Helps reduce uric acid salts in the body.
  3. "Urodan." A combination drug that causes alkalinization of urine. The drug promotes the formation of soluble salts with uric acid.
  4. "Uralit U". The product is used to dissolve urates. Protects the body from the appearance of new stones.
  5. "Blomaren". The drug is able to dissolve urates and some other urinary stones.
  6. "Solimok". Excellent dissolves urinary stones, mostly urates.

Dissolution of oxalates

If a patient is diagnosed with these stones, drug therapy includes medications:

  1. "Marelin".
  2. "Prolit". Herbal preparation that promotes the dissolution of oxalate stones.
  3. Medicinal fees number 7; № 8; № 9; №10. Such funds are officially recognized as urology. They have diuretics, litholytic (dissolving stones), spasmolytic properties.

Dissolution of phosphates

To combat this pathology the most demanded drugs:

  1. "Maden dye extract". Such a means allows to loosen the phosphates. In addition, the drug has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect.
  2. "Marelin". The drug not only softens the stones, but also perfectly eliminates spasm of the renal pelvis, ureter. The medicine removes inflammation in the urogenital system.

Dissolution of cystine stones

When this pathology is detected, it is most expedient to take the following medicines:

  1. "Penicillamine." The agent forms with a cystine a certain compound that dissolves easily in the urine. This allows you to reduce the stones.
  2. "Tiopronin." The effect on the body of the drug is similar to the above medication. It is prescribed if Penicillamine is ineffective.
  3. "Potassium citrate", "Sodium bicarbonate". Medicines alkalinizing urine. As a result, the cystine stones dissolve.
  4. "Uralit".

Features of food

It is mandatory that all patients follow the prescribed diet. Urolithiasis in men, depending on the type of concrements, imposes certain limitations in nutrition.

If a patient has urate, then it is necessary to minimize the use:

  1. Products rich in purines. This is fish, animal meat, mushrooms, by-products, legumes, meat broths. Such food is allowed once a week.
  2. Alcohol . Patients are forbidden to drink red wine or beer.

Dietary food should be based on the following food:

  • Sweet peppers, tomatoes, aubergines, potatoes;
  • Raw cheese;
  • Millet, buckwheat, barley cereals;
  • Fruit, berries;
  • pasta;
  • Eggs;
  • Milk, cottage cheese, sour-milk products.

Patients diagnosed with oxalate should be restricted to the following products:

  • Spinach, lettuce, sorrel;
  • Beets, carrots, tomatoes;
  • sauerkraut;
  • Celery, parsley;
  • coffee Tea;
  • Jelly, jelly;
  • Chocolate, cocoa;
  • green bean;
  • Chicken, beef;
  • Currant, citrus, sour apples.

It is recommended to enrich the food with products containing calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6. The following food is preferred:

  • dairy;
  • Whole grains, cereals;
  • Potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage;
  • Nuts;
  • Apricots, bananas, pears, watermelons;
  • peas.

When detecting phosphate in the diet should be limited:

  • Cranberries, currants, cranberries;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • Fermented milk products, cottage cheese, cheese, milk products;
  • alcohol;
  • Sharp spices;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee.

It is recommended to give preference to products containing a little calcium, but with acid reaction. Vitamin A is useful.

The following foods are preferred in the diet:

  • Various soups;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Pasta, bread;
  • butter;
  • Fish, meat;
  • Fruit juice and juices from sour berries and fruits (cranberries, citrus fruits, apples).

With cystine stones, the following food is excluded:

  1. By-products - spleen, liver, kidneys.
  2. Fish, meat. It is allowed to eat no more than 3 days a week. The daily dose is 200-250 mg.
  3. Eggs (you can only one piece per day).
  4. Wheat flour.
  5. Beans.

It is recommended to enrich the diet with food containing a variety of vitamins, such as:

  • Watermelons;
  • citrus;
  • Cranberries;
  • Grapes;
  • Strawberry;
  • raisins;
  • Garnet;
  • olives;
  • Pears;
  • currant;
  • carrot;
  • Nuts;
  • Blueberry.


If necessary, patients with a diagnosis of "ICD" (urolithiasis) can be recommended special methods of crushing stones. As you can see, you can cope with any pathology. The main thing is not to give up and strictly observe all the doctor's prescriptions.

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