
Types of inventory of material assets

Inventory is necessary to control the accounting of the material values of the enterprise, financial liabilities of the company. The procedure allows you to check whether the business transactions reflected in the accounting documents correspond to the truth.

Inventory functions:

• accounting. Methodological element of accounting;

• control. The method of actual (or actual) control over the materially responsible person and verification of the preservation of valuables in an appropriate quality.

According to Article 12 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Accounting", there are specific cases in which an inventory of material assets is conducted:

• transfer / sale / lease of the company's property,

• preparation of financial statements for the year,

• dismissal / hiring of a materially responsible employee,

• force majeure circumstances,

• identification of facts of loss, damage, theft of material values,

• liquidation of the enterprise / company.

In addition, the organization / enterprise is obliged to carry out a planned inventory of the company's fixed assets, unfinished capital or capital repairs of the company's buildings, inventory, banking operations on loans, overdrafts, loans, cash on accounts, settlements and other items of the accounting balance.

Kinds of inventory on the basis: planned (monthly, for the annual report) and unplanned (outside the schedule of conducting or at the request of authorities) inventory. Always approved by the immediate head of the company.

Types of inventory by volume: complete (all types of valuables, financial assets, settlements with the banking sector) and incomplete (certain types of property of the company) are held as needed.

Types of inventory by completeness: selective (one of the collections of commodity-material values) or solid (all varieties of denominations of values).

Types of inventory by the method: natural (direct observation of inventory) and documentary (verification of full documentary evidence of the presence or absence of objects of value).

Proceeding from the foregoing, the inventory of inventory items became a form of necessary financial control and provides the owner of the company with the necessary reliable information about the status and availability of property and serves as a means of protecting the interests of the company in the event of unlawful actions of the offender.

The actual discrepancies between the actual availability of property and documentary accounting data detected in the inventory process are immediately reflected in the accounts of the balance sheet items of inventory accounting in the following order:

• The revealed surplus of the property is documented, the corresponding amount is credited to the company's financial account or is used to increase financing;

• The identified shortage of property or damage is attributed to the costs of production (if the loss is within the limits of the norm), in excess of the accepted norms, is compensated at the expense of the guilty persons.

The order of carrying out any inventory in the company or at the enterprise involves the creation of special, standing commissions consisting of:

• the director of the company or his deputy;

• Head of the audited division or chief accountant;

• Independent employees who do not bear financial responsibility.

The inspection commission on inventory should include the most experienced employees who have knowledge of the inventory property, the procedure for the formation of prices for the products being inspected that own the primary accounting.

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