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Surgery for cataract removal

Cataract is expressed in the turbidity of the lens, which leads to a significant deterioration of vision. In this case, the clarity is violated and the blurriness of visible objects appears. Often when cataract begins double vision in the eyes and it forces a person to change glasses to stronger ones. Women suffer the most from this disease.

Causes of cataracts occur differently, mainly the loss of the lens occurs when there is a violation of its nutrition, with trauma, metabolic disorders in the body, as well as diabetes. Of course, most often there is senile or age-related cataract. It is during this period that the density of the lens begins to increase, it is significantly cloudy. But such a disease can occur at the age of 50 years.

There is a hereditary and congenital cataract. It can appear in childhood. Usually, this phenomenon is associated with the lens pathology, which occurs even in the fetal development of the fetus.

Traumatic cataract can be at any age. It arises from chemical or thermal burn, puncture, cut or impact. Especially often there is a cataract due to the disruption of the endocrine glands, such as the development of diabetes mellitus. This form of cataract occurs in children and young people. It rapidly progresses and is most often bilateral. Characterized by a fairly early change in the lens due to tear protection.

The operation to remove cataracts is possible only after carrying out diagnostic studies with the help of keratometry and refractometry. Then determine visual acuity and measure the intraocular pressure, the state of the retina, and also explore the field of vision. After a complete diagnosis, the calculation of the optical power of the artificial lens is made, in order for the operation to be possible. Cataract is curable, and all these diagnostic studies are absolutely painless and do not cause any special inconveniences.

After the diagnosis is made, an operation is performed to remove the cataract. It can be done with ultrasonic phacoemulsifiers. This is the removal of the lens using ultrasound using epibulbar anesthesia. It consists in the fact that eye drops with anesthetic are first introduced 20 minutes before the operation, and after that the patient ceases to feel something during the whole procedure of cataract removal. The operation lasts no longer than 12 minutes.

Surgical intervention can also be carried out on a special buffet, which allows performing operations even for people with musculoskeletal disorders. Surgery to remove cataracts is possible with the help of laser and ultrasound. And the removal of the lens is carried out in a traumatic manner, that is, with the help of a small puncture, which does not require seams after surgical intervention.

The main advantages of such silent operations are that there is no need to remove seams after six months, postoperative astigmatism is significantly reduced.

Surgical treatment of cataracts is carried out regardless of the maturation of the lens, and its replacement is carried out quickly and without consequences. The removal of cataracts in this way makes it possible to perform surgery if this disease is combined with other diseases, such as post-traumatic changes, lens subluxations, retinal dystrophy, hemophthalmia, diabetic retinopathy, and in the presence of common diseases, for example, in various allergies, blood diseases, oncology and Neurological diseases, diabetes, ischemic heart disease and hypertension.

The operation to remove cataracts is also carried out with the help of laser extraction, when the lens is removed with the help of laser energy. In this case, two perpendicular grooves are drawn on the surface of the lens. The kernel begins to break into four fragments. Then these parts are successively destroyed, and then aspirated or flushed and sanitized. After anesthesia, a tunnel section of the cornea is made and the lens core rotates. The whole operation ends in fifteen minutes. When a surgical procedure is performed, the cataract is easily removed through this small hole, so that the person who has not seen until now starts to see perfectly.

Artificial lens (or intraocular lens) in its properties is quite similar to the natural lens. At the same time, it is reliable and can be in the eye all my life. Currently, clinics have many different artificial lenses, both foreign and domestic production, which can be injected into the eye through a minimal incision. Most importantly, after the introduction of such a lens, astigmatism is completely excluded, and the risk of developing a secondary cataract is reduced. Many doctors tend to argue that immature cataracts are worse off. And in the case when a person has diabetes mellitus, there may be complications due to the influence of ultrasound on the retina, because this can lead to detachment of the retina and complete loss of vision. Therefore, before performing an operation to remove cataracts, it is necessary to carefully monitor to avoid complications.

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