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As a nursing mother to treat a cold: folk remedies and medications

More often than not, and, as a rule, unexpectedly, a nasal cold awaits a nursing woman. It is better not to be afraid of her, inadvertently not attract at your own peril. It is much more preferable to treat it as a training for your immune system. And defeating fear will help certainty: knowledge of the enemy in person and the timely use of the right "weapons." Next, we will gradually consider how to treat colds with GV, beginning with the definition and symptoms of this seasonal trouble.

What is a cold?

The cold is a disease caused by hypothermia, resulting in reduced immunity and exacerbated chronic infections that have already been in the body of a man caught cold. These infections result from a conditionally pathogenic flora that can activate under certain conditions. The cold is not contagious, but against the background of weakened immunity, the virus can easily attach itself, transferring the disease to the stage of acute disease. Then we are talking about medical terms: ARVI, influenza, ARD.

ARVI is the most common seasonal disease, caused by a variety of viruses that cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. This ailment is contagious, proceeds in acute form.

Influenza is a type of viral infection. With a complicated course of the disease, when it does not save tea with raspberry jam, the infection can spread to the ears and eyes, leading to the appearance of otitis or conjunctivitis of varying degrees of complexity.

A bacterial infection can join a bacterial infection, it can also appear initially against the background of a cold. If there is no way to accurately diagnose the disease, then the doctors talk about ARI .

Nursing mothers do not think about the fact that the disease caught them by surprise, calling it a clear word "cold." At GW they worry only about the safety of their babies and the speedy recovery. Therefore, consider all the variants of seasonal diseases.

Symptoms of colds

The presence of certain symptoms, worsening the general state of health, does not allow to be mistaken: the organism has caught a cold. Such symptoms include:

  • A runny nose in the form of secretions from the nose from the transparent (onset of the disease), to thick, hard-to-separate green (attachment of bacterial infection);
  • Increased body temperature;
  • a sore throat;
  • Cough both dry and wet;
  • Sneezing.

The quality of life deteriorates noticeably even in the ordinary person, and what can we say about the young mother, whose health and well-being depends on the well-being of the baby and the whole family. Therefore, it is important to know how to breastfeed mother to treat a cold, to protect the child and quickly restore its efficiency.

How to treat an ordinary cold

Young mothers often have to walk with the baby in all weather conditions, and while the child sleeps in the stroller, warmly wrapped, my mother has to cut the circles. Clothes do not always match the weather, so it's very easy to freeze. In order not to have to wonder, than to treat a cold with GV, it is better to take preventive measures. Immediately upon arrival, change into warm clothes, wash your hands with hot water, soak your feet at a temperature of 40-50 ° C, drink hot tea with honey. After that, you will need to look at cold manifestations and treat the disease symptomatically.

How to treat viral infections, including influenza

If the ordinary supercooling and the associated weakening of immunity are superimposed on the viral component, then we can say that a "viral" cold has appeared in the nursing mother. Komarovsky in this case advises to do without pharmacological intervention, adhering to a clear algorithm of actions:

  1. Eating only on appetite.
  2. Abundant drink.
  3. Bed rest.
  4. Frequent airing of the room.
  5. Humidification of air.
  6. Irrigation of mucous membranes with saline or physiological solutions.
  7. Protect your child from direct contact with the virus, you should wear a mask when communicating with the baby.

It turns out that you can be nursing for a cold, and available to ordinary people. This algorithm is universal, it helps to cope with viruses without drugs. The body simply takes time to produce the appropriate antibodies.

How to treat bacterial infections

For a number of reasons, it can be judged that the common cold is bacterial or complicated by a virus with attachment of a secondary bacterial infection. In this case, mandatory interventions of antibiotics are required. Signs of bacterial infection:

  • The disease does not pass within a week, the patient's condition worsens;
  • High temperature above 38 ° С;
  • Abscesses of different localization;
  • Discharge from the nose and sputum have a stiff consistency, in color from yellow-green to reddish;
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes and acute pain in the localization of bacteria.

How does a nursing mother treat a cold bacterial? It requires mandatory intervention of antibiotics, so it is better to follow preventive measures such as frequent washing hands, careful preparation of raw meat, avoiding contact with sick people, etc.

Permissible drugs

On the frequently asked question "what can be treated with a cold feeding mom" Komarovsky, as the most popular children's doctor of the post-Soviet space, responds always ironically: there is no magic pill. There are always side effects, and no one has canceled the individual intolerance of the components.

The doctor's advice is simple: be patient while you are patient, and when there is no strength to endure, go to the therapist. The point is that a common cold can conceal a variety of ailments that require appropriate treatment. For example, viral infections, in fact, are not treated, all therapy is aimed at activating the immune cells of the body and systematic washing out of the virus through abundant drinking. But the accession of bacterial infection is likely to require the use of an antibiotic, which in no case can "prescribe" to yourself.

Reference will note which medicines to take for a cold feeding mum is acceptable. But before using them, you should still consult your doctor:

  • Antiviral drugs: Aflubin, Otsilokoktsinum.
  • Spasmolytic means: "No-shpa".
  • Antipyretics (over 39 °, if not helped by folk remedies): children's syrups "Nurofen", "Panadol".
  • Vasoconstrictors and funds from the common cold: "Aquamaris" and analogues, "Quicks".
  • From a pain in a throat for resorption: "Lizobakt".
  • For a gargle of a throat: "Chlorhexidine", "Iodinolum", "Miramistin".
  • From a cough: Gedelix.

What the folk medicine recommends

The wisdom of the people will tell how to nurse the mother a cold, how to activate the body's strengths and smooth out some symptomatic manifestations of the disease, improving the general condition of the sick. So, to remove the pain in the throat under the force:

  • Cottage cheese compress;
  • Rinse with fresh beet juice and vinegar;
  • Warm milk with butter and honey.

Reduce the elevated body temperature will help:

  • Tea with raspberry jam;
  • Wiping the body with a solution of vinegar 9% (1 tablespoon per half liter of water),
  • A mixture of grated onions, apples and honey in equal proportions (before eating 1 tablespoon 3 times a day);
  • Grapefruit, a couple of oranges or lemon, as sources of vitamin C.

To buy copious selection from the nose, you can use:

  • Burying in the nose of aloe juice, mixed with a dissolved tablet mummy and a drop of honey;
  • Or a mixture of onion and garlic juice with honey in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • Lubricating the nasal passages with lemon juice;
  • Plates with freshly chopped onions.

Cough helps the following recipes:

  • In the radish is a deepening, which is laid honey, insists half a day, then used for 1 tsp. Up to three times a day;
  • To breathe on boiled potatoes.

Any folk remedy before active use should first be checked for an allergic reaction for mom and her baby.

When can not breastfeed?

GV consultants unanimously urge to feed, despite the poor state of health and mum's illness. The adult organism adapts to the disease more quickly and begins to produce antibodies, passing them to the baby through breast milk. Thus, the mother is both the cause of the disease, and his own medicine. It is known that the immunity received from the mother in the child completely disappears after six months even if only the breast milk is fed, and the own one is produced only under the influence of diseases for years to three. It turns out that a cold with HS is a great way to train the immune system of a baby.

However, if Mom's seasonal illness did not pass within a week, got complications and requires the intervention of antibiotics, then breast-feeding should be stopped. It is believed that the therapist can choose the antibiotic that is permitted during breastfeeding and calculate the time between taking the medication and breastfeeding, but getting the antibiotic into the milk is unlikely to be avoided.

Why are antibiotics dangerous for babies?

Even authorized drugs in small amounts can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the baby, causing:

  • An allergic reaction;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Thrush development;
  • Reduce the immunity of the child;
  • Balance disorders in the assimilation of vitamins and trace elements.

Therefore, at the time of taking antibiotics should stop breastfeeding. In order to successfully resume this process, the mother needs to express the milk in a timely manner, and feed the baby with a spoon or from a bottle with a small hole in the nipple.

Prevention of seasonal diseases

It is always easier to avoid the disease than to cure it, so it is important to pay attention to preventive measures, which include:

  • Avoidance of places of mass gathering of people, especially communication with patients;
  • Frequent hand washing;
  • Washing of mucous nasal and throat with saline solutions;
  • Airing the room to keep cool and fresh air;
  • Humidification of air;
  • Timely vaccination.

Better yet, prepare for the cold season beforehand. It is for this that we are given summer, rich in air-sun baths, vitamins in the garden, forest, river and sea hardening. Six months on the accumulation and strengthening of immunity, in order to test it in the second half a year.

And now, answering the question how to treat a cold with a nursing mother, let's just say: do not be afraid of illness, follow preventive measures, in case of a disease, activate the defenses of the organism, following a simple algorithm. Then any cold will be defeated, and the baby will receive his therapeutic portion of protection with his beloved mother's milk.

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