HealthDiseases and Conditions

Strong headache. What to do if you have a severe headache

According to the doctors, periodic headaches excruciate at least 70% of the population of developed countries. But in fact, many more people are familiar with this condition, many simply do not turn to the doctor, preferring to cope with it on their own. But we must remember that the only symptom of many serious diseases is precisely a severe headache. What to do in this case, can only advise the doctor. And, despite the fact that now there are many tools that can quickly alleviate suffering, do not get carried away by them. After all, to get rid of headaches, you need to eliminate the causes that cause them, and not just the symptoms themselves. Therefore, before you take pills, you need to find out why you have this condition.

What diseases can cause a headache?

- The most common cause of these are vascular diseases: arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, vegetovascular dystonia and others;

- migraine also occurs quite often, especially among women;

- cervical osteochondrosis can lead to pinching of the artery, resulting in severe headache and nausea;

- often this condition is a symptom of viral diseases;

- sinusitis, tonsillitis and sinusitis also cause headaches;

- it will necessarily occur after traumatic brain injury;

- various vision problems, ranging from increased intraocular pressure and glaucoma to improper selection of glasses can cause headaches;

- this condition is sometimes caused by otitis and dental diseases;

- a constant severe headache and nausea may indicate the development of a brain tumor;

- it can cause and some diseases of endocrine glands, as well as such fairly rare diseases as temporal arteritis and thrombomandibular joint disorder.

Other causes of this condition

But in many cases, absolutely healthy people complain of severe headaches. What to do in this case can be understood if we recall what events preceded this state. After all, pain is often caused by an incorrect way of life and nutrition. What can cause them?

- Most often these are stresses, depressive states and psycho-emotional overstrain;

- nervous and muscular overstrain, as well as excessive mental stress;

- sedentary lifestyle and lack of fresh air;

- Wrong posture, the habit of pressing your legs under your back and hunching your back;

- violation of sleep, night work;

- change in meteorological conditions, sudden hypothermia or heat stroke;

- malnutrition: malnutrition, diets, prevalence of nitrites, caffeine and histamine in food;

- poisoning with alcohol, chemicals and medicines;

- lack of certain vitamins and minerals, for example, deficiency of iron or vitamin B.

Types of headaches

Depending on the reasons, the pain can be different. It can vary in intensity: strong, sharp, dull, aching, pressing or pulsing. Pain can increase gradually or with a change in position, from sounds and odors. Sometimes she subsides while she is in peace and quiet, while she sleeps. Depending on this, you need to choose the means to combat it. Classify the headache also in its place of origin. It can be shrouded when the whole head hurts, and can be localized in one place. This often depends on the causes that cause it. Most often there is pain in the temporal region. It can cause various diseases, stress and poisoning. Pain in the occiput arises from pressure spikes or cervical osteochondrosis. Eye strain and infectious diseases can cause such sensations in the forehead area. Sometimes they are localized on one side. For example, a severe headache in the left side of the head indicates the development of migraine.


It is already clear that the reception of analgesics can not always be a salvation from suffering. If you incorrectly determine the cause and do not eliminate it, then after the cessation of the medication, algia will arise again. Therefore, you need to know why there is a severe headache. What to do to get rid of it, the doctor can advise after the examination. He will find out where the pain is localized, how frequent it is, and when it hurts more. The doctor should definitely tell about additional symptoms: dizziness, nausea, visual disturbances and others. It will be necessary to remember what preceded the appearance of pain, what you took the medicine and how to eat. If necessary, the doctor will appoint additional laboratory tests: usually blood tests, magnetic resonance imaging, brain electroencephalogram and x-ray of the cervical spine. Probably, consultation of other experts: the oculist, the stomatologist, the neurologist and the endocrinologist is required also.

When it is possible to be treated independently

Many people suffer from severe headaches. What to do in this case, some decide on their own. But you can do without visiting a doctor only when you have already been examined and know your diagnosis. If the headaches torture you periodically, and you know their cause, you can not go to the doctor every time, but apply the treatment that he has prescribed to you. When is it necessary to visit a medical institution?

"Your head has fallen ill for the first time, and you do not know what it can be caused."

- Pain arose suddenly, for no apparent reason, and gradually intensified.

- Changed the usual localization and intensity of pain.

- There were additional symptoms: nausea, dizziness, "flies" before the eyes, weakness.

Treatment of headaches

If you know your diagnosis and the cause of this condition, if the pains occur infrequently and pass after the application of medications, you can do self-medication. Most people try to cope with pain using pills. Usually, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and vasodilators are used. But in many cases you can do without these not harmless medications, if you eliminate the causes of pain. Often helps rest, walking in the fresh air, relaxing massage or a warm bath. Many suffer from headache after sleep, meditation or auto-training. People's remedies are very helpful: herbs, compresses and acupressure. In the treatment in a medical institution, physiotherapy can be prescribed: electrophoresis, salt caves, magnetic and laser therapy. In any case, all methods of getting rid of pain should be directed primarily at its cause.

How to help yourself without drugs

If you understand why you have a severe headache, what to do at home to relieve the attack? If it is caused by overwork, you need to take your mind off work, take a walk in the fresh air or just relax. It is useful to drink a decoction of chamomile, valerian, linden or mint.

Then you need to lie down and try to relax. To do this, turn off the computer, TV and radio, pull the curtains. You can include pleasant music and light scented candles. Relax is also helped by a warm bath with sea salt or aromatic oils. It's good to massage your head with your fingers or a warm shower. Sometimes the pain caused by stress, passes, if you tightly tie your head with a towel for about 10 minutes, you can just push on the area of the temples for a while. In some cases, relief comes if you drink warm tea with lemon and honey or simply sweetened water. All other remedies should be selected depending on the reasons for which a severe headache appeared. What to do - in each case the doctor can advise. For example, if you have high blood pressure, you need to take medications to reduce it, during an infectious disease - antiviral and antipyretic drugs, and in case of osteochondrosis, massage. But in any case, measures need to be taken in a timely manner, you can not tolerate it if there is a severe headache.

What to do: what to drink tablets

All drugs for headaches can be divided into several groups. Any of them without a doctor's recommendation can be taken only once - to relieve an attack.

1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help with pain of any origin, in addition, remove inflammation and fever. The best of them are Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproksen, Nurofen, Imet, Ketorolak and others.

2. Spasmolytics are used for pain of tension, spasm of blood vessels, if NSAIDs do not help. Recommended "Papaverin", "Drotaverin", "No-shpa", "Spazgan" and others.

3. If the pain is caused by pressure fluctuations or other vascular disorders, analgesics like Analgin, Nebalgin and others will help in this case. But in combination with them, you need to take vasodilating or special hypertensive drugs.

4. These drugs may not help if a very severe headache occurs. What to do, usually in this state a person can not decide. Composite preparations can quickly bring relief: Pentalgin, Solpadein, Brustan, Novigan and others.

Folk remedies

But sometimes taking medication is not possible for various reasons, but a severe headache. What to do in this case? Many are helped by various herbal preparations, compresses and other traditional medicine. You only need to choose an acceptable treatment for you, which will really ease the condition.

- You can drink warm broths of herbs: St. John's Wort, mother-and-stepmother, oregano, mint, valerian and some others;

- Sometimes it is recommended to rub the whiskey with a lemon peel or garlic juice;

- You can make compresses with butter of lemon, lavender or orange, or simply inhale their smell;

- It is necessary to drink juice of a potato, a spinach or berries of a guelder-rose;

- Ginger tea or tea with cinnamon helps a lot;

- It is recommended to sleep on a cushion of buckwheat husk;

- acupressure and acupuncture are also helpful.

Severe headache during pregnancy

What to do for women waiting for a child, because most drugs they are contraindicated? And pregnant women often have headaches. This is due to hormonal changes in the body of a woman, toxicosis and circulatory insufficiency.

If the head does not hurt very much, you can try to cope with this without drugs. Help can:

- rest and sleep;

- a shower or a warm bath;

- relaxing exercises or breathing exercises;

- massage the neck and shoulder area;

- warm or cold compress on the bridge of the nose and forehead with pain in this area, and also on the neck in case of a severe headache in the neck.

What if these methods do not help? You can take one pill of pain medication. If you do this infrequently, it will not bring harm. What kind of medicine is acceptable for pregnant women? In small doses "Citramon" or "Paracetamol" is allowed, there is also a little known drug - "Acetaminophen". It is strictly forbidden to drink "Nurofen", "Aspirin" and analgesics. These same rules should be followed and during lactation, if there is a severe headache. "What should I do: I feed the child, but I do not have the strength to endure it?" - Women are often interested. There are compatible breastfeeding drugs, mainly based on paracetamol. This is "Kalpol", "Etherlangan" or "Panadol". They are least harmful to the child, but often they should not be taken.

Headache in children

Small patients are much more difficult to treat, because often they can not accurately describe their condition. Therefore, in case of a headache, you need to show the child to the doctor. Only by diagnosing, the doctor can determine how to cope with the problem. In addition to the pain associated with various health problems, modern children often experience tension pains and even suffer from migraines. To help the kid can a light massage, peace and sleep, lime tea or a cool compress. For a one-time withdrawal of a severe attack, it is permissible to give the child medicines based on paracetamol. Most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics for children under 12 years are contraindicated.

Prevention of headaches

As you know, all drugs are unsafe for health. Therefore, it is better not to allow the state when you need to drink strong drugs. For those who are regularly concerned about headaches, it is very important to observe the correct regime of the day, go to bed on time and walk more outdoors. It is necessary to lead an active way of life, spend less time at the TV and computer. It is also very important to monitor food, because many products can cause headaches: coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks, canned food and sausages. They should be avoided. Refuse should also be on alcoholic beverages and smoking.

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