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Chichikov's attitude to Manilov. Poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a recognized classic of Russian literature. And the greatest names in it are somehow connected with innovation. In this sense, Nikolai Vasilyevich is no exception. For example, he called the work Dead Souls a poem, although it is written in prose, not poetry. This he emphasized the special importance of his creation. The poem, recall, is a lyric epic work of volume, which is distinguished by a wide coverage of the events presented, as well as the depth of content. However, this is not limited to Gogol's innovation.

Critical realism of Gogol

In Russian literature, with the advent of satirical works created by this author, a critical trend is being strengthened at the time in realistic literature. Gogol's realism is saturated with a scourging, accusatory force - in this its main difference from contemporaries and predecessors. The artistic method of the writer was appropriately named. It is called critical realism. Gogol's new character is the sharpening of the main character traits . Hyperbole becomes his favorite method. This is an amplifying impression of an exaggerated image of the main features.

The chapter on Manilov in the series of other chapters on the landlords

Before considering Chichikov's attitude to Manilov, we briefly describe the structure of the work, the role of these two characters in it. The chapters on landlords are an important part of the poem. They are given more than half the volume of the first volume. Gogol arranged them in an order that is strictly thought out: first - Manilov, a wasteful dreamer, which is replaced by the thrifty mistress of the Box; The latter is opposed to Nozdrev, a scoundrel, a ruined landlord; After this, again, there is a turn to the landlord-kulak-the economic Sobakevich. Closes the gallery Plyushkin - a miser, embodying the extreme degree of degeneracy of this class.

Techniques that the author uses

We notice when reading a work that the author repeats the techniques in the image of each of the landowners. First comes the description of the village, the house, the appearance of this or that hero. After that follows the story of how he reacted to Chichikov's proposal. Then comes the image of the relationship of this hero to each of the landlords and, finally, the scene of buying and selling. And this is not accidental. The closed circle of receptions was created by the author in order to show the backwardness, the conservatism of provincial life, the limited and closedown of the landlords. He emphasizes dying and stagnation.

Characteristic Chichikov, his attitude to Manilov

Chichikov almost to the last chapter of the work remains for the reader a stranger. The main character throughout the book does not say anything about himself. The activities of this man unfolds only around the purchase of dead souls. There is a feeling that he himself can be ranked among them. Other characters also replenish this series. Human nature is distorted in its own way by each of them, which is reflected in the poem "Dead Souls".

The image of Chichikov belongs to the type of "average person". The passion for profit replaces everything else. To the landlords, it refers, respectively, to their behavior in relation to the transaction. The main thing for him is to get dead souls. To those who easily provides him with this opportunity, he is grateful. This we will see on the example of Manilov ("Dead Souls"). The image of Chichikov in accordance with Gogol's tradition hyperbolically depicts one main feature. In his case, this is a passion for profit. In committing a crime, Chichikov must be a subtle psychologist and physiognomist. However, he sees in the heroes only the private, which Gogol seeks to lead to a common, generic. What generalizes images is an author's characteristic. Chichikov's attitude to Manilov, as well as to other landowners, is entirely based on the degree of successful business relations.

The image of Manilov

About Manilov, courteous and "very courteous" landowner, we learn from the first chapter of "Dead Souls." In it, the author depicts the appearance of this hero, emphasizing his eyes, "sweet as sugar." Manilov's character manifests itself in a special manner of conversation, in the use of delicate speech. Ignorance of this hero of people, his good-heartedness are revealed when he assesses city officials as "the most prettiest" and "most honorable" people. This is the characteristic of Manilov.

Gogol step by step inexorably denounces the vulgarity of this man. Satire replaces the irony. The children of this landowner (Themistoclus and Alcides) are named after the ancient Greek generals in order to show that their parents are educated. Manilov tearfully complacent, deprived of real feelings and lively thoughts. This landowner himself is a dead soul, doomed to destruction like the entire autocratic-feudal system of our country of that time. Socially dangerous, "manilovs" are harmful. From their management one can expect the most unfortunate economic consequences.

Two Manilov's guises

What is Chichikov's attitude to Manilov? He gets acquainted with this at first glance pleasant person at the governor's ball. The protagonist immediately receives an invitation from him to visit his estate - Manilovka. After this, Chichikov meets with Manilov in the village.

The first impression of the protagonist: this is a nice fellow. However, the characterization of the landowner subsequently changes. We look at him already with the eyes of Gogol, who says that he is "neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan." They hide behind the external sweetness of this man, as we see, egoism and callousness, which reveals the author's characteristic of Manilov. The landlord is only busy with his own person. He does not follow the economy at all. The housekeeper and the clerk are in charge of affairs, theft is stealing in his household. Nothing much is not interested in this character. His leisure is completely occupied with unrealizable dreams and empty reflections. He speaks very little, and it is unclear what is on his mind. Always on the table of this landowner was a book that was laid down on one page. Incompleteness reigned even in the setting of his house. For years, a part of the armchairs stood, covered with matting, lacked furniture in some rooms. This reveals the nature of the landowner as well as possible. Manilov - rather a collective image, not a specific person. It is a landlord belonging to the Nicholas epoch.

Manilov's office

Let's continue the analysis of the episode "Chichikov from Manilov". After a long lunch with numerous compliments to the address of the visitor and hosts, the conversation goes to the next stage. Chichikov starts the business proposal. The description of the office of Manilov shows how much he really is not disposed to any kind of labor activity. The chair, four chairs, the walls are painted with gray or blue paint. But there is more tobacco. It is located in different corners of the cabinet in various forms. Everywhere reigns desolation and disorder.

Manilov's dreams

It turns out during the conversation that the landowner does not even have an idea of the number of peasants who have died. For him, there are more important matters than the management of the economy. He dreams of building a large bridge across the river, on which merchants will sell all sorts of small things to the peasants. Manilov has a desire to alleviate the fate of the serf, but care of him in practice is not realized in any way. Chichikov therefore never managed to find out the number of dead souls of this man. But this does not stop him.

How did Manilov react to Chichikov's proposal

The reaction of Manilov to Chichikov's proposal is interesting. This hero immediately dropped the tube on the floor and opened his mouth, and remained in this position for several minutes. Quite confused the landowner. Only assurances about the legality of such an operation brought him a little to life. Manilov is too stupid to convict Chichikov of fraud, but agrees, nevertheless, "it is of no interest" to transmit dead souls. Of course, this statement was very pleased guest. Chichikov told the landlord a lot of thanks, "prompted by gratitude." Instantly, Manilov forgets about the turmoil.

He already by and large does not care why a guest needs dead souls. He is glad that he has done a pleasant service for a man. This is the landowner Manilov. Concluding the scene of the visit, Gogol writes that for a long time both friends shook hands with each other and looked into each other's eyes, which were filled with tears. An interesting detail that vividly characterizes both. The attitude of Chichikov to Manilov in this final scene is fully revealed. The deal was very easy for him.

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