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Stroke of the brain, can it be recognized?

Stroke is a disease in which there is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. This is due to rupture of the artery with an aneurysm (hemorrhagic stroke) or with thrombosis of the arteries (ischemic). When the arteries of the brain break, any area is filled with blood and normal brain work is disrupted . With ischemic stroke there is a blockage of blood vessels, and the blood can not move along them. As in the first, and in the second case, in the brain tissues there are serious changes, up to the withering away of individual sites.

Violation of speech in stroke occurs in those cases when the region of the brain that is responsible for speech dies. In certain, severe cases, this process is irreversible, but in general, speech, as a rule, is restored. It happens that speech is restored in part, so this person is difficult to understand. But with timely assistance, with the help of medications, you can minimize the consequences of a stroke.

The stroke of the brain has a pronounced symptomatology. The beginning, as a rule, is sudden. The face becomes blushing, there is a loud breath. The eye gap, on the side of the hearth, usually closes less, the corner of the mouth is lowered. Automated movements take place in healthy limbs. Hypotension of paralyzed limbs. Not articulate speech, fever, headache. In some cases, vomiting and involuntary urination (extensive stroke).

Coma in stroke occurs in very severe cases: it is associated with loss of consciousness until 28 hours. Accordingly, with coma, treatment is delayed, and the outlook is not always positive. After a severe coma, a person remains disabled, confined to bed for the rest of his days.

Stroke of the brain, can it be recognized? Presence of symptoms, speaks about the possibility of an occurring stroke. Therefore, it is not necessary to build theories and run around the patient in circles. We urgently need to call an ambulance. The earlier the patient will receive first aid, the better the treatment will be. It is necessary to give the patient more fresh air, peace.

Physicians around the world are concerned about the problem of "rejuvenation" of cerebral stroke. If another 30-40 years ago it was a problem for people who are clearly more than 60, then for today, few people will be surprised by a stroke slightly after 40. This is due to the deterioration of the overall standard of living, environmental conditions, stress. Young men today can not realize themselves, as the unemployment rate is steadily growing. Against this background there are stresses that can cause a stroke. But, as it was before, basically this disease is inherent in older people. In the brain, there are synovial events with occlusion and thinning of the walls of the vessels. If we talk about gender, the number of cerebral strokes after 60 years is approximately the same, both among women and men.

There is another factor contributing to the onset of a stroke. This is stress. Negative emotions, which accumulates in a person, are fraught with the onset of strokes. Stress provokes the release of adrenaline into the blood, which in turn affects the increase in blood pressure and increases, respectively, the pulse. If we add cerebral atherosclerosis (cerebral vessels) to this, then the thin walls of the vessels are simply torn. And as a result, there is a stroke with all the burdensome consequences.

A stroke of the brain occurs where the person takes little care of their health. Excessive consumption of alcohol, fatty foods and especially harmful smoking, in which the vessels suffer. Beforehand, taking care of your health, you can avoid such a terrible disease as a stroke.

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