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How to normalize the work of the intestine

Disorder of the bowel usually refers to the manifestations of diarrhea and flatulence, heartburn and heaviness in the stomach. The reasons for this may be a lot: poisoning with toxins contained in poor-quality food, drinking water and food with unusual composition of microelements for the organism, infection with pathogenic microorganisms, etc. Another reason for the disorder of bowel functioning is the use of antibiotic therapy, which causes antibiotic diarrhea.

Before the beginning of treatment, before normalizing the work of the intestine, it is necessary to understand that if diarrhea is multiple and accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature and vomiting, urgently need to see a doctor. If the disorder is expressed only by diarrhea, the normalization of the intestinal function is possible on its own with the use of OTC medicines.

Recommendations how to improve the bowel work set, here are some of them:

- the liquid should be consumed before meals, otherwise digestive juices are washed into the lower intestine. This leads to a constant overstrain of the secretory apparatus and, ultimately, to gastritis.

- after a meal you can drink only after 2.5-3 hours, since the use of a large amount of liquid creates a load on the liver and pancreas. Since it is impossible to normalize the work of the intestine in a very short time, the output can be found in the rinsing of the oral cavity with water.

- Another recommendation how to normalize the work of the intestines can be the use of a glass of warm water in the mornings mixed with 1 tsp honey and apple cider vinegar 15 minutes before meals.

- the food should be thoroughly chewed, without washing down.

- Do not eat in a state of excessive emotional stress, in this case it is better to skip a few meals.

- Do not take too hot or cold food, as well as unusual food in large quantities. Digestive enzymes are most active if the food has body temperature.

- take food only in case of a feeling of hunger. Often because of the lack of food culture, an irresistible desire to eat something to eat. This false sense of hunger has nothing to do with the needs of the body in nutrition and has a rapid deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract.

- a useful advice how to normalize the work of the intestine is the use of mono-diet on kefir, which must be adhered to for several days before the appetite.

Experts advise to improve the work of the intestine to reduce the amount of raw food in the diet, as cooked foods are easier to digest. Also, avoid heavy flour, fried foods and crushed cereals. The interval between meals should be at least 3-4 hours. It is undesirable to read or watch television while eating.

Good results are obtained by cleansing the intestine in various ways. The task of any purification procedure is to remove toxins and toxins from the body. Treatment of any disease must begin with cleansing of the large intestine. The easiest way is enemas, which allow you to get rid of 80% of diseases. The basis is taken boiled water, softened with lemon or apple cider vinegar, a solution of manganese-acid potassium. To enhance the effect for enemas, infusions of chamomile and celandine are used.

With regard to the prevention of intestinal disorders, the rules of it are known to everyone from childhood - it is compliance with personal hygiene and careful heat treatment of food. It is necessary to boil milk, wash and clean vegetables and fruits, roast the meat until it is ready.

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