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Sisters Rezakhanov: history. The operation to separate the Zita and the Gita of the Rezakhanovs

This article is devoted to the history of the life of Siamese twins Zita and Gita Rezakhanov, who became world famous after the operation for their separation, which was successfully carried out by Russian surgeons. Girls and their loved ones, from the very moment of conception, were destined to face trials that many people may find unbearable.

An exception to the rule or a mistake of nature?

Siamese twins are twins who are not just alike. They divide into two parts of the body and even internal organs. Born into the light, these babies, not divided inside the uterus during the embryonic development, are connected to each other. Few of the representatives of this category survive or can lead a full-fledged way of life, but sometimes there are truly miracles. Such are the sisters Rezakhanov, whose photos repeatedly flew around the world.

Unbelievable but true

The sisters born in Kyrgyzstan are referred to ishiopagas, in which the lower parts of the body in front or the fused spines can be connected, and the bodies are deployed in opposite directions. They are distinguished by one feature - a common pelvic ring-shaped. Such a pair of twins usually has three or four lower extremities, a large intestine in them fused, one bladder and one uterus or two eggs depending on the gender of the twins.

Test for the whole family

Siamese twins Zita and Gita Rezahanova had a common pelvis, three legs, everything else has its own. These unusual twins were born in 1991 in a rural area of Kyrgyzstan. The fact that girls were born was a real blow for the family. Relatives forbade mothers to communicate with girls, even her father was against communication. Most friends advised simply to abandon them. But the mother's heart was rushing to the hospital for special daughters. The emotional state of the mother was approaching the critical point every day. Doctors to relieve stress and switch the woman's mind, advised to give birth to more. But even after the birth of a healthy girl, Zumriat did not stop thinking about the twins.

Long way to victory

For eleven long years, the parents of Rashid and Zumriyat Rezakhanovs were unsuccessfully searching for any opportunity to alleviate the fate of their daughters.

At that time in Kyrgyzstan, doctors were not able to do anything to help - operations to separate the Siamese twins there simply did not. And all the appeals of the mother to any instances of the country did not yield any results. The whole family cherished hope for the separation of twins, in every sincere prayer to God the same request sounded. Parents also applied to Dagestan, where their ancestors had been deported, but requests for help remained unheard. Mother did not give up trying to help Zita and Gita, she was looking for an opportunity to do an operation in the near abroad. But even Russia was silent. Only German journalists responded. Representatives of a well-known television company in exchange for permission to make a film about unusual twins promised to raise money. The film was shot, but forgot about the help, although half of the amount was already collected at that time.

When the circle is closed

The Rezakhanov sisters with their parents, in anticipation of the operation, came to Germany, where they got acquainted with the Odessa-speaking Russian-speaking Jews. The number of people not indifferent to the fate of the twins grew. Some of them turned to the mosque with a request to help their coreligionists, but, unfortunately, the Muslims did not help. Others sought support from FC Bayern München and found the missing amount, but as it turned out, the funds raised by the TV company had disappeared somewhere by this time. The circle was closed, the operation did not take place. Despair of parents and girls was no limit. They were forced to return home with nothing.

Unexpected Rescue

Thanks to the fact that Zita and Gita Rezakhanov became known to many near and far from the Kyrgyz village, assistance came from a Russian TV presenter with a medical education - Elena Malysheva. But the case was unique, and she was doubted about the expediency of such an operation.

The problems that were to be overcome

Preparation has begun. Analyzes were satisfactory, therefore, it is possible to carry out the operation. Zita and Gita Rezakhanov were very much waiting for her. In spite of everything, the division operation took place. She passed 26.03.2003 in the children's city hospital named after Filatov under the guidance of academician A. Isakov. Even without mentioning the special complexity of this operation, physicians faced with such problems:

  • Determination of the correct dosage of the drug, since these are still two different people;
  • On whom to stop their choice in the event that it will be impossible to save life for both.

Incredible result

The duration of the operation was 12 hours. As a result, for the first time in the world, it was possible to separate the Siamese twins, who had common unpaired organs of the pelvic region, and at the same time save life for both. During the operation, one leg was removed. As a result, each of the girls received one lower limb. Later they will have the opportunity to move independently with the help of a prosthesis, but for now many months of recovery have been coming.

Path through thorns

Twins Zita and Gita Rezakhanov came to the rehabilitation center, then they were pupils of several orphanages and boarding schools in Moscow and the region. Three years later, Rezakhanov's sisters returned to their home, but visited Moscow every year for medical examination and replacement of prostheses.

There was almost no help from the authorities of Kyrgyzstan, the family received only a benefit, just over 1000 rubles. Compatriots from Dagestan in the face of successful businessmen to help the girls, too, took their time. The family lived at the expense of the household: cows and crops from the field, and the maintenance of the health of Zita and Gita required more and more financial costs. The money came only after the charitable actions. So, in May 2009 in the capital of Kyrgyzstan , a charity event was held, dedicated specifically to the sisters Rezakhanov. People responded to someone else's trouble. And as a result, they collected almost a million rubles for the operation and treatment of twins. But Sisters Zita and Gita Rezakhanov decided to help other children with this money and organized a fund to help disabled children.

The highest state officials also took part

Time passed, and the health of the twins required the intervention of doctors. Very come in handy money, listed by the President of the Chechen Republic R. Kadyrov in early 2012. A number of operations were performed, but now they were related to the problems of the organism of each individual.

Girls grew up, problems became more and more

The Rezakharov sisters were under the constant supervision of doctors, took the necessary medications. Spiritually, they were very close and practically did not exist without each other. They have common interests, friends ... and the moral state is also common. After growing up, they more realistically evaluated their prospects. Zita and Gita Rezakhanov were disappointed that they could never hear the laughter of their children. The uniqueness of the figure did not allow them to wear a fashionable outfit. Yes, and to have full fun at the holiday, having a leg prosthesis is hardly possible. Hence the feeling of inferiority, dissatisfaction with life, which inevitably leads to depression, is born. Sadness, melancholy, tears became commonplace, and there was still no hope of getting a free medical education at a Moscow college, where they promised to enroll without entrance examinations. That's when the sisters decided to devote themselves to the service of God and set about studying the sacred books in the madrassas at the mosque.

Taking the blow of fate on myself

A lot of girls had in common, but this did not concern the state of health. It so happened that the body of the Gita more successfully coped with the tests that fell to him. The girl continues to study diligently and even teaches others herself. Zeta destiny prepared something else. Her health was much more vulnerable than her sister's. She underwent more surgery, having spent many months in a hospital bed. Zita was refused kidneys, a complicated surgical operation was performed in the abdominal cavity. Leading specialists took part in it: proctologist, urologist, gynecologist. Still, no one could guarantee a successful outcome of the operation. Too abnormal was the abdominal cavity of the patient, and the abscess in the uterus reached a menacing size. But Zita won, she survived!

Apparently, it was fated so

The joy was short-lived. Internal inflammation began, followed by blood infection and a coma. It seemed like everything was hopeless, but life still lasted! In the middle of autumn of 2014, cardiac arrest occurred, but it was "started up" again. At the edge of death, the girl was about two years old with a constant high temperature, chronic inflammation of the lungs and all the same contamination of blood. She had problems with vision, she saw only one eye, and even then it's bad. Doctors with all the strength of medicines and achievements of medicine fought for Zita's life. Diseases were advancing, and the vital forces of the body melted with inexorable speed. Zita died in late October 2015.

These are the two extraordinary fates of the twin girls who were once a single whole. The Rezakhanov sisters deserve respect for the fact that, in spite of everything, they did not give up and tried to find their place in life.

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