LawHealth and Safety

Security: the concept and types

Since there are many threats in the modern world, it makes sense to consider the essence of security in its various manifestations.

Description of the concept of "security"

In order to understand this concept, it is worth initially referring to one of the most reliable sources - legislation. In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, as security, it is possible to determine the state of protection of the important interests of society, the state and the individual from external and internal threats. Under the important interests is to understand the totality of those needs, the satisfaction of which is necessary for the reliable provision of the possibility of progressive existence and the existence of both the state and society.

It is worth paying attention to factors that jeopardize security. The concept of the threat itself should be considered as follows: it is a combination of various factors and conditions that can create a danger to the vital interests of society, the state and the individual. In order to protect both public and personal interests, certain tools were created. These include the maintenance of a balance between the interests of the state and the individual, the legality and mutual responsibility of the subjects and society.

Security Objects

In order to fully understand the concept of security, you need to pay attention to its objects. This definition is fair in relation to citizens (their freedom and rights), the state (sovereignty, territorial integrity, constitutional order) and society (spiritual and material values).

In turn, the content of security activities is determined by the potential and real threat to the above-described objects, which can be represented by both internal sources of danger and external ones.

For the concept of security to be fully realized, the legislation of the Russian Federation defines its integrated form. It's about national security. Its key components are the protection of information and economic interests. This is important for the reason that processes within these two segments mediate and accompany all sectors and spheres of public administration, both in a narrow and broad sense.

The basic concepts of security, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, are aimed at protecting the multinational people of the state, since it is the only source of power and the custodian of sovereignty in the Russian Federation.

What is the essence of life safety

If we consider the concept of the security of citizens somewhat wider, it is worth paying attention to life and factors that are a potential threat to it.

For a more objective assessment of the issue of protection, a separate educational area, called "Life Safety", was developed.

Under the most vital activity is to understand the process of human transformation of information, energy or matter in the environment, and in itself.

Given this terminology, the definition of "safety" is reduced to a specific level of quality of life, in which there are no threats and dangers that can cause significant damage.

Community Security

The very fact of having social ties and uniting people increases the level of protection effectiveness of each individual person. It should be noted that there is a possible contradiction between two goals: the security of society and a particular individual. The fact is that under certain circumstances it becomes impossible to fulfill these two conditions simultaneously. For example, when a certain person begins to pose a danger to the interests of the society, his own safety is threatened.

In general, it can be considered spiritually mature that the community, whose participants in critical situations are able to place the safety of the majority above the personal well-being. At the same time, it is important to have morals and laws that provide privileges and honor to those who sacrifice their own interests for the sake of the majority, as well as their descendants. If this is not done, then the essence of the concept of "community security" Will lose its value.

How to ensure safety

To prevent circumstances and actions that can be dangerous for both citizens and the state as a whole, certain measures are used:

- Legal regulation in the field of security;

- definition of strategic planning and public policy in this area;

- organization of scientific activities aimed at developing methods of threat prevention;

- forecasting, identification, evaluation and analysis of factors that threaten security;

- the international cooperation;

- development, production and subsequent introduction of modern types of special and military equipment, as well as weapons;

- the formation and implementation of a set of long-term and operational measures aimed at identifying, preventing and eliminating security threats;

- localization and subsequent neutralization of the impact of factors identified as dangerous;

- competent coordination of activities of state, federal authorities, as well as municipal structures in the field of security;

- financing of expenses aimed at formation of effective protection from potential threats.

Methods for providing protection from potential threats

The term safety also includes the use of certain techniques that guarantee the absence of a threat:

- creation of a protection system;

- prevention of attack;

- the formation of a system that will eliminate the consequences of destructive actions;

- Destruction of sources of threats;

- Increased resistance to destructive factors.

Economic security

The essence of this concept is reduced to that state of institutions of power and economy, in which it becomes possible to ensure the protection of national interests. It is a question of sufficient defense potential and socially directed development of the country even in the case when internal and external processes create extremely unfavorable conditions.

Studying the notion and types of security, it is worthwhile to understand that economic protection is not a theoretical construction, but a practical protection of the interests of the nation. It is possible to provide it if the ability and willingness of the institutions of power to form mechanisms for the socio-economic stabilization of society, as well as protection and realization of the interests of the development of the state economy.

Types of economic security

This set of measures to protect national interests can be divided into several key areas:

- Energy security. This state of fuel and energy areas

- Defense. It is about the structure of the army and its readiness to reflect external threats.

- Food. In this case, it is worthwhile to understand such a state of the Russian economy and the agro-industrial complex, including, in which the population will be provided with all the necessary resources, guarantees and potential. At the same time, the state food reserve should not decrease under the influence of internal and external conditions.

- Defense industry. The state of the military-industrial complex is implied, allowing to maintain defense security even under the most unfavorable scenarios of the development of the international situation. This includes protection in the event of a significant decrease in geopolitical status.

- Financial. This term is understood as the state of the financial and banking system, under which it becomes possible to guarantee the general economic conditions for the functioning of market institutions and state authorities.

Information Security

In general, there are three key types of such protection: engineering, organization, and law.

To study the concept of security, which is important for the state and society of information, is better from the legal ensuring of its integrity. It is this set of measures that can be considered as the basis for the other two types of protection.

In the conditions of technological development, there was a need to ensure information security (IP) within the legal framework, due to the possibility of computer crimes. Legal support for IP is based on regulations and decrees in force in the country, through which the handling of information and liability in the event of their violation is regulated. The state is responsible for the implementation of the IP legal support.

Organizational measures to protect information include actions that allow to regulate the functional systems of data processing, the exploitation of their resources, the activities of personnel of a particular institution and the procedure for interaction with the user system. The result of such a complex of measures is the exclusion of any opportunities to implement potential threats of IP.

Engineering and technical support has two areas of implementation:

- software and hardware-software protection of data;

- Physical protection of elements of information systems.

In the first direction, protection measures such as anti-virus scanners, audit systems, system and network monitors, etc. are used.

As for the second direction, in this case, physical methods of protection of cable systems, power supply and data are used, for which their duplication is used.

If we draw a general conclusion as to how the concept and types of security that integrate into modern life systems influence the life of society, then one can come to the conclusion that protection is one of the key conditions for the harmonious existence of the society.

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